No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 2061-2065
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chapter 2061-2065

Chapter 2061 “They’re about a hundred yards away from us. It won’t take them long to reach us. We need to go nowbut we can’t dash around madly. If we do that, we’ll b e dead for sure so there’s only one way we cantake. Follow me!” said Jackie icily and determinedly.

He quickly pulled Nash and headed for the cave entrance. Both Dwight and Jed hesitated for a second,but only a second. They were all out of ideas and though Jackie did not explain himself, he was still theirbest bet. They exchanged one glance and quickly supported Albion up and followed Jackie out.

The cave entrance faces south and by right, if they wanted to escape, they should head north or east,but no, Jackie chose to go south instead. Moreover, the path they were on was extremely remote.Judging by the dense weeds around, even the beasts and monsters did not frequent there. Their pathbecame more and more remote until an unknowing layer of fine mists appeared around them.

By then, both Dwight’s and Jed’s faces had already darkened but Jackie showed no signs of stopping.Finally, Jed could not hold it in any longer and asked him, “Where are we going? Why are there mistshere?

A mile away, the masked man and his group were following them at a tempered speed. He was notafraid of losing them, not when he had the cyclops canine with him. The Corpse Pavilion had spared noexpenses for what they were about to do and the masked man would not let anyone interrupt their plans.Especially the Thousand Leaves Disciples who had gotten away from him before. Besides, he would bethe laughing stock of the town if word got around that he, a spring solidifying level fighter, could not eventake out a few final stages of innate level fighters. Therefore, he must kill them no matter what.

A pointy-chin Corpse Pavilion disciple looked left and right then suddenly moved closer to the maskedman and said, “I think something’s not right. They seemed to be going in the direction of…”


“Cliff of Sorrow,” said the masked-man icily, finishing the pointy-chin disciple’s sentence.

The point-chin disciple nodded vigorously. “Yes, the Cliff of Sorrow. They must have thought that it wouldbe better for them to jump off a cliff than to suffer in our hands.”

The masked man scoffed and shook his head. “They won’t die so easily. Master has told me a long timeago that below the Cliff of Sorrow is not the ten thousand precipes.

Meanwhile, Jackie and the others had already arrived at an extremely narrow path. The vegetationaround them had disappeared and was replaced by ugly black rocks which threatened to trip themanytime.


Jackie did not answer Jed’s previous question and just walked on quietly. After ten minutes or so, themist around them was so thick that they could only see five yards ahead of them.

Jackie stopped walking and Jed and the other two quickly caught up to him.

“Another ten yards or so and we’ll arrive at the Cliff of Sorrow,” said Jackie.

Everyone’s expression changed drastically when they heard that. “What?! Why did you bring us here?You’re not going to ask us to jump, right? How is that different from getting killed by them?”

Chapter 2062 Dwight’s face turned ugly but he did not say a word; he just stared at Jackie.

Jackie heaved a sigh and turned around to look at the mist-covered surroundings. According to the map,another ten yards and they would reach the Cliff of Sorrow. No one knew just how deep the cliff was andit was named so because no one had ever made it out alive once they jumped down the cliff, filling theirloved ones with deep sorrow.

“I’ve brushed up on all the dangerous areas before coming to Mount Beasts so I am very familiar with theCliff of Sorrow. One thing all the classics and the other disciples agreed on was that you won’t die fromthe Cliff of Sorrow,” explained Jackie slowly.

Dwight’s lips twitched, he could not help but say, “We don’t need you to tell us that. Everybody knowsthat a cultivator can use his true energy to support his body while falling down the cliff and this willensure his safety. The reason people die in the Cliff of Sorrow is because of the ancient array!”

Jackie nodded. That was what he came to understand too. “I think the ancient array is a kind of traparray too and because it’s so old, it has lost its effectiveness. Look at the mist around you… these are allthe energy that was released after the ancient array fell into disrepair.”


Jed became more and more confused, not understanding exactly what Jackie was trying to get to so histone became a little aggressive, “What are you trying to say exactly? Just get straight to the point andstop confusing me! Are you saying we should jump down the cliff to save ourselves?”.

Jackie shook his head and turned around to look at everyone with a grave expression on his face. “Iknow of a senior who has been to Cliff of Sorrow before, and he has personally experienced the mist thatpervades the surrounding area. He said that these mists are made from the energy that escaped fromthe trap array and that they can confuse people’s hearts and even shield perception. The reason why Ibrought you here is for the shield perception. It’s easy to get lost here but with enough time we can stillmake our way back so there’s no need for us to jump down the cliff.”

Finally, it dawned on Dwight why Jackie had brought them there. “In other words, you brought us here toshield us from the cyclops canine’s perception so that it won’t be able to find us?”

Jackie nodded. They were lucky enough to not have bumped into any of the Corpse Pavilion discipleshere, it was because even the Corpse Pavilion disciples knew no one in their right mind would go there.One being no monsters or spirited beasts could be found there and the second reason was there wereno spirited plants either. Only those fed up with the world would come here since it would take them a lotof effort to get out of there.

