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Chapter 920

With a bang, Abigail put the plate that was in her hands on the table and fiercely spoke up.As this matter was related to Maddox, Jarold couldn't remain calm. Even if his daughter lost her temper, he couldn't help but ask"What the hell is going on? I came here to wait for Sebastian, but why is he not here? You have to make it clear," Jarold asked.

The lively atmosphere became gloomy in an instant. No one had the desire to eat at the table. The dining room immediately became quiet, and onlythe boiling pot of fondue was bubbling.

Vera saw that the potato slices that she had thrown in the pot had become soft and she really wanted to get them. However, she did not dare to do soin this situation. She could only endure it.

After a long while, Minerva finally spoke."He is in the hospital.”Jarold's breathing quickened. He shortly stood up, "The hospital? Why did he go to the hospital? What's going on?"

At first, he thought that Maddox wasn't here and that he had gone out for a while. That's why he had spent time to sitting down and accompanyingthem for dinner. However, now that he heard that he was in the hospital, he was not in the mood to eat anymore.

"Baldrick, stop eating. We're going to the hospital.”However, Abigail stopped them concurrently.

"Don't waste your time! You all can't do anything even if you all go to the hospital at this moment. It's not a big deal that your grandson is in thehospital. It's just that his memory was stimulated and he fainted when he couldn't stand it, so he is resting in the hospital. Is there any problem?”

When he heard Abigail say that Maddox's memories had been stimulated, Jarold paused for a moment, and his gaze brightened"Did that mean that... his grandson, Maddox, was going to regain his memory?" He thought to himself,

All of a sudden, Jarold felt like a part of his heart was missing. He pondered to himself, "Maddox hadn't recovered his memories yet and was alreadyresisting him. After he regained his past memories, wouldn't it mean that he would become even more indifferent towards me?"

"However, how did his memories get stimulated? Hadn't it always been fine? He didn't react too much even when he saw Minerva,” he thought.

"What's with your reaction?” Abigail stood up. Then, she stared at Jarold with her arms crossed in front of her chest, "Are you worried that he'llabandon you and leave you after regaining his memories? I would like to advise you that if you're always too stubborn, you'll lose many things. It'sbeen so many years. If you still haven't repented, then I'm really speechless.”

There was a strange silence in the living room.

Meanwhile, in the hospital.

"Uncle Sam, if Daddy doesn't wake up for the whole night, do we need to stay here the whole time?" Beanie asked

After listening to his words, Sam thought of something and glanced at him,Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Young Master Beanie, are you tired? Shall I call your mommy on the phone so that she can bring you back home?" He suggested.Hearing this, Beanie shook his head right away and refused.

"No, I want to stay here and wait for Daddy to wake up,” he replied.

After that, he thought of something. He gazed at him seriously with his eyes wide and spoke, "Uncle Sam, can you not call me Young MasterBeanie?"

Sam was startled, "Why?" "I know that you treat Daddy very well, so you can just call me by my name. My name is Beanie."He didn't dare to call him Beanie as he was Young Master Yardley's son."Uncle Sam? This is my only request, is it okay?" Beanie pointed out.

Locking at the boy's face, as well as his cute and expectant expression and tone, Sam realized that... he really had no way to refuse. He nodded anduttered a word from his throat.


Beanie suddenly opened his mouth wide, revealing a row of clean and white teeth. "Uncle Sam, please call me now."Sam was at a loss for words.

"This little guy is really cunning. He is really good at making things difficult for me," he pondered to himself.

However, fortunately, he was a child, so it was not difficult for him to call him "Beanie".


After Sam called him Beanie, the boy's grin became wider. Sam felt that this child was much more pleasing compared with Maddox all of a sudden.Although they had the same appearance,

their personalities were completely different.

While he was thinking about it, the little fellow, who was sitting opposite him, asked a question unexpectedly.

"Uncle Sam, do you like Auntie Vera?"

When he heard these words, Sam was about to choke. After coming back to his senses, he locked at Beanie suspiciously and uncertainly."How could a child know what I was thinking about?”

Also, he had noticed it in such a short period of time. Had I acted so obviously? Does that mean... that Vera might notice it?

Thinking of this, Sam's expression looked bad

He subconsciously peered at the ugly scar on his face. In the past, his love for Vera had always been hidden in the depths of his heart.

Now that he had an ugly scar on his face, he was not qualified to approach her.

Seeing that the Jittle fellow was stillstaring at hind-and waiting for hisanswer. Sam couldn't help ~stretching out his hand to stroke-hishead. As he was about to touch”Beanie, his hand suddenly stapped.After a moment, he retracted it anddéhied with a smile. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

"What are you talking about? It's not like that." He had not been qualified in the past, and now he was even less qualified.

He was not qualified to like such a wonderful girl, nor was he qualified to touch this cute little fellow.

Sam's action was seen by Beanie. The boy saw his hand reaching toward his head, but he had retracted it.He pouted and told him, "Uncle Sam, please reach out your hand.”Sam was surprised, "What's wrong?" He reached out his hand, and Beanie moved it into position. Then, he rubbed his head against Sam's palm

Sam only felt that there was a tiny head rubbing against his palm. The ticklish sensation was clearly transmitted to him. Looking at the little fellow, hesuddenly couldn't say a word

"Uncle SEI I know that you like ner.You obviausly wanted to touch rayhead, bet why did you retract yourhand? didn't say that you're netallowed to touch my head," Beaniecommented. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

Sam felt very touched. He didn't expect that Beanie had thought thoroughly and guessed all of his thoughtsAnd his last sentence... was obviously referring to the fact that he liked Vera.

He didn't dare to admit that he liked her, but she didn't know that he liked her.

"Is it because I'm thinking toc much, or is this child really so smart..." Sam wondered.

"No... He's just a five-year-old child. How could he know so much?”

Sam stroked his head and rubbed it for a while. Later, he retracted his hand.

"Adults' world is very complicated. Many matters are not that simple, and it's hard to say."

Beanie tilted his head and answered,"But I don't thmk it's complicated.Uncle Sars, look at my mommy anddaddy. They were separated for somanyJyears because they thoughtabou things I insuch a complicatedway. "Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Sam was speechless.

He paused. Although he didn't want to admit it, it did seem to be the case.

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