No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 2081-2085
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chapter 2081-2085

Chapter 2081 Dwight signaled at Jed with a frown and shook his head softly to stop him from asking questions. To this,Jed shrugged and kept his curiosity aside. At this time, Jackie was in no capacity to care about what thepeople around him were talking about. He focused all his concentration on the energy that he had justabsorbed. The powerful soul power washed through his meridians, and immense pain spread throughouthis entire body.

Although the Shattered Soul Crystal was a precious treasure, it contained a great amount of energy. Theenergy was so strong that it felt like a road roller constantly compressed his meridians. Jackie’smeridians were relatively strong, but he gradually grew weaker after enduring the continuous impart andwas unable to take it anymore. He sighed deeply and continuously performed the seal with his hands,wanting to form the sixth soul sword by utilizing this energy.

He ignored the thoughts of everyone around him. One by one, strands of dark-colored light appeared Inhis palms. These strands of light condensed into black runes in mid-air, and they twisted and rotated as ifthey were about to form a painting.

With the support of such powerful soul power, it was much simpler to form the soul swords. The greatmaster was able to form the soul swords several hundred times faster than Jackie because he had thesupport of strong soul power and was able to use that power to form the sword as he wished.

Everyone watched as Jackie continuously flipped his palms. His hands moved faster and faster until onlyshadows of his hands were left. Within several breaths, the sixth soul sword was completed. Jackieignored the condition of his body and continued. He immediately plunged into forming the seventh soulsword.

Everybody stared at him, especially Jed and the rest. Jed looked left and right in puzzlement as he triedto make sense of what was going on by looking at the others’ reactions. Alas, everyone else was just asclueless, with doubt painting their expressions, and they could not even hide it.


They had no idea what Jackie was doing. What was he practicing? Why were his hands so grandiose inthe way they moved?

Dwight’s frown never left his face. He lowered his voice and said, “What is he doing? Is he practicingpowerful martial skills?”

Jed initially nodded before he shook his head. “What martial skills can he practice when he’s only in theinitial stage of the innate level? He’s probably bluffing, who knows.”

Dwight leaned back, but his eyes never left Jackie.” Ordinary people might be restrained by their realmswhen practicing martial skills, but Jackie seems to be extraordinary. Look at what happened just now.The two of us thought that he wouldn’t be able to break through the trap array, but he still managed it.”


Jed glanced at Dwight. “This is different from finding a way to get out of the trap array. If he’s so talented,he would’ve been accepted as one of the Thousand Leaves Pavilion’s disciples. Why did he go to theDual Sovereign Pavilion instead? Let’s not stretch it out too much.”

Dwight stopped speaking, and one after another, the possibilities flashed through his mind just like whatJed said, practicing martial skills was different from thinking of a way to break out of the trap array.Practicing martial skills was an extremely difficult task.

It was extremely difficult for a person in the initial stage of the innate level to practice martial skills of theEarth level! Even disciples in the fifth-grade sects could not achieve this, let alone this young man whowas from a third grade sect. However, the things happening to him were too grand to ignore.

As Jackie continued absorbing the surrounding energy into his body, Dwight truly wondered to himself ifJackie was truly practicing an Earth-level martial skill.

Chapter 2082 In fact, Dwight did not know that the limitation on the realms had no effect on Jackie because Jackie hadabsorbed the memories of the great master. Not only did he know what the great master knew, but healso inherited the great master’s various experiences with these things aiding him. Jackie had nolimitation when he practiced martial skills.

As time passed, Albion, Dwight, and the others only saw hot sweat trickling down Jackie’s forehead like awaterfall that burst through its bank. They could not help but brown when they saw this just like that, aday and a night had gone by when Jackie finally succeeded in forming the tenth soulsword. Jackie hadfinally entered the level of proficiency.

No matter what martial skill a martial artist was practicing, they were separated into three stages:preliminary, proficient, and perfection. Jackie’s success in forming ten soul swords meant that he hadcompletely entered the level of proficiency.

