Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 1258 - The missing president?
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Chapter 1258 - The missing president?

"What a good move! Donkey roll!” one of the men couldn't help clapping and hollering."F*ck! That's a f*cking secret move of our Fearless Alliance's president... tiger pounce!” the leader was full of shock and disbelief,The leading man had been in the Fearless Alliance longer than the other men, so he knew some snippets of information about the president.

Especially regarding this move, the tiger pounce. Legend said that the president fought with a ferocious tiger in her teens. After killing the tiger, shelearned this move, so this move was developed by the president herself. The president defeated countless experts with this move alone

"Sh*t! Could... could this person be our missing president?!”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

The leader was incredulous and swiftly dashed toward the cars without waiting for the other men to respond.

Upon seeing someone charging forward, the cars were forced to stop.

“Do you f'cking want to die? Get lost! I'm gonna run over you if you don’t!” the driver cursed at the man while peeking his head out."F*ck you!” The leader was enraged and slapped the driver's face immediately.

With a loud bang, the driver fainted

Upon seeing this, the doors of all the cars opened and a dozen or so men in black exited the cars.

“You have helpers?

These men in black naturally thought these people who appeared cut of nowhere were Ye Wanwan'’s helpers, so they didn't ask anything further andsurrounded the strong man in an instant.

"Oh look, you have a backbone! How many days has it been since I've trained...” the lead man sneered and looked at them like they were his prey.“Let us help!

Soan, the other strong men also swiftly ran up, itching to give ita try.

"Shoo shoo shoo. They're all mine... No one can steal from me!” The leading strong man shook his head.

Seeing the strong men’s antics, the men in black were infuriated.


Ye Wanwair's expression shifted

when she:Saw the man's martial. arts

skills. She thought she was very

strong-already, but in contrast+o this

man, she was like the dirt tohis

clouds. Was he still human???

Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The strong man fought a dozen or so people all by himself. About seven minutes later, howls of pain and the sounds of bones cracking and skinbreaking rippled through the men.

"Quick, run

Soon, the men in black fled to their cars with terrified expressions, lamenting their parents for not giving them two extra legs, and they disappearedwithout a trace.

“Thank you...”

When she saw the men in black retreating, Ye Wanwan walked forward and gave her thanks to the strong men

"B-bro!” The strong men’s leader wasfull of excitement when he saw YeWanwan. "You're Bro Flattop, right...You're the boss of our Fearless o>Alliance, Tight... Bro, where have youbeen allthese years... Bro, you g wenthomeo visit your parents back thenand-went missing without awordafferward. The Fearless Alfiance hasgone through great strife to look foryou... Quickly come back with us...Bro...” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"We... we were expelled from the Fearless Alliance already...” another strong man quietly reminded him.

The strong men’s leader started when he heard that.

‘Boss, you have to give us justice!The Fearless Alliance's higher-upsgave us a mission to exterminate apatrician family without leavinganyone ative... We extinguished the >whole fai y. It's just that the 7family’s dog fled too freaking fast,so we didn't catch it.. And theykicked us out of the FearlessAlliance just because of that... Eversince you left, the gang has been acomplete mess... We've beenthrough so much bitterness... Thosehigher-ups are clearly targeting us...”the leader sniffled and sobbed.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Ye Wanwan was dumbfounded.

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