That was why Jackie did not hesitate to bring them there. The white mist that pervades the surroundingsformed a natural barrier. It would be difficult for the cyclops canine to find them now. Jackie would havecome here, even if Jed and the others did not want to. After all, it was definitely the safest place on themountain.

Jed’s face softened a little after this. Jackie quickly gestured for them to put Albion down so he couldtend to his wound himself. It was best not to exhaust him further since their little journey here had takena lot out of him.

After putting Albion down, they began to meditate. Their faces were still filled with anxiety even thoughthey were safe for now, they did not know for sure whether the natural barrier would work.

Chapter 2063 Would they make it out alive?

Dwight’s voice drifted into Jackie’s ears just when he was thinking about that. “How can you be so surethat the ancient array below the Cliff of Sorrow is a trap array and not a kill array? It’s not as if you cantell from the mist around us.”

Jackie opened his eyes and looked around everywhere but him. “Actually I’m only seventy to eightypercent sure about it.”

“Then what do you base that seventy, eighty percent on?” Dwight was prepared to ask as manyquestions as she needed to get to the bottom of this and it annoyed Jackie a little.

In truth, Jackie was a hundred percent sure that the ancient array below the cliff was a trap array and nota kill array because he had come across this type of trap array before, albeit not with his own eyes.However, in the memory left by the predecessor, there was this kind of trap array. This kind of trap arrayhas a characteristic where as time goes by, the energy inside will slowly escape and turn into a whitemist clouding the surrounding area. These diffuse mists have the function of shielding perception anddisorienting people and the white mist here basically has the same function too. For this reason alone,Jackie was sure that the ancient array below the cliff was a trap array.

“If I’m not mistaken, this array is called the Ten Absolutes trap array. This array can trap a person’s mind,body, and spirit. Even our divine senses would be useless against it. But what I really wanted to know iswhy would this array appear here…” said Jackie breezily.

Dwight was struck dumb when he heard Jackie mention the Ten Absolutes trap array. He had neverheard of it. This would not be surprising but the fact that he spent a lot of time reading about ancientruins in his spare time and had never come across the Ten Absolutes trap array; It was as if this traparray was not of this world.

Jackie looked around him again and ‘By right, the Ten Absolutes trap array should not appear in a smallplace like West Cercie State. After all, the most powerful Clan association is only of the fourth grade.While it’s true they’re powerful beasts in the mountains, they don’t use arrays like us humans.’

Dwight gave it some thought and said, “So you’re saying the martial artists who were accidentallytrapped here, died because they could not break the array or find the eye of the array?”

Jackie nodded. Although the array’s name sounded impressive, it did not possess the ability to kill.Those who accidentally entered into the array could only wait for death if they did not have enoughpower to break through the array.

Dwight’s hair stood up when he thought about spending his last moments here. It was definitely a fateworse than death. He would rather be killed by somebody than wait day after day for death to claim him.

Even just thinking about the despair terrified them.

“I can’t believe the two of you still have the mood to talk about all this under the circumstances we’re in.Aren’t you worried that the mist would not be able to shield us from them? That they’re on their way hereas we speak?” asked Jed anxiously.novelbin

Chapter 2064 Dwight glanced at Jed speechlessly. “Even if we wait here obediently, can this stop themfrom finding us?” Jed was trying every possible way at a time of crisis and was not thinking straight. Hewanted to cause trouble when he saw people chit-chatting. What Dwight said immediately stopped Jedfrom speaking. Jed was so embarrassed that his face and neck flushed a crimson color but he wasunable to refute Dwight.

Just like what Dwight said, were they able to prevent themselves from being captured by those people ifthey kept quiet and sat there meditating to restore their breathing? In fact, their current situation was akinto leaving their life in the hands of the gods. They did everything they could and if they were still unableto escape the fact of being captured, this proved that they were fated to die.

Dwight turned around and looked at Jackie, who had been calm the entire time. “I’ve never expected youto be so calm when you’re only in the initial stage of innate level. Aren’t you afraid of being implicated byus?” This was what Dwight really wanted to ask after they came out of the cave. The cyclops canineshad strong hunting powers but no matter how strong they were, they required items left behind by theirtargets to search for these people.

The masked man had their senior brother’s torn up clothes and this meant that they were beingpinpointed. The two of them could never leave their senior and escape on their own and they would haveto die together no matter what happened. However, there was no need for Jackie to run for his life withthem. If they went on different ways, Jackie would have a better chance at survival. However, fromJackie’s calm expression, it looked like he did not think about leaving them to save himself. Dwight wasextremely puzzled by his actions.