Jackie wanted to achieve perfection, he had to form so many more soul swords. At that moment, herequired a lot of time to settle down to achieve that. When Jackie opened his eyes again, it was alreadysunrise on the third day. This meant that he had been practicing for one and a half days. He was slightlymore relaxed when he saw how the sunlight shone over the land.

Jackie had successfully absorbed most of the energy from the Shattered Soul Crystal, and the remaining30 to 40 percent of the power had been stored in his body. Although the crystal was only the size of a

fingernail, the power could not be underestimated. if he did not use all the soul power in forming the soulswords, Jackie would have burst and died from the high amount of power.


Nash stretched out his hand and placed a white towel in Jackie’s hands. “Go and wipe yourself dry.”Nash’s voice was slightly hoarse in sheer worry for his son. After all, Jackie was in so much pain from hismeridians being crushed by the soul power that his entire body quaked Seeing Jackie in such a stateworried Nash immensely.

Jackie quickly nodded. He was so dirty as he had been covered in dust blown by the wind and had beensweating. His biggest wish right now was to find a clean stream to take a bath. He exhaled a relaxingbreath and finally stood up from the ground. As he had been meditating for a long period and his bodywas in a stiff position, his joints audibly popped the moment he stood up.

At this moment, Jed could not help but say, “Brother Jackie, what were you doing just now? Were youpracticing some extremely powerful martial skill or martial art technique? You’ve caused quite a hugeaccommodation…”

Jackie glanced at Jed and simply replied, “I just wanted to use my time to quickly improve my strength.”This was such an obvious and stiff prevarication, but Jed also understood that this was Jackie’s privatematter. He would seem impolite if he continued to pester Jackie for answers when Jackie was obviouslyunwilling to speak more about it. Hence, Jed ceased his questioning.

Jackie turned around to look at the gravel road in front of him. The gravel traveled from west to east, andhe wondered if they were able to walk out of this valley following this road.novelbin

“Let’s go. We’ve stayed here for a long time already.” The others were speechless when they heard whatJackie said. The corners of Jed’s mouth twitched, not knowing what to say to that. He felt that this personwas not strong, but he was secretly thinking about himself as the leader of the team. He started trainingor leaving after mentioning it and did not take their opinions seriously.

Jed coughed softly. “My Senior Brother Albion hasn’t healed from his injuries. What should we do if wego out abruptly and face any danger?”

Chapter 2083 Jackie turned around and walked toward Albion without any hesitation. He stretched outhis hand and placed it on Albion’s wrist.

Jackie did not know much, but he was capable of judging Albion’s injuries through his meridians. Albionhad recovered 40 to 50 percent already, but he would need a couple of months if he wanted to becompletely healed.

Jackie did not want to waste those couple of months In this place. Jackie glanced past Jed and staredstraight at Dwight, who stood behind Jed. “Your Senior Brother Albion’s wounds have stabilized, and he’sforty to fifty percent recovered. However, apart from time, he needs a peaceful environment if he wishesto be seventy to eighty percent recovered. Even if we continue to stay here for another month or two,nothing will change, and your senior brother will only have a fifty to sixty percent recovery. What weshould do is think of a way to leave this place and cure your senior brother after that.”

Dwight exhaled softly and felt that what Jackie said made sense when he thought about it. SeniorBrother Albion needed the help of other pills and herbs to have a recovery rate of 70 to 80 percent.However, they had already used all the pills and herbs they have on Albion, and none remained. If theystayed here, it would hinder Senior Brother Albion’s recovery.

Dwight stretched his legs and stood up from the ground when he had made up his mind. He patted thedust off of his body and picked the broken leaves off his arm before speaking without looking up.” You’reright. It’s a waste of time to continue lurking here. Let’s think of a way to leave this place.”

Jed’s expression faltered upon hearing this, but all he could do was hide his anger, unable to directlyrefute Dwight.

