Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 439 Last Name, Chen
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Chapter 439 Last Name, Chen

Leah Lin's harsh words immediately made Gloria Lin feel ashamed. If Leah had dared to speak to her

in this tone in the past, she would have slapped Leah on the face, but now…

Not to mention slap her, she dare not say anything hurtful to Leah.

When Gloria was puzzled about how to continue to ask for Maura, Maura took an indifferent look at

Gloria and said, "Enough, go back."

"Go back?"

Gloria's body stiffed, and her expression was bitter. What was the meaning of "go back"? Was this to

evict her?

"I'll help you with the hotel." As if knowing what Gloria was thinking, Maura added.

After hearing this, Gloria looked ecstatic.

"Thank you, Maura! Thank you!"

"No need." Maura's attitude was still indifferent. The reason why she made such a decision was not

that she sympathized with Gloria, but because she did not want to continue to talk with Gloria.

Of course, if after this, Gloria had not learned a lesson and continued to make trouble, then next time,

she would never be soft-hearted.

After Lucia Fang saw off Gloria, Leah began to worry again.

"Maura, are you contacting with that loser? "Leah couldn't help asking. It was not hard to know what

Gloria said just now. She came to the company in the morning to find fault, Yates' Hotel was closed

down right in the afternoon.

How quickly Finn dealt with it!

So the question was, why did Finn deal with it so quickly? Did Maura tell him about Gloria's behavior?

"No." Maura shook her head.

"No?" Leah still had doubts, "How could that loser know about you and your aunt's business?"

"You have too many questions." Maura took a quiet look at Leah, and it was not weird at all for Finn to

react so quickly because he was in the company.

Maura's indifference made Leah stunned. Generally speaking, Leah should shut up now. But when she

thought of Maura and Finn got back together, Leah couldn't help speaking again.

"Maura, don't blame your mother for being nosy. You've divorced that loser, and you're still the

president of a large group. That loser was not qualified to be your husband before. Now, he is not even

qualified to be a cleaner... "

"Loser?" Without waiting for Leah to finish her sentence, Maura suddenly gave a sneer and interrupted

Leah, "Mom, if I told you that all the things I have today were given by the loser you mentioned, what

would you think?"

"That loser?" Leah was stunned at first, then looked at Maura with a weird face and said, "Maura, what

nonsense are you talking about? You don't have a fever, do you? How could it be that the loser gave

you all that you have today? "

"What else would that loser do besides disgrace you?"

"I know you don't believe it, but I can tell you clearly that Finn gave me all I have today, including the

position of president I am now." Maura said slightly. From beginning to end, Leah didn't believe that

Finn was a man with tremendous power.

In Leah's eyes, Finn was always a loser who only delivered takeaway.

"It's impossible!"

"How could that loser have so much power?"novelbin

Leah's look was a bit fierce, although she said it was impossible, but in her heart, at the moment, she

could not help but suspected.

But what Maura said didn't sound like she was lying!

And Yates' Hotel was actually closed down…

Leah didn't dare to think about it anymore. In fact, there was a voice in her heart all the time, that was,

Finn was not as cowardly as he looked like, and he may have some other background.

The reason why there was such a voice was naturally due to the various signs.

The Koenigsegg CCXR worth more than 20 million yuan, and Hans Shen's respectful attitude towards


Everything, if she thought about it carefully, you would find problems.

But Leah didn't think about it!

Every time she wanted to think about it, a voice deep inside told her that this loser couldn't have big

background. If he really had one, he wouldn't be the son-in-law of Shawn's Family, and he wouldn't

suffer from three years of humiliation in Shawn's Family.

Every time, Leah convinced herself that even if there were doubts, she would automatically ignore it.

But now…

"Mom, you're really stupid sometimes." Maura suddenly said with self-deprecating humor, "Stupid

enough that I don't know what to say to you."

"There are a lot of things that you should have figured out since I was the president of Spring Hill."

"But, you did not."

"What do you mean, Maura?" Leah shuddered, and she suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Do you know who invested the 50 billion yuan in Spring Hill?" Instead of answering Leah's question,

Maura raised an interesting one.

"It's Chen's Family." Leah said.

"Why did Chen's family invest 50 billion yuan in the development of Spring Hill in a barren place like

City C? Why don't they invest elsewhere? "

Maura continued to question.

Yeah? Why? In general, a small place like City C was not worth investing 50 billion yuan.

Was it possible…

As if thinking of something, Leah's pupils suddenly narrowed, and then her lips trembled that she could

even say a word.

"Mom, one last thing to remind you, Finn Chen, his last name is Chen!" Maura spoke calmly, word by


The words, like thunder, bombarded Leah's mind.

Leah was dejected and sat down on the ground.

Chen's Family, Finn Chen!

Chen's Family, Finn Chen!!!

The loser she had always looked down on was actually from Chen's Family!

And he was a direct descendant of Chen's Family! Worthy of Chen's Family's 50 billion investment!


Endless regret!

After knowing the truth, Leah felt that she regretted to death!


Why do people from Chen's Family, a trillion powerful family, want to join a small family like the



Why didn't Finn reveal his true identity at first?!

If Finn revealed his identity truthfully, she would not have done that to Finn at all!

She would treat Finn as a guest of honor, and would regard him as a lord!


Compared with Finn, Gavin Shen and President Wang was totally nothing!

They didn't even deserve to serve Finn Chen!

Leah raised her hand and slapped herself hard.

This slap in the face, of course, was the ultimate regret behavior.

At the same time, it was also her punishment for her previous stupidity.

Once upon a time, there was a son-in-law of a trillionaire in front of her, but she did not cherish


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