No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 1851-1855
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chapter 1851-1855

Chapter 1851 Nash also nodded his head. “Originally, establishing a new clan was indeed a piece of good news for us.However, when he said that the future and any decisions relating to the clan are to be decided by theclan master —it just doesn’t sound right. If that’s the case, we won’t stand a chance to speak up in thefuture if he becomes the clan master!”

“That’s right. If there’s any dangerous task in the future, he will definitely get our people to be in charge ofit. After all, he’s the First Fortress Master of the Nine Armies. He’ll definitely be biased toward his originalsubordinates!”

Kenneth was also extremely furious. “If we knew that this fellow wanted to just absorb all of us in the firstplace, we should have just gone with the people from the Pavilion Billow Cloud!”

Titus gave a bitter smile. “Your thinking is way too simple. It would have been the same even if we wentwith the Pavilion Billow Cloud. Didn’t the Pavilion Billow Cloud absorb the remaining people from the Hallof Divine Royal and Cloud Sky Sect into their ranks? I’m thinking that the people of the Pavilion BillowCloud are still not too happy because Young Master Jackie didn’t choose to allow us to join their clan!”

“Sigh. The weak truly have no say in anything. If we’re not absorbed into the Pavilion Billow Cloud, thenit’s the Nine Armies. Never mind, never mind. Fortunately, the Chi energy here is a lot thicker thanbefore, and there are plenty of cultivation martial art techniques that will enable us to break into theultimate god realm and increase our lifespan. Next time, let’s just cultivate ourselves here!”

Kenneth could only speak while heaving a helpless sigh.


“Don’t worry. Isn’t there twenty days still to the clan elections? Hehe. So long as we work hard, there’sstill hope for me to be chosen as the clan master!”

Yet, everybody did not expect Jackie to smile and speak so confidently.

Nash’s eyes brightened after he heard this. “Really? It would be fantastic if you become a clan master.Never mind if you’ll take care of us, but you’ll definitely be fair. We’d be a lot more reassured comparedto Austin becoming the clan master!”

“You’re not joking, right, Young Master Jackie? This-isn’t this too difficult? Austin said that only thosewhose cultivation levels are fifth-grade ultimate god realm and above will have the authority to vote. Wehave a lot of people, but only a few are at that cultivation level. How can we match them?”


Titus gave a bitter smile, unable to believe the young man’s words.

“Hehe. No need to rush. I already have a sense of how to create third-grade premium pills. I estimatethat I’ll need five days at most to create third-grade premium pills. Once I succeed, I still have fifteendays to create pills!”

Jackie chuckled and said, “Don’t forget that the Nine Armies are not that united. They’ll definitely take theFirst Fortress Master’s side to get benefits for the Nine Armies, but if we give the other eight fortressmasters a third-grade premium pill? A pill like that would help them break into the first-grade soul-penetrating realm.”

“That’s right. Those who reap benefits from others dare not act against them. It isn’t easy for thosepeople at the ninth grade ultimate god realm to break into the soul-penetrating realm. There is a big gapbetween these two cultivation levels. If you give them a third-grade premium pill, it’s a huge opportunityfor them! Even an idiot wouldn’t reject a chance like that!”

Titus suddenly understood what Jackie meant after listening to his reasoning. His expression becameexcited.

“It’ll definitely work out. No need to give it to anyone else- just the fortress masters of the other eightfortresses. We’ll give them one pill each, and the fortress master will definitely know what to get theirsubordinates to do. They’ll definitely have a discussion!”

Kenneth also spoke with a grin. They all understood that a pill that would enable the fortress masters toquickly break into the first-grade soul-penetrating realm was extremely important to them.

“Only, this will definitely offend the First Fortress Master, right?”

Nash frowned after thinking about it.


Chapter 1852 “Haha. Whether we offend the First Fortress Master or not, I don’t dare to give the pill to him anyway!”

Jackie laughed and said, “After the elections are over then I’ll give him a pill, and naturally he won’t hateme anymore. Besides, if he finds out that I’m a third grade premium alchemist, he’ll be extremely happy!”

“That’s true. He’ll be able to quickly make a breakthrough with the pill. So long as his cultivation level ishigh, perhaps he wouldn’t place so much importance on being the clan master or not!”

Titus and the others nodded, extremely happy.

“All right. No need to worry anymore, everyone. We’ve got plenty of martial resources from the forest thistime too. Never mind this month-it’ll also be enough for everyone to cultivate for the next two or threemonths. Everyone should calm down first to increase cultivation levels!”

Jackie gave a bitter smile and told everyone.

Everyone nodded their heads. They were not so worried anymore, and they quickly went off to cultivatethemselves.

At this moment, in the First Fortress Master, Austin’s place, plenty of people were gathered too.

“First Fortress Master, your decision is absolutely fantastic!”

An old man flashed a thumbs up at Austin. “With this, the Nine Armies will grow even stronger! Jackie’smartial talent is too good. Although we don’t know what cultivation level he’s at, this group of people hasgreat potential to be able to survive the Bloodshed Clan. The people who survived will definitely workhard to cultivate themselves in the future and make even better progress!”

