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Chapter 921

"Perhaps it was," Sam smiled faintly.

Perhaps that was true, but an adult's world was different from a child's world.

When he quarreled with his friends while he was young, he could easily say ‘let's make it up.’

When he had grown up, he couldn't say that again.

The relationship between couples, friends, and relatives was always like this.

"Uncle Sam, do you think that I'm right?" Beanie asked.

"Well, you're right," he replied

"Thus, you like Auntie Vera, right?"

Sam pondered to himself, "Why are you turning to this topic again? You're just a kid. Why are you so interested in adult affairs?"Indeed, he would not admit that he liked Vera.

In the past, he didn't have the chance to say it out loud, and now, he wouldn't say it either. He., wasn't qualified now."Uncle Sam, I'm just curious about it!" Beanie spoke.

As Sam was about to say something, there was a knock on the door of the ward, and then it was pushed open. A nurse came in to check onMaddox's condition

Seeing the nurse, Sam heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that he had been rescuedAfter the examination, the ward was quiet again.

Fortunately, Beanie didn't ask him any more questions this time. Sam thought for a moment and advised him, "Beanie, I'll go out for a walk. You stayhere for a while. Open the door and call me if anything happens.”

"Oh..." Beanie nodded in an adorable way and smiled."Uncle Sam is such a coward,” he thought to himself.

After Sam went outside, he sat down on a chair in the corridor. There was no place for him to place his long legs, and he could only stretch them infront of him. He let out a sigh of relief and relaxed

There was only Beanie left in the ward. He said quietly to himself that Sam was a coward. Then, he turned around and took a look at Maddox, whowas lying on the hospital bed.

"Bad Daddy, I still haven't dealt with you yet, but you fainted expectedly," he remarked."However, even if he had fainted, I can still deal with him."After Beanie thought about it, a grin suddenly appeared on his little face.

He walked towards Maddox's bed with light steps. He rapidly took off his shoes and his thick down jacket. After that, he climbed onto the bed nimbly.He sat by Maddox's side with his knees lowered.

As Maddox was still in a coma at that instant, his eyes were closed.

After Beanie knelt down beside him, he scanned his father's handsome face before he snorted, "Bad Daddy. Except for this face which resemblesmine, there is nothing good about you!"

After that, he suddenly stretched out his little hands and pinched Maddox's handsome face. He pulled hard. He spoke while venting his anger, "BadDaddy. You not only bullied Mommy, but you also bullied me. You fainted for no reason, and Mommy doesn't pay attention to me anymore!"

Maddox's handsome face was gradually deformed by the boy's chubby hands. When Beanie stared at his face that was deformed because of hisactions, a mischievous expression appeared on his little face

Fortunately, his Daddy did not have any plastic surgery. Otherwise, if he was pinched so hard, the prosthesis would have fallen out.When Beanie was having fun, he rode on top of

Maddox's body straight away. He sat on a spot above his belly like he was riding a horse and continued to fiddle with Maddox's face.Just as Beanie was about to take a picture of Maddox with the phone, he, who had been unconscious, seemed to have a slight reaction.

Beanie saw Maddox's eyelashes moving as if he was about to wake up. He could not allow his father to see his mischievous behavior. He releasedhis grip and waited for a while. However, Maddox did not wake up

Hence, Beanie became bold and once again reached out his hands towards Maddox's handsome facePa!

Beanie's hand was gripped by Maddox all of a sudden. Maddox suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a stern and dangerous aura hidden in hisdark eyes.


Beanie didn't expect Maddox to wake up so soon as he didn't wake up earlier. Moreover, he did not expect him to grab his hand as soon as he wokeup.

"What are you doing?" Maddox had just woken up and his voice was hoarse and sharp.

Perhaps it was because he had justwoken up, sothe had not regainedhis senses completely. Heuseda ~ittle strength to hold Beanie's hand.twas-fot until that little face cameinto his sight, which caused Maddoxote surprised, that the fiercenessirhis eyes gradually faded away.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Beanie had originally planned to pinch his face and make fun of Maddox. However, his hand was pinched by him when he woke up, and he evenused some of his strength.

The little boy instantly felt a sharp pain. He frowned and raised his other hand to punch Maddox without hesitation."Daddy, you're such an a*shaole! How dare you bully me!" Beanie scolded him.

There was a loud bang

Beanie punched Maddox's left eye with his tiny fist.

Maddox was speechless.

This punch completely woke him up.

After discharging from the hospital,he returned t6 Minerva's rentedhouse. He had lost his mind and losthis temper. Then, he hearda ~~ =baby- Ike voice. He turned aroundand Saw a little fellow who lookedexattly like himself. The little fellowpGhched him before he catild react.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Later, Maddox carried him out to talk. Afterwards... There seemed to be a lot of scenes that he had never seen before in his mind. The scenes werefragmented into pieces, but they hit his mind very impulsively, as if they wanted to break the seal.

Soan after, he felt that his headache was unbearable. When he was about to say something to the boy, he lost consciousness.The pain from his left eye brought Maddox's mind back to reality. He let go of Beanie's hand and harrumphed.

After Beanie was freed, he got up speedily from Maddox's body and was ready to slip out of bed.

"Wait a minute."

Maddox observed his actions and called out to him.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Beanie stopped and raised his face to look at him

"What's the matter?”

Although his tone was very unpleasant, he still spoke in a baby-like voice. In addition, with his little face that was similar to his, Maddox was sure thatthis little fellow was his son

He stared at the little fellows wrist, which had been pinched red by his violence just now. Maddox furrowed his brows and commented, "I didn't do iton purpose just now. Does it hurt?”

After he finished speaking, he sat up and reached out his hands. After that, he pulled the little fellow back into his arms easily.

Although Beanie was a boy, he wasstill a child. Hig body was incrediblysoft. Maddox pulled him into hisarms and his heart softened as wellHe could T not be bothered to care?aboutthe pain in his left eye. He'could only see the marks oritheGHlTd! s wrist. When he thought thathe was his child, MaddoX’s voiceand tone became gentle. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Let me have a look," Maddox spoke.After that, he gently held the boy's arm and covered the wound with his other hand. Soon, he was rubbing it gently.His expression was extremely focused.

Beanie was appalled. This was the first time in his life that he had received his father's serious and gentle care. Compared to his mommy, it did notseem real at all.

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