After all, if he was in Jackie’s shoes, he would definitely distance himself from these people to preventhimself from being involved. Jackie glanced at Dwight and remained calm as he spoke. “From how theCorpse Pavilion is acting, I would not have a high possibility of surviving even if I leave you guys and runtoward the opposite direction. The Corpse Pavilion plans to kill everybody and I don’t think that I’m luckyenough…”

Jackie was not telling the truth as he was full of secrets himself. If he told the truth, he would naturallyraise Dwight’s suspicion. Dwight subconsciously raised his eyebrows and did not continue theconversation after he heard Jackie’s reply. However, Jackie knew clearly that Dwight did not believe inwhat he said.

At this moment, footsteps could be heard coming toward them from far away. All five of them werestunned and they immediately stood up. Jackie stepped forward with a frown on his face and shieldedNash behind him. Dwight and Jed did the same thing as they completely blocked Albion behind them.They should have turned around to run at this moment but what Jackie said flashed through their minds.They would arrive at the Cliff of Sorrow if they ran another 10 more yards.

They could only run toward the sides if they wanted to but there was a huge boulder and below this hugeboulder was the Ten Absolutes trap array. Even if they moved toward the side, they would arrive at theborder soon. This forced them into a desperate situation where there was no place to hide.

The figure slowly became clearer through the white mist. Their hearts dropped the moment they saw theperson clearly as the worst situation had occurred. The masked man was holding onto the cyclopscanine’s leash as the animal breathed heavily with his long tongue hanging out of his mouth.

He seemed to be extremely excited now that he had found his target. He wagged his tail hard as hefocused his huge eyes on Jackie and the rest.

Chapter 2065 The masked man sneered as he took a piece of meat out and threw it toward the sky. The cyclopscanine rushed forward in excitement as he opened his mouth to swallow that piece of meat, letting out acrunch! “I thought you guys were smart enough to escape to some special place. Who would haveexpected you guys to still be here? Do you think that the mist around this place can prevent you frombeing detected by the cyclops canine? This is hilarious and childish. You people really look down on thecyclops canine’s capabilities.”

The masked man stretched out his hand and caressed the cyclops canine’s huge head. The pointy-chinman from the Corpse Pavilion chuckled as he looked at Jackie and the rest. He had a smirk on his faceas he spoke with his sharp voice, “Do you think that the cyclops canine my eldest senior brother has withhim is a normal cyclops canine? Today, we shall give you some insight. This cyclops canine wasgroomed with our sect’s secret method and an unknown amount of spirited crystals were spent on him.Although he isn’t strong in fighting, his senses are three to four times stronger than usual cyclopscanines. Although the surrounding mist has a certain barrier effect, it isn’t sufficient to block this cyclopscanine’s senses!

Jed and Dwight closed their eyes at the same time as despair filled their hearts. Their last hope wasgone and they were unable to evade the attack. The masked man sneered and he looked relaxed like acat who had successfully captured a mouse. He was not In any hurry and he wanted to toy with thecaptured mouse around before he killed it. “To be honest, I could have captured you people the momentyou step into the mist area. However, I didn’t because I want to see what you guys were planning to do. Ithought that maybe you guys ran over here to meet the others. It looks like I’ve been overthinking it…”

Jackie lowered his eyes and secretly thought to himself, ‘No wonder these people were moving soslowly.’ However, he was able to see how cruel this masked man was. He slowly forced them into adesperate situation and gave them some hope before instantly crushing them. The masked man mustlove this feeling that brought him a hint of satisfaction when he saw the despair on the faces of these

people. How could normal people remain calm when they encounter somebody like this, Jackie took aglance to his side and sure enough, Jed was trembling badly.

Although he was a brave man, he could not help but feel a wave of chilliness when facing a person likethis. Dwight was still able to remain calm and Albion was extremely calm as he seemed to haveaccepted his miserable fate.

The masked man took a four-feet scimitar out of his storage space. The weapon was red as blood andhad a hint of eccentricity to it, causing others to feel a wave of chilliness after they looked at it. “You guyswere able to escape from me previously and I wasted so much time tracking you down. It would be ablessing for all of you and a waste of my time if I let you die easily.”

What he said caused the group of five, who was frightened, to be extremely stressed out. This was theworst ending for them as they were not even allowed to die in peace. They could be tortured until theybegged for their deaths before they were allowed to die. The members of the Corpse Pavilion hadalways been well known for their cruel ways and were extremely proficient in torturing others.

Jed’s hands started trembling so badly that the weapon he held tightly, started to tremble too. However,he was not a coward who would just give up and accept his fate. “It’s just death! I will make sure that Ipull them into hell with me if I am going to die. Guys, listen to me! We can’t just allow them to kill uswithout fighting back!”

The masked man started laughing coldly until his shoulders started trembling when he heard what Jedsaid. To him, Jed’s inspirational speech at this moment was a joke. With his presence, how could heallow them to kill the disciples of his sect!

Nash frowned as he lowered his voice to speak to Jackie, “What should we do? Shall we just stand hereand wait for our deaths?” Nash was also filled with despair at that moment. Although he knew that Jackiehad some hidden means, he did not know what Jackie had up his sleeves. He wondered if they wereable to escape the place if they took the Mustard Seed out at this moment.


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