They did not delay their actions after they decided what to do next. For everybody’s safety, Dwight ledthe pack to check the path for everybody else while the others followed behind him. There was a streamflowing beside the gravel path. They just walked outward following the direction of the stream flowing. Infact, none of them were able to tell where they were or which way they should go; they could only marchon.

Albion, on the other hand, could walk on his own without the support of others. Although it was slightlytiring, it did not affect his wounds. Jed walked beside Albion. As Dwight had gone checking the path foreverybody, Jed could only mention his worries to Albion. “Do you think that we’ll bump into the CorpsePavilion’s disciples? What do we do if we do? What shall we do if the trap array hasn’t been resolved?”

He did not forget that those lunatics from the Corpse Pavilion had secluded Mount Beasts and set up atrap array. Even if they did not run into any of the Corpse Pavilion’s disciples, they would also face theissue of the trap array. He had no idea if Jackie would be able to find the array eye this time.

Albion sighed helplessly and glanced at Jackie, who was walking right in front of him. “I have no idea;guess we’ll only have to wait and see. To be honest, I feel that we’re taking a risk by going out at thismoment. Nonetheless, it’s a waste of time if we stay here for a long time. We can only try our luck andcircle back if it doesn’t work.”

The grass under their feet was soft. The situation seemed to be extremely peaceful as the birds’ chirpingand sounds made by other small animals traveled to their ears. However, none of them let their guarddown, knowing very well that none of them knew what they would face the next second.

Right at this moment, Dwight, who had been checking the path for everybody ahead of them, suddenlyturned around and came running back. His darkened expression obviously meant that he hadencountered something bad.

Jackie immediately stretched out his hand to shield Nash behind him as his eyes stared at the spacebehind Dwight.

Sure enough, a familiar voice entered their ears within two breaths. “It’s you! How are you guys stillalive? Was the trap array at the bottom undeserving of its reputation?!”

Chapter 2084 The man with a pointy chin showed up in front of Jackie with three Corpse Pavillion’sdisciples behind him. Luckily, the masked man was nowhere to be seen. The man with a pointy chin hadbeen the one following the masked man previously, providing the masked man with ideas as he badmouthed about them.

Who would have expected to bump into them not long after they left the valley?

Senior Brother Robin Mullins, are these the people our eldest senior brother is hunting.

Jackie raised his brows. So, this man’s name was Robin Mullins. Under normal circumstances, nobodywould address their clan brothers with their full name unless this person’s surname was everywhere,Their name might be easily confused with other clan brothers unless they addressed him with his fullname.

Robin had a sharp chin and looked like a treacherous court official, good at flattering others. Robinnarrowed his eyes as he sized up Jackie and the others, seemingly trying to spot some great secretsfrom them.

Robin laughed coldly, shrugging as he said, “We can’t let them escape. I’ve never heard about anybodycoming out of the legend under the Cliff of Sorrow, but these people had actually made it out. Theyprobably know something very important.”

Robin suddenly turned around and looked to those three people behind him. Those three looked alikeand were obviously brothers. “Derek Roffe, you’ll go to the left, and Dudley Roffe to the right. Damian

Roffe, you’ll remain in the center with me.”

With that said, the four of them manage to surround Jackie and the rest in the middle. It looked like theyplanned to make Jackie and the others stay, not allowing any of them to escape.

Jed and the others turned pale. He immediately turned toward Dwight and barked, “What’s going on withyou? How could you lead them here? How did they discover you?”

Dwight’s complexion darkened when he heard what Jed said. He turned around and glared at Jedangrily.” What’s this about? You speak as if I purposely led them here. I have no idea how theydiscovered me. That Derek guy discovered me when I was checking the path ahead of us.”

Dwight was slightly flushed, whether it be out of shame or frustration. He did not even lower his voice,causing the four men standing opposite them to hear his words, too.

