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Chapter 860

There was no sound in the darkness.

Minerva closed her eyes and she couldn't see anything. She couldn't hear any sound either. There was no other sound other than the sound of thedoor closing just now.

Could it be that Maddox had not come in at all?

With this thought in mind, Minerva immediately opened her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the handsame face in the dark which was close at hand. Minerva was shocked and almost screamed.However, Maddox's speed was even faster. Before she could scream, he lowered his head and kissed her.


Minerva's eyes widened and she subconsciously reached out her hand to push him away.

She didn't expect him to sneak in front of her and catch her out without making a sound. Was... this person a devil?

After about ten seconds, Maddox stopped kissing her, and asked in a low, hoarse voice, "Have you stopped pretending to be asleep?”

Minerva felt a burning sensation on her lips and face. One reason was because he kissed her, and the other was that she was shy. She glared at himnot caring whether Maddox could see it or not. She said angrily, "I didn’t pretend to be asleep.”

As soon as she finished her words, she heard low laughter coming from the front. The voice was a little hoarse, like the sound one usually makesafter getting drunk. It sounded very sexy and flirty.

Is that so?"

Minerva felt the bed beside her sink. Maddox turned over and laid down beside her, close to her ear.

He said, "Next time when you pretend to sleep, remember to control your breathing frequency.”

Minerva was speechless.

He continued, "Your heartbeat and breathing are both so fast. Who do you want to lie to?"

When Maddox saw that she didn't answer, he put his hand on her face and said, "Hmm?"

His palm was especially hot. It covered her cheeks like a burning wall. Maddox's actions had caused her to lean toward himMinerva didn't want to be submissive and did not want to meet him face to face because he would definitely take advantage of her.Thus, she twisted her body a little and turned her back towards Maddox.

The person behind her was stunned for a moment and quickly came over. Minerva hit him with her elbow when she noticed him approaching. "Stayaway from me."

At first, when her elbow hit him, Maddox still took a step back symbolically. However, he quickly leaned over and hugged her from behind. No matterhow hard she hit him with her elbow, he did not retreat.

The warm breath was right behind her ear. He had just taken a shower, and there was still water on his body. The temperature in the room was veryhigh. They were so close together that they sweated after a short while

"What are you doing?” Minerva was feeling hot. Even her breathing became hurried. She kept pushing the person behind her.Maddox asked, "Did you hear what I said on the balcony just now?"

She did hear him. Minerva responded to him silently in her heart. Suddenly. she felt that something was wrong. She quickly said, "You can speak, butdon’t touch me...”

She hurried to hold down his restless hands.

Just now, when she was stunned, he had allowed his hand to run to her collar, attempting to unbutton her pyjamas.As expected, men were all the same!

Usually, he looked cold and restrained by lust, but he showed his true colours when he got on the bed.

Minerva felt his body temperature rising and knew that things would not go well if it went on like this. She could only say quickly, "If you stay heretonight. then your grandfather's impression of me will only worsen.”

Sure enough, Maddox's movements came to a halt. However, it only came to a halt for a short while before continuing again.

He replied, "It doesn’t matter. They will change one day.”

He seemed to be a little impatient.

Minerva's breathing was also trembling. She tried her best to grasp the last shred of rationality she had. "But I'm not ready yet. It's too fast!”Maddox paused again, and then he stopped.

Indeed, they hadn't been together for long

If it wasn't for her moving out, they probably wouldn't be lying in the same place so soon, but he couldn't control himself.

As Maddox was thinking of this, he closed his eyes and thought to himself, he'd better control himself.

It was indeed too fast

Minerva finally heaved a sigh of relief when she noticed that there was no more movement behind her. She did not expect these words ta be betterthan his grandfather.

Could it be that in his heart. his grandfather's opinions and thoughts were not important at all?For him, the most important thing was her own opinion

Minerva's heart felt warm when she thought of this. However, his body temperature was still rising continuously. Minerva was so stuffy that she movedher body, wanting to stay a little further away from him.

"Don't move.”He snorted and gnashed his teeth. "If you want to sleep well tonight."Minerva stayed silent.

Was he threatening her? She thought.

It was obvioug, but Minerva still didnot dare to ngove even though it wasa threat. atfist she felt that it was_uncomfartable to be hugged and .sleep if-his arms. But after realizingthat tte'really would not do anythingto.her, Minerva's heart relaxéd. Shesickly felt sleepy and was unable tocontrol her heavy eyelids. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Maddox could not help but laugh bitterly when he heard the person in his embrace breathing steadily.What a heartless woman.

He was suffering from torture, but she had actually fallen asleep in a daze.

Had he known this earlier, he wouldn't have stayed here.

Even if he were to stay, he shouldn't have stayed in the same place as her.

After god- knows- how- long, Maddox made sure that Minerva was sleeping well and would not be woken up. Only then did he slowly get up andenter the bathroom.

After getting up from bed, Monicabegan to dress herself up seriously.She changed into a simple and plainset of clathes. She really did not <>have ths set of clothes in her onwardrobe. It was something. that shehact-prepared for the special”détasion ahead. Content belongs to


She had always dressed well, while Minerva dressed in simple and plain clothes. However, Sebastian never did give her any unneeded attention.It was possible that Seb liked women who wore simple and generous clothes

Therefore, she also needed to give it a try. It would be very effective if she was able to let Sebastian look at her more often.

She was dressed in simple clothes, so her makeup was naturally quite light.novelbin

After looking at herself in the mirror, Monica carried her bag proudly and got ready to go out.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Zaydon coming up fram the stairs.

Monica wanted to avoid him when she saw him.

Who knew if Zaydon would come over directly and stop her?


Monica had no choice but to stop. She displayed a bright smile. "Zaydon, good morning.”

"Morning, whyare you dressed sosimply today?” Looking at Monica,who had suddenly changed her =>clothes; s, Zaydon didn't know why Hefelt that < she looked so familiarespecially with her outfit. It was as ifhead seen her somewhere before.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Soon, the image of a woman with a cold face appeared in Zaydon’s mind.It was her.

Zaydon frowned. Monica knew that Maddox liked Minerva, so she changed her style to mimic hers?

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