Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 438 The Reversal of Pubilic Opinion
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Chapter 438 The Reversal of Pubilic Opinion

Gloria Lin had no choice but to drag her tired body back home.

In the next three days, Gloria appeared at the gate of the KM Group on time as if she was going to

work. She would stand there for the whole day.

Her persistent spirit had naturally attracted the attention of many employees of the KM Group.

Soon, there was a rumor that the woman standing at the gate was the same woman who had made the

color paper thing.

Now she came to the KM Group to apologize, but Maura Shawn didn't want to talk to her.

Under the deliberate guidance of Lucia, the news that Gloria asked Maura to arrange Raina Tang as

deputy CEO three days ago quickly spread throughout the company.

For a moment, everyone was talking about it.

No one would have thought that there was such a freak woman as Gloria in the world that she asked

her relatives to make her daughter the deputy CEO. She was too greedy as if the KM Group was

owned by her own family.

She deserved it!

At first, many people sympathized with Gloria. After knowing the truth, they turned to despise her.

At this time, everyone finally understood that the color paper thing before was very likely to be made up

by Gloria in order to frame Maura.

Gradually, public opinion began to reverse.

Although there were some people who still held the same old view about it, they were the minority.

"Maura, your aunt has been standing outside for three days. Don't you want to see her?" On the fourth

day, Leah Lin couldn't stand it anymore. Although Gloria had gone too far before, she was Leah's sister

anyway. She couldn't continue to be indifferent o her.

Maura frowned. It had to be said that what Gloria did was a little beyond her expectation.

She had thought that Gloria would be able to hold on for one or two days at most, but she did not

expect that Gloria would stand till now, and judging from the situation, it seemed that she wanted to

keep standing there.

Why did Gloria insist?

A question emerged in Maura's mind. As far as she knew about her, Gloria didn't seem to be the kind of

person who could insist, unless she had a specific reason.

"Let her come up." Maura asked indifferently. She wanted to know the reason why Gloria insisted.

A few minutes later, Gloria came into the office.

Three days after standing in the blinding sun, Gloria completely looked a different person.

In the past, Gloria was a well-maintained lady, but now, she was a village girl who had been exposed to

the wind and sun all year round.

Leah couldn't even connect the dark-skinned woman in front of her with the past Gloria.

"Maura..." Seeing Maura again, Gloria had an impulse to cry. Only God knew what she had

experienced when she stood outside in the sun.

The change in her appearance was nothing compared to her destroyed and hopeless heart in the past

few days.

At first, she was full of resentment, then she surrendered, and then she begged.

It could be said that her aspiration had been worn out these days.

"Why do you insist on seeing me?"

Maura didn't show any mercy to her. She just wanted to know why Gloria insisted.

"I want to apologize to you, Maura, I was wrong. I had gone too far... "There was a sobbing tone innovelbin

Gloria's voice. It was hard to tell whether she was pretending or showing her true feelings.

"You don't have to apologize." Maura interrupted impatiently. She didn't ask Gloria to come up to


Why not?

Gloria was shocked. What did she mean? Would she not like to forgive her?

"Who asked you to apologize to me? "Maura asked.

"It's Finn…Don't you know? "Gloria was a little stunned. She had thought that Maura knew what Finn

Chen had done secretly, but judging from the expression on her reaction, it was obvious that Maura

knew nothing about it.


Hearing what Gloria said, Maura didn't have any reaction yet, but Leah was like a cat being stepped on

its tail and instantly turned furious.

"Gloria, did you say that it was Finn who asked you to apologize to Maura?" Leah asked, gnashing her

teeth. The name she feared most now was Finn, but she didn't expect it had actually happened.

"It's him." Gloria nodded.

"Why did he ask you to apologize to Maura?! You would do whatever he told you?!"

"He asked someone to close down my husband's hotel." Gloria said with an awkward smile. She

wanted to refuse Finn, but Yates' hotel had been closed down. If she didn't listen to Finn, their family

would have nothing to make a living.

"What?! He asked someone to close down your husband's hotel!? "Leah was shocked. She knew that

her husband owned a hotel because the one thing that Gloria showed off most to her was her

husband's hotel.

But now, Gloria said that her husband's hotel had been closed down.

Besides, it was the loser whom he had always looked down upon. How did he do it?

Compared with Leah's shocking reaction, Maura was much calmer. She finally understood why Gloria

had been so humble these days.

It turned out that Finn was behind all this.

"Maura, I know I was wrong. I won't do it again. Well…can you tell Finn to let go of your uncle? After all,

it's not easy for your uncle to run a hotel. Moreover, all of our families are depending on your uncle to

live on. If the hotel is not unsealed, Raina and I will have nothing to lean on. "Gloria said with a bitter


But Maura said coldly, "I'm not the one you should ask for. I have nothing to do with him now. We've


"Maura, you can be friends even if you get divorced, right?"

"Besides, Finn must still have feelings for you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have helped you like this behind

your back." Gloria smiled awkwardly. After the hotel was closed down for 3 days, the loss of the hotel

had already exceeded a million. If the hotel was still not unsealed, the following loss would probably not

be measured by a million. Therefore, today, no matter what happened, she had to let Maura forgive


"Gloria, I don't like what you said. Maura has divorced that loser. They have nothing to do with each

other! As for the 'feelings' you said, only that loser has feelings for her. she has no feelings for that

loser. "Leah strongly refuted. She could understand that Gloria wanted Maura to help her, but when it

came to Finn, she would not accept it!

It took her a lot of effort to persuaded Maura to divorce Finn. If the two of them got back together

because of this matter, she would rather that Gloria's husband went bankrupt.

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