Derek sneered and stared at Dwight with a mocking expression on his face. “Stop embarrassing yourselfin front of us. You’re a Jackie of all trades but a master of none. You must’ve practiced a martial skill tohide your figure. Unfortunately, the martial skill you practice means nothing to me. In the entire CorpsePavilion, nobody from the formal and informal disciples have better hiding and exploration abilities thanme. You’ll only make a joke out of yourself by showing yourself up to me.”

Dwight flushed a crimson color, but he was unable to come up with any refutable words. From the looksof It, Derek was definitely stronger than him, or he would not have easily discovered how he hid himself.

However, Derek suggested to Robin, “Senior Brother Robin Mullins, should we send a signal to oureldest senior brother—”

Unexpectedly, Robin’s once prideful expression turned cold upon hearing this, like a wave of cold wind inDecember. He stared daggers, and Derek was startled by Robin’s reaction.

Robin sneered. “Hey, why aren’t you this foolish any other day? Did you not hear what I said just now?The five of them have great secrets! What can we get If we report to the eldest senior brother about this?We wouldn’t even get the scraps, let alone the main dish.”

Chapter 2085 Derek had an immediate realization when he heard this. He stretched out his hand and slapped himselfinstantly. Of course, his slap was nowhere harsh; it was out of realization, too. A smile crawled to hisface. “Agh, what a fool I am! You’re right. If news about this gets out, it won’t benefit us at all. Thesepeople aren’t strong, and we alone will be sufficient in handling them.”

Dudley and Damian jumped on the bandwagon and said flattering words, much to Robin’s pleasure. Hiscold expression was nowhere to be seen after that. You guys are thinking of notifying the eldest seniorbrother when these are just a couple of losers. The eldest senior brother will say we’re losers if wetrouble him with this. Three of them are in the final stage of the innate level while the other one is in theinitial stage, and another useless one who’s in the acquired level. On top of that, one of them in the finalstage of the innate level was badly wounded previously. Even if there were only three of us, they’re nomatch for us!”

All four of them were in the final stage of innate level, especially Robin, who was about to break throughinto the spring solidifying realm. These people laid out their plan without even making it discreet, thinkingas though Jackie and his company were like slabs of meat on a chopping board.

Although Jed was extremely furious when he heard what they said, he could not refute it, anyway. Thesemen had a point: they were no match for Robin and his team. They were considered weak soldiers, too.

Jed inhaled deeply and could not help but take a couple of steps back. He stretched out his hand to grabAlbion’s arm. Senior Brother Albion, we need to retreat. I don’t know if we can get rid of them, though.”

A bitter smile appeared on Albion’s face. “How’s that possible? On top of that do you think that they’dallow us to escape? We’ve escaped the tiger’s den just to enter the wolves’ territory. It looks like we’re

fated to die.” Albion would never say such discouraging words under normal circumstances. However,the continuous problems had caused him to slowly lose his will to fight. Together with the fact that he hadnot recovered from his wounds, he became disheartened.

Despite keeping their voices hushed, Robin saw through their thoughts and laughed maniacally at them.“Are you guys thinking of escaping? Do you think you guys can do that? The combat power of your teamcombined is only two people in the final stage of the innate level. You guys are fated to die if you plan tofight the four of us!” Robin grew increasingly excited as he spoke, and his smile grew wider.

Jed’s expression faltered. “We’re done for, this time. I’ll never leave Senior Brother Albion and escape onmy own!”

Dwight rolled his eyes at Jed. “What do you mean when you say this? You sound like I’d leave our seniorbrother here and escape alone! I won’t escape on my own; we’ll die together if that’s our fate. It’s justquite unfortunate… After all, we’ve just escaped from the Ten Absolutes Trap Array, and we even thoughtthat peace was at hand. Who would have expected…”

Jed tightened his fists and raised his head to look at Jackie. “We shouldn’t have left the place as thisplace Is filled with danger. We should’ve waited inside for a couple of months until the masters of oursect broke the trap array and got rid of these asses. We would’ve been safe by then!” He was obviouslycomplaining about Jackie’s idea, and Jackie could tell what he really meant. He was not a fool.


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