No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 2086-2090
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chapter 2086-2090

Chapter 2086 Jackie replied without turning around to look at them, “So, do you think that we should have chosen tostay inside instead? That way, we would not have suffered any losses, right?” There was no change inJackie’s expression when he spoke but anybody smart enough could hear the anger in Jackie’s words.Jed was quick to judge. He was full of praises when things were going smoothly but he was not one tohold back judgment whenever something bad was happening.

Jed dared not raise his head to look at Jackie. However, there was a hint of not being convinced in hislowered eyes. “I did not say so. I just feel that we came out in a hurry. If we were able to stay inside for acouple more days, such issues would not have happened.”

Jackie humphed lightly and he continued to stare forward with his eagle-like eyes. “Then why didn’t yousay this earlier on? You kept quiet previously but you speak more than anybody else when somethinghas happened.” Jackie had never been somebody who liked to talk. However, this did not mean that hewould allow others to accuse him as they wished to.

Jed’s facial expression mellowed and he wanted to refute Jackie. However, Dwight could not endure thisanymore and said, “You should shut up. What’s the use of saying such things when we’re already in thissituation.”

Jed was so angry that his lips were trembling. He glared at Dwight’s stressed expression with anaccusatory look in his eyes. He was angry at Dwight for scolding him on behalf of an outsider. Dwightwas in no mood to acknowledge what Jed was thinking about. Right now, they might be facing the mostdangerous situation of their lifetime.

They did not lower their voices as they fought and Robin heard every word they said. The smile on hisface grew and he thought how fun the situation before his eyes was. Robin narrowed his eyes as hesized Jackie up and said, “Young man, you don’t seem to be worried. Aren’t you afraid that we will cut

you people into pieces later? You might not know what sort of a sect our Corpse Pavilion is. Shall Iexplain our sect to you?”


What Robin said was filled with ridicule yet Jackie did not even look up when he heard this. There wasno need for any explanation as to what sort of a sect the Corpse Pavilion was, the name was self-explanatory. They were definitely a bunch of vicious and merciless people who practiced black martialarts. In fact, Robin said this to inform Jackie that they would not kill Jackie and the rest easily. They planto torture these people until they get their hands on everything Jackie and the rest knew.

It was known when the wind started blowing and the breeze swept past Jackie’s sideburns. Strands ofJackie’s hair were sticking on his cheek. There were no changes in Jackie’s expression even thoughRobin said some threatening words. He turned around and glanced at the four people beside him. He didsome calculations and said in a serious tone, “Brother Dwight and Jed, can the two of you help to pinthose three down with the help of Brother Albion? There won’t be any need for my father as his strengthis incomparable to a single blow from these people.”

The others were stunned when they heard what Jackie said. Everybody looked at Jackie with puzzledexpressions on their faces. Robin sneered and stared at Jackie as if he was a fool. “You asked them topin those down… Do you think you can get rid of one of me fast enough to free up your hands to fight theothers?”

The more Robin thought about it, the funnier he felt Jackie was. Who did he think he was? He was just amartial artist in the initial stage of the innate level yet he dared to say such raving words. Did he hit hishead somewhere or had he just woken up and was not in his right mind. Although Dwight thought ofJackie differently, the corners of his mouth also twitched when he heard this. He did not know how torespond at that moment.


Chapter 2087 In the end, Albion was the one who spoke. He lowered his voice and spoke as he narrowed his eyes.“Brother Jackie, what do you mean by saying that?

Jackie raised his eyebrows and did not plan to continue wasting time talking to them. He repliedconfidently, “Leave that guy in the middle to me and you guys can focus on holding the others off.” Jackiepointed at Robin, who stood in the middle. His lengthy finger shone under the remaining light from thesun and looked powerful instead of showing off its delicateness.

Robin almost wondered if he had been experiencing hallucinations. If not, how did this guy dare say suchabsurd words? He was actually daring enough to challenge Robin for a duel. A person in the initial stageof innate level with clothes that obviously indicated his position as a disciple in a third-grade sect wasactually daring enough to challenge him, someone, who was in the final stage of the innate level. On topof that, he was already in the completion stage of his innate level and was about to break through intothe spring-solidifying realm after some time!

Derek laughed so loudly that he was unable to stand up straight. He pointed at Jackie and said, “Youngman, have you gone crazy? How dare you challenge our senior brother in a one-on-one duel! Who gaveyou the courage to do that? Open your eyes and take a closer look! My Senior Brother Robin is in thefinal stage of the innate level. He’s capable of defeating you single-handedly. Do you even think that youcan defeat him within a short period of time before coming at us? I’ve seen some idiots throughout theyears but this is the first time I’ve seen someone as bad as you!”

