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Chapter 859

After entering the bathroom, Minerva stood close to the door and reached out to cover her beating heart. After calming down for a while, she lookedat herself in the mirror.

Her face and neck, as well as her ears, were all red.

She leaned over slightly and looked at the back of her neck, where a few faint pink marks had been branded on her neck by Maddox.At first glance, they were not obvious, but when she looked at it carefully, the color slowly became darker.

Fortunately, it was winter. If it was summer, how would she hide these traces?

As Minerva continued reprimanding Maddox in her heart, she also turned on the shower.

When she finished taking her bath. Minerva discovered a tricky problem. She had entered so hastily that she hadn't brought in any clothes that shecould change into.

Her clothes were already wet. It was impossible to putthem on again.Minerva was embarrassed to ask Maddox to bringher clothes.

In the end, she could only grab a towel from the shelf and wrap it around herself. Then, she quietly opened the bathroom door and poked her headout.

The room was quiet, and there was no one in it

Maddox wasn't in the room? Minerva let out a sigh of relief. Then. she walked out barefoot.She bent over to open her suitcase and took out her pajamas to change into.

Minerva went out of her room to look for Maddox after it was easier for her to move.

From afar, she could see Maddox standing on the balcony. The house here was much more spacious than the small apartment she had rented. Assuch, the voice of Maddox could not be heard here.

As Minerva approached, she heard his cold voice

"Well. I'm not going home tonight. Baldrick, please tell my grandfather.”

He continued, "I have something important to deal with.”

"That's it.”

Upon hearing his words, Minerva suddenly stopped in her tracks, rooted to the spot

Did he just say on the phone that he didn't want to go home?

Was he going to stay here tonight?

Suddenly, Minerva's expression became a little delicate. At this moment, as if there were eyes on his back, Maddox suddenly turned around.When he saw her standing there in thin pajamas with a pair of fair feet stepping on the cold floor, he frowned and walked over directly.

He asked, "Why are you wearing so little?”

His voice was cold and his tone was filled with unhappiness. He carried her directly in his arms. Minerva wrapped her arms around his neck.

The room was icy cold. However, she had just come out of the bathroom and her entire body was hot. Minerva's beautiful brows furrowed when shewas in Maddox's arms.

He was cold. He must have stood on the balcony for a long time.

Minerva was carried back to the bed in her room. Then, Maddox turned around to switch on the heater, afraid that she would catch a cold.

Minerva immediately curled up the moment she fell on the bed. She looked at Maddox and said, “Did your grandfather call you to go back just now?”Maddox thought that she didn't hear what he said just now. He pursed his lips for a while and then denied, "No."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand to unbutton his coat. He took off the coat and hung it on the hanger on one side. Then he pulledthe tie.

When Minerva saw this scene, her eyes widened subconsciously. She recalled what he had just said on the balcony.He would not go back tonight.

So... was he going to stay here tonight?

It was dangerous for a man and a woman te stay in the same room.

Minerva bit her lower lip nervously. However, she had gotten pregnant not too long ago. If she were to be with him, it would definitely affect the babyin her stomach

But he hadn't regained his memory. so she couldn't tell him the truth.

If she didn't tell the truth, how would she be able to refuse him?

Minerva's mind was filled with many thoughts. She quickly blurted out, "It's already late, I think you should go back, or else..."

Halfway through her words, Maddox looked over and fixed his eyes on her face. Then he walked

closer to her.

Minerva subconsciously retreated and rested her back on the pillow. Maddox bent down and placed his hands on her side.

The two of them were so close that Minerva thought he was about to kiss her. However, she heard him say faintly, "What are you nervous about?"Minerva suddenly opened her eyes and looked into Maddox's smiling dark eyes. She was so nervous that she couldn't even speak coherently. "I..."Maddox lowered his head and touched her nose. "Don't be nervous. Be nervous after I take a bath.”

Minerva couldn't utter a word

Maddox did nothing to her. He took his clothes and went to take a bath.

Soon, there was a sound of water splashing in the bathroom.

Although the house was very big, it.

was the bathroom of the room aftér

all. The-sound was very close, arid

the sound of the water constantly

stitnulated Han Minerva’ shearing.

Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

She thought about it over and over again and felt that if Maddox had already said so on the phone, it seemed like he would definitely stay heretonight

If it was inevitable, she had to pretend to be asleep!

Upon reaching that conclusion, sheimmediately slipped out of bed andturned off the light quietly. Then; ~shewent back to the bed, pulled the quiltoverher head, and shrunk into thecorner of the bed. Content. belongsto“NovelDrama.Org <

Normally, she would definitely sleep as soon as she closed her eyes.But tonight. she didn’t know what was going on. When she laid down, she found out that her heart was beating fast.

This was the first time that they were going to sleep on the same bed after Maddox had lost his memory. She was so nervous that she didn't feel..sleepy at all.

In the dark, Minerva opened her innocent eyes and felt extremely nervous.She talked to herself in the heart. sleep faster, and you won't know anything after doing soBut the more she hypnotized herself this way, the more sober she was, and she didn't feel sleepy at all.

Just as Minerva was feeling vexed, she heard the bathroom door crack. She was so scared that she immediately shut her eyes tightly.

Maddox pushed the door open, only.to see pitéhblack darkness in frontof himsHe was shocked at firstandthencreacted, He pursed his lips intoa. dine and then curved up his lips.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Heh, she was quite clever.

Maddox slowly wiped his hair with a towel, glancing casually into a certain direction in the darkness.

After drying his hair, Maddox turned around and went to the next room.

Upon hearing the sound of the door closing, Minerva's heart jumped in the dark. Then, she poked her head out from under the blanket.There was sufficient heating in the room. She had stuffed herself too much inside the quilt and almost got sick.

She did not expect Maddox to leave. Had he decided to leave at the last minute? Or had he gone out to do something else?novelbin

No matter what the reason was, Minerva didn't dare to get up to confirm it. If she ran into Maddox the moment she got out of bed, wouldn't she becaught on the spot?

Minerva laid back down on the bed and hung her legs in the air. She was boredAfter a while, she seemed to hear footsteps coming to the room. She quickly pulled the quilt back and closed her eyes to sleep.Bang

The sound of knocking on the door was particularly clear in the dark and quiet environment. Minerva felt her breathing become lighter.

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