Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 1228 - Finding a gap
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Chapter 1228 - Finding a gap

Ye Wanwan had a deep frown on her face as her mind kept recalling all her childhood memories.

However, everything that happened in her childhood had already become deep in the recess of her mind, as though someone placed a giant lock onit. Except for significant events like how Ye Mufan accidentally pushed her into a lime pond while playing with a young Ye Wanwan and she nearlydrowned or how she was nearly kidnapped when she was young...

Ye Wanwan couldn't recall any typical, everyday matters no matter how much she dug through her mind

She could remember her classmates from preschool, elementary schocl, and junior high, but the number didn't surpass 20. Her clearest memory wasabout her teachers...

A moment later, Ye Wanwan called Ye Mufan.

“l haven't found anything about the number you just gave me. I'll tell you as soon as I get anything.” Ye Mufan’s voice traveled from the other end ofthe phone

“Brother, I need to talk to you about something. Let's meet at the coffee shop near the office in half an hour.” Ye Wanwan hung up once she finishedspeaking, and she stood up and walked out of the study.

After leaving the Si residence, Ye Wanwan drove to the café near the office.

Half an hour later, Ye Mufan arrived at the meeting spot in a whirlwind fashion. A glance later, he found Ye Wanwan and walked toward her."What's up?” Ye Mufan sat down in front of Ye Wanwan and put on a workaholic act. “I still have business to attend to at the office!”

Ye Wanwan glanced at Ye Mufan and chuckled lightly. “We haven't sat down to have a peaceful conversation in a while.

"Huh?" Ye Mufan was dumbfounded. Ye Wanwan sought him out so urgently to... talk?!

"Oh, right, what's going on with the phone number you wanted me to look into?” Ye Mufan curiously looked at her.

“It's nothing. Forget it if you can’t find anything.” Ye Wanwan shook her head.

Ye Mufan didnt say much more about it. The phone number Ye Wanwan gave him was truly a bit unusual. He couldn't find a single clue after a longsearchContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

“Brother Ye, do you still remember..." Ye Wanwan began as she looked at Ye Mufan“Remember what...” Ye Mufan was startled"When we were young and in the countryside... you pushed me into the lime pond, and I nearly drowned...” Ye Wanwan said with a smile.

Ye Mufan's expression instantly changed when he heard her words and vehemently shook his head. “I don’t remember, I don't remember... I don’tremember at all...”

His sister wasn't seeking revengeafter so many years, right... Nowonder he found Ye Wanwan's_smiletoday a bit forced and strange.Could’ this be... the legendary hidinga) dagger I in one's smile? Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org =

“he B?

“I'm serious,” Ye Wanwan said solemnly.

‘I'm also seriqus... Ah... It's been somany yea SAlt's all from when wewere young; how could I possibly ~~remembe; ? I've forgotten everythingfrom my childhood... I don'tremember it...” Ye Mufan fiercelyshook his head. Content befongs toNovelDrama.Org =

“Brother, I'm not angry. I'm just reminiscing our childhood,” Ye Wanwan said with a smile.

“Do you remember or not?” Ye Wanwan asked impatiently.‘[ don’t remember! I really don’t remember! Sorry for the trouble, I'll excuse myself now!” Ye Mufan stood up, wanting to leave.

However, before he could take more than a few steps. his shoulder was clutched by Ye Wanwan. She used an unshakable strength and forciblydragged Ye Mufan back

“Alright, you dbn't remember, right?Then let's fintta place, have somedrinks, and Rave agoodtalk”Ye ->Wanwartsaid with narrowed eyes”and aight chuckle, purposefully’emphasizing the "have somedrinks”part. Her threat was obvious.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"What...? Have some drinks?!" Ye Mufan was dumbstruck and became rooted to his spot, cold sweat seeping out of his forehead.Ye Mufan had personally witnessed Ye Wanwan’s drunken state. She truly had no mercy whatsoever...

"Ch... I suddenly remember. It's that time you fell into the lime pool... it was even me who saved you..." Ye Mufan awkwardly chuckled and quicklysaid.

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