Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 1259 - A troublesome person
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Chapter 1259 - A troublesome person

Ye Wanwan pondered it and recalled how she talked to Mr. Mu extensively due to her great interest in the Independent State. Back then, Mr. Mumentioned the Fearless Alliance was the faction you wanted to provoke the least in the Independent State.

The Fearless Alliance was a terrifying faction that was filled with experts in the Independent State. The leader was a girl, but she was called BroFlattop in the outside world. She was very mysterious, and outsiders had never seen Bro Flattop's true appearance.

Any faction that offended the Fearless Alliance would be eradicated without a single survivor remaining, not even a chicken...

Ye Wanwan was very curious back then about why their boss’ nickname was Bro Flattop and the metaphorical meaning behind it

Later, she learned that "Bro Flattop” was referring to an animal in the grasslands of Africa; its common name was honey badger.

Since the heads of honey badgers were fairly smooth and looked like flattops from the distance, people called honey badgers “Bro Flattop.”

When Ye Wanwan first saw the name "honey badger.” she thought it was some cute little animal. It wasn’t until she looked it up that she realized howvicious this creature was.

Although there was a tuft of white fur on the top of its head and it looked very adorable, it was listed as the "world’s most fearless animal.”

These creatures didn't fear any kind of animals and their favorite thing to do was stir trouble. They provoked lions and tigers and ate poisonoussnakes like spicystrips. If they weren't fighting, then they were on their way to a fight.

There wasn't any zoo in the world that could enclose them. They were different from other cave animals who liked to stay home; they made tunnelsand caves but didn't like to stay home. They liked to run everywhere and seek thrills

There was logic in the saying, “The poor fear the unreasonable, the unreasonable fear the dense, and the dense fear the fearless.” Even though thehoney badgers themselves didn’t have a large figure, most animals avoided them vehemently because honey badgers liked to take risks, werefearless, could seriously hold grudges, and were immune to poison. Even the large, ferocious animals at the top of the food chain detested themespecially and feared provoking them the most.

Hence, based on this nickname alone, she could wager the kind of troublesome character that was the boss of the Fearless Alliance

However, these dozen or so strongmen with bald’heads were claimingthey were members of the vicious ~and heincus faction of the NIIndepeqdent State—the Fearless

A liance. They even... they even saidshexwas the boss of the FearlessAffance... Content belongs to


Was she dreaming? Cr was there a screw loose in these people's heads

“Boss, allow us to explain. We wereforced to leaye the IndependentState and come to China. Take us.back witty you... We want to rejoin.the Fearless Alliance and stay oyyour ide, Boss.” The leader -."plopped onto the ground andlatched onto Ye Wanwan's: calf,unwilling to let go. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

“Boss, take us back to Fearless Alliance...” the other strong men also pleaded while shedding tears.


Ye Wanwan was bewildered"Boss, we guarantee we'll complete our mission without any mishaps from now on. Take us back to the Fearless Alliance...”The strong men all looked at Ye Wanwan pleadingly.

“I'm sorry... You've mistaken me for someone else...” Ye Wanwan said after examining the men in front of her for a moment.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Although Ye Wanwan knew heroriginal memories were erased by SiYehan already and were forcefully ._supplanted with Ye Wanwan's Nmemaries, she was sure she didn'thold rly connection to theIndependent State and had frothingterdo with the nefarious FearlessAlliance. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

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