Dwight subconsciously exchanged glances with Albion. In Dwight’s opinion, what Jackie said soundedridiculous and he felt that Jackie had gone crazy. Dwight had unexplainable confidence toward Jackiebecause of how they managed to get out of the Ten Absolutes Trap Array depending on Jackie.However, there was not any basis for him to place his confidence in Jackie under such circumstances.

Albion exhaled deeply as a darkened expression appeared on his face. He was thinking that their bestbet right now was to let everybody get a chance at escaping. Staying back to fight those four seemed likea suicidal move.

Chapter 2088 He did not want all his clan brothers to die here, but when Jackie said those words, bothhis expression and tone were calm. An unspeakable self-confidence filled his heart, and Albion could nothelp but wonder if Jackie really possessed this kind of power.novelbin

After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to open his mouth. His voice was a little low but had anunquestionable tone to it. “We can do it but can you?”

Jed’s hair stood on end when he heard the question, He turned to Albion and said, “Brother Albion, don’ttell me you’re seriously considering it? What is there except for death if we go head-on against those fourwho are in the final stage of innate level? Didn’t you hear Robin when he said he will torture us?Everyone will eventually die but I want to die with dignity, not this way!”


Albion stopped his nagging with a wave of his hand. He took a deep breath and then said, “I don’tactually know what to do. The best thing to do now is of course to retreat but do you think we can? Wemight end up dead anyways…”

Robin and the rest of them patiently waited for their unending conversation to finish. They did not mindwatching them struggle since they were like fishes in a barrel right now. This would only make what wasgoing to happen next more enjoyable for them. They all loved to watch their prey put up a finalresistance.

Jed threw up his hands in frustration. “You’re all mad! One mad person is enough and yet all of youchose to follow this mad person!”

Dwight frowned, stretched out his hand to grab Jed’s arm, and pull him behind. “Keep your mouth shutfrom now on. Can you do something other than nagging?” He really wanted to warn Jed that previously,they had treated Jackie with the same attitude, and yet he was the one who saved them in the end.Although Dwight did not believe that Jackie could create another miracle as it was not possible, it wasstill better than nothing.

Jackie nodded and turned toward Robin again. “Don’t let any of them escape. Spare no one.” The wordscame out steadily from his lips.

Robin laughed wildly when he heard those words. He thought that Jackie was an interesting soul. Thoselines should be uttered by Robin. Did Jackie think that by saying that, he would let them go?

Derek looked at Jackie as if he was stupid. “To be honest, I have seen a lot of fools over the years, but Imust say that you take the cake!”

Jackie scoffed and winked at Nash, who then nodded and quickly hid behind a thick tree. Robin and theother three would be suspicious if anyone other than Nash did that but they ignored him since he was theweakest of them all. To them, those in the final stage of acquired level were like ants that could easily bekilled with a stomp.

Jackie took a step forward and stretched out his hand to take out ten gray-black daggers from theMustard Seed Spirit Ship. These ten gray-black daggers floated in front of him and were radiating agrayblack glow.

Seeing this, Robin and the others widened their eyes. Robin sneered and said, “Looks like you’re reallygoing to take us on! Your courage is commendable, boy!”

Jackie said nothing. With a flick of his wrists, rays of gray-black light flowed from his palms. Under thesecircumstances, actions speak louder than words.

Chapter 2089 Robin smiled so much that the corners of his lips touched his ears. He winked at thepeople behind him, and the three brothers stepped forward to face Jed and the others. It looked as ifthey were there to prevent them from escaping,

Robin cracked his neck and shook his wrist; the joints made a crackling sound. “Okay! Since you want tofight with me so much, I will show you the true meaning of power!

After saying this, he felt that he was making a fuss out of nothing. He turned to the three brothers behindhim and said, “You guys make sure those three don’t run away. I’ll take down this kid single handedly. I’mnot taking this seriously of course, but this kid must be taught a lesson!”

Immediately, a golden light flashed in Robin’s hand, and a five-feet-long staff appeared in his palm out ofthin air. The five-feet-long staff exuded bright golden light and there were mysterious and antiquatedrunes carved all over it.

His choice of weapon surprised Jackie. After all, he did not look like a power type of cultivator. Generally,cultivators who use staff win by strength, and their cultivation techniques and martial skills are alsopower-oriented.

