No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 2056-2060
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chapter 2056-2060

Chapter 2056 “We can’t leave like this,” said Nash seriously. All of them turned to look at him with confusion in theireyes.

Nash coughed and continued to explain, “What I meant was, we need to make sure the surrounding areais clear before leaving. Didn’t you all say that they would do anything to kill you all to make sure youwon’t be able to report on them? Although we’re at the outskirts of the mountain, there’s no guaranteethey might not view this place as a key observation zone.”

What Nash said was logical. They exchanged glances with each other and all of their expressions weresolemn. They could not drag on any longer but they could not just leave like that either.

Jackie knitted his brows and made a decision. “How about this? I’ll go scout the surrounding area to plotout a path of escape and we’ll leave within two hours.” Without waiting for their replies, he turned toleave the cave but was stopped by Dwight.

“I will go instead. I have cultivated a special technique and have a keen sense of perception. If there areenemies around, I’ll find out immediately and will be able to retreat safely. After all, your cultivation is onlyin the initial stage of the innate level. Besides, I’m all better now,” he said as he stood up. He pattedaway the grass from his bottom.

Jackie nodded. There was no need to fight about this since he had a special technique to scout thesurroundings.


Jed nodded at Dwight too. “Leave Brother Albion to me. Please be careful out there and come back assoon as you can.”

Dwight nodded and left the cave while the four of them waited patiently in the cave. Jackie meditated torest his body while Nash assisted Jed in taking care of Albion.

The seconds ticked by and Nash became more and more worried. After ten minutes, he could not hold itin any longer and said, “He should be back by now. Do you think he ran into some trouble out there?”

Jed was worried too but compared to Nash, he had more understanding of Dwight’s capabilities. Hesighed faintly and in a grave tone said, “Under normal circumstances, Brother Dwight can escapeextremely fast. He’s smarter than most of us and would be able to detect anything out of the ordinaryvery quickly so there’s no chance for us to escape if he really ran into any troubles now.”


Another ten minutes passed and even Jed’s face was darkening by the seconds. He stood up and staredworriedly at the entrance of the cave. Jackie knew exactly how he was feeling but they could not doanything apart from waiting.

Finally, after an hour, they heard noises coming from the outside. Jackie’s eyes narrowed, and heinstinctively looked at the small defense array in his hand. For the defense array to be effective, twodefense arrays must be used together. One defense array board was placed outside and the other wouldb e kept by the user’s side.

The defense array board in his hand not only served as an alarm but could also transmit the sceneoutside. A figure swiftly traversed the location with the array’s monitor area. Even though he could notsee the person’s features, he was relieved to recognize the Thousand Leaves Pavilion’s uniform.

Jed quickly went to the entrance to welcome Dwight back. He looked more helter-skelter than before andwas covered in leaves and grass. His hair was dirty and he was so pale that he gave off a chilling aura.

Chapter 2057 Jed grabbed Dwight’s shoulder and anxiously asked, ” What happened? Did you run into any danger?Have you plotted out our escape path?”

These series of questions made Dwight’s face even more frightening to look at. His pupils were slightlyshaking and the corners of his lips were twitching as If trying to decide how to answer him. All the othersstarted to panic when they saw him acting like this. Jackie walked over too and stared at him withfurrowed brows.

Dwight signed softly and waved his hand. “Let’s go inside first and I’ll tell you all about it.”

They nodded and though they were anxious for the answer, they had no choice but to go deeper into thecave.

“I found out what they were doing with the array flags and there’s no way we can get out now,” saidDwight gravely after taking one look at the still unconscious Albion.


Everyone’s expression changed and Jed grabbed Dwight’s arms impulsively. He raised his voice andasked, “What happened? Why can’t we get out? Tell me what happened! Did you run into them again?”

Dwight nodded and closed his eyes in a bid to try to calm himself down. “Yes, I ran into them again. Theywere definitely up to something big. I kept on trying to find the best escape route but there were at leasttwenty or so disciples from the Corpse Pavilion and after taking a close look, the disciples who chasedafter us were not amongst them. In other words, the Corpse Pavilion’s disciples have taken over thismountain. But thanks to my techniques, I was able to escape from their detection before they discoveredme.”

He paused here. Jed urged him to go on by asking, ” Why can’t we get out of here? Is it because thereare too many of them?”

Dwight shook his head and his lips were trembling.” No, it’s because of something much worse than that.While it’s true I’ve managed to escape their detection and successfully arrived at the border betweenMount Beasts and the outside world but from there I discovered they had set up a trap array with us in it.This trap array would alert them should anyone step out of it and the only way to get out of the array is toattack it.”

