Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 1229 - Is that really all?
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Chapter 1229 - Is that really all?

Henyee TranslationsHenyee Translations

Ye Mufan secretly relaxed when he saw there weren't any changes to Ye Wanwan'’s expression. If he spoke the truth, she would still beat him todeath without any drinking involved

But this was fine. After so many years, Wanwan probably didn’t remember the exact situation back then, so couldnt he make up the details howeverhe wanted?

"Are you sure it was you who saved me?” Ye Wanwan's eyes settled on Ye Mufan with a deep frown and dark expression on her face. Could it be thateven this memory was mixed up? It wasn't Ye Mufan who pushed her into the water, and it was she who accidentally fell into the lime pond?

However, Ye Mufan shuddered slightly when he saw Ye Wanwan’s expression and hastily said, "Eh... maybe... actually, well... you can't blame me.Back then, we were both young. I accidentally pushed you inside..."

It wasn't until Ye Mufan said those words that Ye Wanwan's expression eased. It was identical to her memory.“And then?” Ye Wanwan asked.“Then, then I saved you! Really! I swear!" Ye Mufan snuck a peek at Ye Wanwan, feeling fairly guilty.

‘I remember we had a neighbor in the countryside. The neighbor didn’t pay much attention when they first saw us playing by the lime pond. But thenthe next time they looked back, they discovered you were the only one left next to the lime pond and I was missing. Isn't that what happened?” YeWanwan seriously looked at Ye Mufan.

Ye Mufan trembled when he heard that and inwardly thought.

‘I also remember that the neighbor asked you where I went when they noticed I was missing. How did you answer?”

Ye Mufan’s lips slightly twitched. Hehad no choice but to tell the truth."Our neighbor the countrysideasked me where you went after youisappeared in the blink of an eyewas still young and couldn't utteraingleword out of panic. Thankfully,you were still struggling inside thelime pond and popped yourheadout... Our neighbor instartly went tolook for Mom in fright... As soon asom came over, she grabbed youby your hair and pulled you out ofthe lime pond..." Ye Mufan wiped thecold sweat from his forehead.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org



Ye Wanwan was somewhat speechless.

Thank goodness their neighbor arrived in time, or else...

However, Both she and Ye Mufanwere young back then. Ye Mufan?also suffered a huge fright and lostall composure after accidentaflypushing her into the lime pod, soYeWanwan didn't truly blame him.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"We lived quite a long time in the countryside, so this shouldn't be the only thing that happened, right?” Ye Wanwan continued to ask.

In her memories, she went to experience life in the countryside with her parents, but this was the only thing she remembered

“There's isn't! That's really alll” Ye Mufan frantically nodded with a ghastly expression

"Oh?" Ye Wanwan sardonically looked at him. “Is that really all?”

Instantly, Ye Mufan lookedmiserable. ‘Sigter, what do youwant... That time, I said I wanted tobe a doctor;:$o I filled a syringe with_water and oked your shoulder; itswas Justa prick... You screamedlikea dying pig... I also didn't end up welland sur parents hung me upiin atree and gave me a thoroughbeating... Although the needle jabbedinto your arm, it was really nothingcompared to my thrashing from ourparents, right...” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Ye Wanwan fell into a deep contemplation at Ye Mufan’s words.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

She couldn't recall this story at all!

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