Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 574 The Martial Arts World shocked!
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Chapter 574 The Martial Arts World shocked!

Finn killed two higher ninjas!

Although Finn used guns, He killed them!

Two higher ninjas!

In Country C, they were two Martial Arts Masters!

Finn killed them?!

"Elder Potter, the identities of these two ninjas have been found out." Soon, the Warriors' League

officers found out the identity of John Satio and Yoshimasa Chiba.

"Are they really higher ninjas?" Potter asked in a hurry. Although Finn's message showed that both

were higher ninjas, he still couldn't believe what Finn said.novelbin


"These two people, one named John, and the other named Yoshimasa."

"John is a higher ninja. More than ten years ago, he reached the level of higher ninjas. However,

Miyamoto's Family declared to the public that John died suddenly. It seems that John bear did not die

at all. Miyamoto's Family lied at that time."

"This time when Finn went there, Miyamoto's Family sent John again. They planned to kill Finn with

John because John has no apparent identity."

"In the same way, Yoshimasa is also a higher ninja. Five years ago, when he was in the process of a

task, he was ambushed and seriously injured."

"At that time, Matsushima's Family declared that Yoshimasa had died, but now it seems that

Matsushima's Family also lied."

The officer of the Warriors' League calmly said the information of John and Yoshimoto.

Inside the conference room, many Warriors' League leaders were shocked.

Finn really killed two higher ninjas!

And they had been higher ninjas for more than ten years!

"How did he kill them?" Someone asked, "higher ninjas were not weak."

They are the best!

Generally speaking, thermal weapons such as guns couldn't threaten the higher ninjas. They could felt

the danger with their reaction speed so that guns couldn't hurt them at all.

However, John and Yoshimasa were killed by bullets.

"Finn didn't explain how he killed them. He just asked us to post these photos to the Forum on Martial

Arts." An officer said.

"Elder Potter, shall we send them? "

"Of course!"

"Why not?" Potter sneered: "they have already done the first; we naturally want to do the next."

"Elder Potter, if this picture is sent out, the field of martial arts will be crazy. If they bother Finn at that


"If we don't send photos, they won't bother Finn?" Potter asked in return. The field of martial arts had a

bad relationship with them. When Finn did those things, their hostility could not be alleviated.

"So it is."

"However, the safety of Finn is a question. The field of martial arts will pursue him."

"Shall we give Finn some proper help?" Someone suggested.

At that time, Finn's level was near to Grandmaster.

If he died, it would make unimaginable losses to the field of military arts.

Potter frowned tightly, obviously thinking about the feasibility of the suggestion.

After a while, he shook his head: "No."

"We can't help Finn at present."

"Finn's dilemma can only be solved by Grandmasters."

"But in the early years, there was an agreement between the field of martial arts and them. Without

permission, Grandmasters on both sides were not allowed to enter the territory of the other side. If they

forcibly step into the territory, it will be regarded as opening the battle of Grandmasters..."

"You should understand what it means to open the battle of Grandmasters." Potter glanced at


Grandmasters were the most powerful people of all countries. In recent decades, there was almost no

war at this level in the world.

The field of military arts in Country C could never start it.

"Send the video and photos to the Forum on Martial Arts first." Potter sighed. The only thing the Martial

arts' League could do is to help Finn in public opinion.

At late night, a message completely exploded the Forum on Martial Arts.

"The QS Chamber of Commerce has set an ambush together with the GH Group. There are two higher

ninjas, ten vantage ninjas, and 100 elites. Finn has killed all of them. There is no exception."

The message's content was very simple, with only a short line of words, a video, and a few photos.

However, this short line had completely exploded the Forum on Martial Arts.

That night, countless warriors around the world were woken up from their dreams.

When they saw the bloody photos on the forum, everyone was shocked.

Finn had gone there to save her?!

What's more, he killed two higher ninjas?!

At this moment, all the Martial Artists were stunned.

No one had expected that Finn would save her so fast.

It was only five hours after the Warriors' League of the Country C showed Finn's live broadcast.

Finn ran from the Country C to there just five hours and killed more than 100 of them.

Among them, there were two higher ninjas!

It was unbelievable!

"Country C, Finn, he is too horrible."

"Haha, previously in Country C, there was someone who said that he was the Obscure Period's top

level. It's ridiculous! Finn must at the middle stage of the Transformed Period!"

"Maybe not. There is no direct evidence to prove that Finn killed them only with his own power. They

were both killed by hot weapons."

Many Martial Artists discussed Finn's strength, and some Martial Artists began to discuss the life of

saving Wendy.

"Didn't the Warriors' League say that Finn would broadcast the Grandmaster's descendant's whole

rescue? Why didn't he do it?"

"Live streaming? Saving the descendant? Don't you understand? The Livestream was just an excuse.

From beginning to end, Finn did not intend to Livestream at all. The Livestream is just used to attract

enemies' attention."

"Haha, those top masters are so stupid that they believe what Finn said."

"In fact, it's because they haven't reacted yet. They didn't expect that Finn would be so fast. If they had

enough time to react, they wouldn't have been so miserable."

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