Everyone froze when they heard this. It was the worst situation ever. They never expected the disciplesof Corpse Pavilion to set up a trap array at the borders of Mount Beasts. As the name implies, the traparray is used to trap people in a particular area. Although they would be able to break out of it byattacking it with powerful energy, they would still be discovered as long as they were within the warningrange. Then, the surrounding Corpse Pavilion disciples would come and attack in groups, and no onewould be able to survive then.

Jed suddenly deflated like a balloon on the ground and was trembling all over. Both Nash and Jackie’sfaces were darkened, they thought they would be safe once they reached the outskirts of the mountainbut now it seemed as if they were too naïve.

Nash glanced at Jackie and asked, “What should we do now?”

Chapter 2058 Jackie shook his head. He had no ideas either. There was no way they could get outsafely unless news of their entrapment reached the Dual Sovereign Pavilion. They had no idea what theCorpse Pavilion disciples would do next. Would they rigorously scout through the area they were in? Ifthey did, Jackie and the others would no doubt be effortlessly eliminated.novelbin

Seeing everybody’s expression, Dwight started to contemplate whether he should continue speaking anddecided, in the end, to do so because some words could not be left unspoken.

He took a deep breath and in a sorrowful voice said, ” On the way, I saw a lot of corpses. Most of themwere the bodies of the disciples within the Thousand Leaves Pavilion’s sphere of influence and a few ofthem were unaffiliated cultivators. Judging by the wounds of their bodies, they must have perished underweapons and not monsters.”

This news made an already bad situation worse.. It confirmed Jackie’s guess that anyone would havebeen eliminated once discovered by the Corpse Pavilion disciples. Both Dual Sovereign Pavilion andMuddled Origin Clan were within the Thousand Leaves Pavilion’s sphere of influence which was notsurprising since the former two Clan associations were only third-grade while the latter Clan associationwas the only fourth-grade Clan association in the entire north area of West Cercie State.

Therefore, according to the rules, the lower-grade Clan associations would need to heed the orders ofthe higher-grade Clan association so that was why the two Clan associations would help out theThousand Leaves Pavilion even though they did not belong to the same Clan associations.

What the Corpse Pavilion disciples were doing was indiscriminate killing. Death was inevitable as long asone did not belong to their own Clan association. Knowing this, it finally dawns on Jackie and the othersjust how bad their situation was.

Jackie’s face was black as thunder. “What should we do next? We can’t just wait for death to come tous!”

Dwight glanced at Nash helplessly and said, “You’re right. We can’t just wait to die here but our ideashave run dried. We’re not even sure how many Corpse Pavilion disciples are out there. From my initialobservation, there are at least a hundred of them. One of them is still manageable but they usually movein groups. Besides, we don’t even know what their motives are and how long they would stay here.”

Dwight had listed out all the questions in everyone’s minds and still, no answers were to be found. Itwould be their worst nightmare if the Corpse Pavilion disciples planned to stay there for half a year oreven a year.

Jackie furrowed his brows and raised his head. “How long do you think it will take the Thousand LeavesPavilion to discover what the Corpse Pavilion is doing?”

That was the million-dollar question. It was given that the Thousand Leaves Pavilion would noticesomething was amiss even though the Corpse Pavilion disciples had set up the trap array but thequestion was, when?

Their only hope, for now, was for the Thousand Leaves Pavilion to come to their rescue but they werenot sure what the higher-ups of the sect would do once they got wind of what the Corpse Pavilion wasdoing

Jackie got up and looked outside the entrance. “We can’t stay here and be sitting ducks. We should stillfind a way to get out no matter what the Corpse Pavilion plans to do or how long they’ll stay here.”

He took out the map from his storage ring, laid it flat on the ground, and marked their location. Jackiewas a decisive person and chose not to wrack his brain over what he could not figure out. Instead, hewould find a way out of this himself. Dwight, too, came over to his side.

Chapter 2059 “We all know the best thing we can do now is to look for a way out but how can we whenthere are so many of those Corpse Pavilion disciples?” asked Dwight helplessly after looking at the map.

Then he gestured at the circled location which was where they were. “There are no other hiding places Inthis vicinity apart from this cave. The only place we can go is this cliff over here but chances are we’ll dieIf we scale the walls there so we might just as well wait here.”

He became despaired after saying that. Dwight was not the type to easily give up when things got toughbut this time, he obviously realized they had been backed into a corner. Although they were still safe fornow, he was not exactly sure for how long more.

