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Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Since Wilson had taken Emma out for a ride, it was almost 11.00PM by the time Emma went back tothe hotel.

As soon as she got out of the car, she saw Trevor standing on a sidewalk outside the hotel. Thewoman was shocked as she stared at him in disbelief while asking, "W-Why are you here?"

Trevor's expression was sour. Even though he couldn't contact Emma, he could still find out the hoteland room she was lodging in.

He didn't even hesitate as he chose to stay here as well. The first thing he did after placing his luggagewas to knock on the door to her room. However, no matter how many times he knocked, there was noresponse.

As such, he could only wait outside the hotel. He never thought he had to wait until 11.00PM for herreturn.

Trevor's mood was understandably terrible since he was both worried and sad. She was a young andbeautiful girl, yet she had gone out with a man she only met twice, returning almost at midnight. Wasn'tshe scared that she might get abducted?

Meanwhile, Wilson also spotted Trevor while he was in the car. He calmly greeted the latter, "What acoincidence, Mr. Bateson!"

Ever since Wilson knew that Trevor was Emma's ex-husband and that Arianna was Trevor's biological

sister, he didn't have much of a good impression of the Bateson Family as a whole.

However, he still had that new partnership project with Trevor, so he greeted the man out of courtesy.

Had he known before signing the contract that everyone in the Bateson Family treated Emma like that,Wilson definitely wouldn't partner up with Trevor.

"It's not a coincidence." Trevor was filled with rage. "I wonder what you're thinking, Mr. Young, forbringing a young girl home so late at night?"

Beside him, Emma glared at Trevor in annoyance. What is wrong with him? Doesn't he know that he'sbeing rude to Wilson?

Wilson laughed in the car. "You're overthinking things, Mr. Bateson. I simply took her out for dinner,then showed her around the place to get used to the environment."

Now, it was Wilson's turn to ask questions. "However, what position are you in to be questioning me?"

Wilson meant to say that Trevor was just Emma's ex-husband, so what right did he have to questionhim?

Trevor couldn't say anything in reply, and he got mad in an instant. novelbin

He turned and looked at Emma. "Let's talk."

With that, he grabbed Emma's arm, intending to leave with her in tow. However, Emma protested

against his unreasonable act of taking her away just like that.

She hadn't even said goodbye to Wilson. Moreover, Trevor and his rage had appeared out of nowhere,so she found it impossible to understand.

When he saw Trevor's rough actions, Wilson was immediately enraged as well. He turned off theengine, got out of the car, and blocked their way. "Let go of her!" he bellowed in a deep voice.

As he gripped Emma tightly, Trevor coldly met Wilson's gaze. The atmosphere between the twoinstantly tensed up.

Emma didn't want Trevor and Wilson, who were both prominent figures, to break out into a fight at theentrance of the hotel. If anyone saw them, nothing good would come out of it.

Hence, she looked at Trevor and said, "We can talk, but you have to let go of me first."

Trevor finally let go of her. Then, Emma said to Wilson, "It's okay, Uncle Young. You can go back first,and you don't have to worry about me."

Uncle Young?

When Trevor heard Emma calling Wilson that, his mind was immediately filled with rage.

"You're already divorced, so what does he have to talk to you about?" Wilson glanced at Trevor. "Also,do you see how he's treating you? How can I just let you talk to him without getting worried?"

Trevor lifted the corners of his lips upon hearing that. He then sneered and retorted without holding

back, "Are you saying there's no need to worry when she's with you, Mr. Young?"

By then, Trevor had completely forgotten what Zachary had told him, which was to be more careful incase he offended Wilson.

At the thought of Wilson bringing Emma out for most of the night, as well as how Emma had intimatelycalled Wilson 'Uncle Young', Trevor couldn't care less about offending the man.

Meanwhile, Wilson was terribly enraged by Trevor's words. Emma hastily went up to him and soothedthe man by saying, "Please don't get so worked up."

"It's getting late, and you should go home first. I'll call you if anything happens," said Emma. She thenpromised Wilson, "This is your territory, so he can't possibly do anything to me."

She just wanted things to calm down since it was already late at night. Not only that, it wouldn't doanyone any good to be spotted.

With her persistent coaxing, Wilson finally glared at Trevor one last time before he turned around andleft in his car.

As soon as Wilson's car drove out of sight, Trevor walked up to Emma and pulled her along as hestrode off.

He took her to a quiet spot in the hotel garden, suppressing his rage as he reprimanded, "Can't youthink for yourself, Emma? Why did you agree just like that when Wilson said he wanted to be yourgodfather? How can you blindly follow him when he brings you out and sends you back so late atnight?"

Emma couldn't tell Trevor about the weird sense of trust she had toward Wilson, so she could onlyexercise her wrist, which was hurting from Trevor's grip, as she said indifferently, "What does this haveto do with you?"

At a loss for words, Trevor opened his mouth to say something when he heard Emma say mockingly,"Trevor, did you come all the way from Jonestown just to reprimand me and pick a fight with me?"

It would've been fine if Emma hadn't said that, but as soon as she said those words, Trevor's fury fromthe entire night was immediately ignited. He took a step forward and trapped Emma against the wall,narrowing his eyes as he said in a dangerous tone, "You're aware that I came here all the way fromJonestown, huh? In that case, why do you think I rushed here?"

Trevor's interrogation was rather menacing, whereas Emma averted her gaze as she said, "How wouldI know what you're thinking?"

Trevor gritted his teeth and bellowed, "That's because I'm worried about you!"

Emma didn't really want to face Trevor's confession, so she lifted her arms in an attempt to push himaway.

She never believed any of Trevor's nonsense about loving her and worrying for her, but the more heprofessed, the more she found herself believing him.

Trevor took her hands and softened his tone as he looked down at her, sighing. "I was really worriedabout you, and I've missed you a lot. I can't get used to the idea of not seeing you for a few days, sothat's why I came after you."

Before he saw her moments ago, he thought that he was just worried about Emma. However, when hespotted her, he realized in an instant that he had come after her without any hesitation. Moreover, hemissed her deeply and couldn't leave her.

When he understood his feelings for her, she never disappeared from his sight for more than twenty-four hours.

At that thought, Trevor felt his emotions going haywire as he couldn't help but want to lean in and kissher.

After a whole night's worth of worry and fear, he only wanted to do this one thing.

Emma forcefully removed her hands from his grasp in her flustered hurry and gave him an angry slapacross the face.

Is he addicted to kissing or something?

He kissed me once in my own home, and now he's doing it again?

Emma felt that she had to show aggression somehow, or Trevor would only get greedier.

Having been slapped, Trevor stood where he was. He wasn't enraged by the slap, taking Emma's handand saying instead, "Sorry, it's my fault."

"I couldn't help—" Emma ignored him and wriggled free of his grasp, then turned around and joggedtoward the hotel lobby.

Trevor didn't chase after her right away, for he had other important things to do.

At a loss for words, Trevor opened his mouth to say something when he heard Emma say mockingly,"Trevor, did you come all the way from Jonestown just to reprimand me and pick a fight with me?"

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