Robin swept the long staff forward, and the ground was marked with an arc. “The martial skill He practiceis the intermediate red level earth mountain staff technique. It’s been a long time since I have comeacross an opponent like you so I will use this technique to teach you the right way to live!”

Another intermediate red level technique?’ Jackie thought that Robin’s technique would at least be in thepremium range. After all, Wesley was only an intermediate stage of innate level and his attainment wasalready an intermediate red level technique.

Robin, who was hellbent on torturing Jackie, did not say anything further and pointed his long staff atJackie. The golden light undulated around the long staff like waves. With a low shout, he charged towardJackie.

He lifted his long staff with golden light and smashed it toward Jackie. The stick carried the force of themountains and rivers. Even from some distance away, Jed and others could feel the force of the earthmountain.

Jed gulped and said, “The force is so powerful that even I would not be able to withstand it.”

In an instant, the long staff appeared in front of Jackie, who was steadily moving his hands through thegray light then distorted runes began to float out of his palm. In an instant, the ten Soul Swords wereinjected by him into the gray-black daggers suspended in the air. With the Soul Swords attached to thedaggers, it was as if the daggers had been infused with a soul and they immediately converged together.

Five gray-black daggers met against the long staff head-on as soon as it came smashing down and thegray-black light and the golden dazzling long staff slammed together. The energy from the two weaponscollided together and the gray-black daggers did not retreat in the slightest, nor was it smashed intopieces by the staff.

Seeing this, Robin stiffened. His eyes widened with disbelief. While it was true he did not exert his fullpower just now, he did, however, used quite a lot of it to make it a speedy battle. It never crossed hismind that Jackie would be able to neutralize his attack and it destabilized him a little. He gritted his teethand raised his staff for another attack.

Chapter 2090 Jackie arched his eyebrow He quickly put some distance between Robin and himself his opponent was amelee fighter while Jackie was better at long range fighting so he would be safe as long as he did not gettoo close to Robin

He quickly performed some hand seals again and the ten black daggers who were still suspended midair parried with Robin’s long staff. The golden light and gray-black light collided with each other onceagain. This time Jackie used six gray black daggers, putting him on even ground with Robin

Robin was breathing heavily and his face was flushed. He was feeling angrier than ever. His handstrembled as he looked at Jackie with gritted teeth. He swung his staff to attack again, but all of hisattacks were neutralized within a few seconds by the grayblack daggers

He became more and more shocked whenever his attack was blocked by the gray-black daggers. Hewas not the only one as the others were also watching with eyes wide open as if they had seen a ghost.

The corners of Jed’s lips began to twitch. “Pinch me, Brother Dwight. Am I dreaming? How is it possiblethat Jackie is on par with Robin? They had been going at it for quite some time. Is this really happening?I’m not dreaming, right?” His pupils were unsteady a she said this

Dwight puffed out some air and said, “It just showed that there’s a lot of things we don’t know in theworld.”

All this while, Jackie maintained some distance away from Robin, who was trying desperately to breakthrough the barrier made of the ten gray-black daggers. However, he discovered that the barrier was likea sticky spider web and the long staff in his hand was like a tiny bug. The ten gray-black daggers workedwith each other and the stronger the staff became, the more daggers would come out. In the beginning,there were only five daggers, then seven, and now there were eight daggers blocking his path.

It seemed like no matter how powerful he was, he would not be able to break away from the web madeup of the gray-black daggers. Robin’s hands trembled slightly as he stared at Jackie vehemently andthought to himself, ‘So this is why he was so confident. He still had a few tricks up his sleeves.

Robin narrowed his eyes and said, “You surprised me but do you really think you can suppress me withyour little tricks? Though my technique is only of the intermediate red level, I’ve already cultivated it to


Hearing this, the eyes of everyone present snapped wide open. The fact that Robin cultivated histechnique to perfection alone proved that he possessed immense talent. Jed and Dwight glanced at eachother, and both saw a hint of helplessness in each other’s eyes. Although their level had broken throughto the final stage of innate level, their martial art techniques remained at the proficient level.

Derek and his two brothers were looking at Jackie fearfully which was a huge contrast to how they werelooking at him before. They were sure that the power he had conjured up so far could defeat them threeeasily.

Robin scoffed and said, “I admit that you’re quite talented but it’s still not enough to defeat me! Let’s endthis now!” The way he uttered those words was as if he had not used his full power in the fight before butjudging from everyone’s looks, they did not believe him one bit.

Robin then exhaled deeply and forced himself to calm down.


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