Suddenly, Jackie’s small defense array board let out a red glow. He quickly put down the map and wentover to the board to perform some hand seals. The glow changed to white and a moving image floatedabove the board.

They instantly recognized the place they were looking at. The place was about a hundred yards awayfrom the cave and the moving image showed twenty or so people in a horizontal line walking towardwhere they were. The man in the middle of the line was wearing a strange mask. The mask was made ofbone fragments and blood-red runes were written all over it.

Ted shot up from the ground when he saw that person, “He’s the spring solidifying level fighter!”

Their enemies were getting closer and this made Jackie’s heart clench while his expression darkened.The man with the mask was holding a blood-red rope in his hand and a monster, measuring about half ofan average human’s height, was tied to the end of the rope

The monster looked like a dog but was much more ferocious than a normal dog. It had only one eye butthe eye was the size of a palm and its pupil was giving off a red glow.

“It’s a cyclops canine!” said Jackie with a knit of his brow.

The cyclops canine is the final stage of the innate level monster. However, this monster is weaker thanthe average final stage of innate level monster and is very popular with humans. A lot of martial artistslike to keep one or two of them as pets. The Clan associations, as well, like to keep a group of them, forthey would come in very useful especially in times like this.

Jed’s lips twitched. His expression was extremely frightening to look at and his breath became veryhaggard. “They must be looking for someone! Who could it be?”

Although a cyclops canine would not win in a fight with other monsters, he can find a person based onthe fluctuations of his true energy. With his palm sized eye, he can find the traces of that person within a

certain range by relying on the remaining true energy fluctuations of a person. This was also the reasonwhy many Clan associations favored having a group of canine cyclops as pets.

Their blood ran cold the moment they saw the cyclops canine. Then they saw the masked man take outa piece of cloth and hold it in front of the cyclops canine’s eye. The huge eye released dark red runes,and the runes flickered in the air as if they were attracted by the cloth, and began to hover and float o nthe small piece of cloth.

Dwight’s face turned dark, and he quickly turned to look at the still-unconscious Albion. “That’s fromBrother Albion’s undershirt! He accidentally ripped It during the fight with them. I’m one hundred percentsure about this!”

Chapter 2060 Everybody’s hearts clenched again when they heard this and their hands started to tremble. The cyclopsdog locates a person by following the remaining true energy fluctuations of that person. When anyoneuses martial arts skills or techniques, there will be residual true energy fluctuations on the things theyused. This kind of true energy fluctuations cannot be detected by humans, but the cyclops canine can.Even if that person’s clothes have extremely weak true energy fluctuations. In the huge eye of thecyclops canine, the true energy can be magnified countless times.

At this moment, Albion woke up and a little bit of color came back to his face. It was obvious that thespirited herbs Dwight and Jed had piled on him previously had worked. However, even so, none of themwere in any mood for celebration.

“sH*T!” Jackie gritted his teeth as the anxiety in his heart intensified, for he had noticed the cyclopscanine seemed to have zeroed in on its targets and was wagging his tail and looking over in theirdirection. This was as good as them receiving a death sentence. His breath became haggard and heregretted letting Nash come out of the Mustard Seed Spirit Ship. He never thought that things would endup this way.

“We have to leave this place! The cyclops canine has already found us,” said Jackie decisively.

Dwight’s face was as black as thunder. “But where can we go? They’re all over the place. We’ll die if wego out like this!” he said in a panicky tone.

It might seem like the three of them had dragged Jackie into their problem but to Jackie, he was gratefulto bump into them. If not, he might not have known about the Corpse Pavilion disciples and might haverun into them and was probably dead by now. He closed his eyes and forced himself to calm down.Then, he made up his mind.

“There is one way to escape the Corpse Pavilion’s detection.”

“Which way?” asked Dwight and Jed with wide eyes.

At that moment, the small array defense board glowed red again and they all turned to look at the newlytransmitted moving images. The masked man was performing hand seals and the cyclops canine hadalready locked on its target. It was jumping around excitedly, trying to rush to the cave, but was pulledback by the masked man. The next second, the masked man walked over to a particular area.

“Oh sH*T!” cried Jackie in a low voice when he saw where he was going. Immediately, the small arraydefense board he was holding shattered with a crisp cracking sound and everyone knew what hadhappened without any need for explanation.

The small defense array boards were linked to each other so it was not surprising the array board inJackie’s hand would break if the masked man had broken the other one outside the cave. Fortunately,they had already seen all that they needed to see. Jackie turned his head and glanced at Albion.


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