“That’s right. Congratulations, First Fortress Master. You’ll be the clan master of the sect in the future.Haha. Jackie is quite aware of the situation. They actually did not protest against allowing only those offifth grade cadaaultimate god realm and above to have a chance to vote!”

Another old man was also smiling. All of them thought that their future was bright.

“Don’t speak too soon, everyone. It’s still too early to tell. We still need to wait for twenty days. Aftertwenty days, you can address me as the clan master!”

The First Fortress Master was elated. He raised his glass of alcohol and said, “Cheers, cheers. All of youhave worked hard today. Come on. Let’s drink and feast!”

At this moment, in a huge hall in the Pavilion Billow Cloud, the clan master, Tomas, was a little angry.“That brat named Jackie is truly so disrespectful. I gave him a chance to join the Pavilion Billow Cloud,but I didn’t think that the brat would actually choose to go with the Nine Armies. I’m so angry. Is thePavilion Billow Cloud any lesser than the Nine Armies?”.

The First Elder took a step forward and spoke with a helpless smile, “Perhaps it is because the peoplefrom the Hall of Divine Royal and Cloud Sky Sect have come into our ranks. I heard from my disciples

that those thirty thousand people don’t go along well with Jackie’s people. Although the two have settheir enmities aside now, they still don’t quite want to see the other party!”

Tomas nodded his head then he added, “Forget it. If they want to join us, join us. If they don’t, it’s fine.The Pavilion Billow Cloud isn’t missing out on them anyway.”

Chapter 1853 It was evident that it was a little late when Tomas and the others had gone over. They havemissed out on the battle of the Nine Armies, Jackie, and the others against the Bloodshed Clan. Thatwas why no one knew how strong Jackie was and they did not care about him at all.

On another cliffside, Lily looked at Lance angrily. “No matter what, Lance, I was doing everything for yoursake. Besides, Nash and the others killed your grandparents, and many people from the Lagorio familywere killed by the White family members. Do you truly not hate Nash and the others?”

Lance gave a cold smile. “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll kill Jackie and Nash sooner or later. I was just putting ona show for them today. You did do a few things too, Mom, but Nash went overboard. He actuallydestroyed your cultivation level before. Hmph. I think he doesn’t even think of me as his son anymore.He only sees Jackie as his son in his eyes!”

Lily was delighted when she heard this. She spoke with a small smile, “I was thinking how could youforgive them just because of a few words so you were just pretending before them. That’s great but thereare so many people there. It probably won’t do if you plan to take any action. Let’s kill them when wehave the chance later!”

Lance gave it some thought before asking Lily in a serious tone, “Oh, right. Mom, do you know whatcultivation levels Nash and Jackie are at now? They weren’t fighting when we went there, so they werenot using their chi. They even concealed the resonance from their bodies, and I couldn’t tell whatcultivation levels they were at. I can only estimate that they’ve broken into the ultimate god realm atleast!”

“What cultivation levels are they at?”

Lily frowned and bit her lip. Then she guessed, “I’m not very sure of their cultivation levels, but Jackie’smartial talent is truly pretty good. By my estimations, he’s probably broken into the second or third-gradeultimate god realm already. You can’t be careless, especially with his stupid fighting power.”

“Haha. Don’t worry. I came in half a year earlier than him. I’m already in the eighth grade ultimate godrealm now. Can that brat surpass my current cultivation level even if he is so strong? Is he a match forme? Hmph. One day, I’ll find some time to pretend to visit them and bring them out, then I’ll kill both ofthem in one shot!”

Lance gave a cold smile, his eyes filled with vengeance.

“All right. You’re a good son. You’d better cultivate yourself properly and quickly break into the first-gradesoul-penetrating realm. If you break into the first-grade soul-penetrating realm, your position will truly bestabilized if you become the next clan master. Otherwise, it’d be a great loss if some other masterappears and snatches your position away!”

Lily was reassured, seeing that her son was already at the eighth-grade ultimate god realm and had abright future.

Jackie rested for a night. After all, he had been straining for the past few days and had no time to rest.He could finally put his worries aside and rest for the night.

However, he did not expect that Ella, Arthur, and the others would come to see him just as the sky brokeinto daylight the next day.

“Brother Jackie, you-how on earth do you cultivate yourself? Isn’t your cultivation speed a little too fast?Did you get some super rare treasure in the forest? If not, there’s no way you can make breakthroughsso quickly!”

Arthur looked at Jackie with a grin, anticipation etched onto his expression. He really wanted to know ifJackie had some treasure or method to quickly increase his cultivation level.

“Hehe. Well, I won’t tell you this now, but I believe that you’ll find out soon enough!”

Jackie chuckled and said, “Your Nine Armies isn’t very polite. You knew that we were being killed by thedisciples of the Bloodshed Clan in the beginning, but you still did not send anybody to help us.Fortunately, luck was on our side. If not, even these 170 or 180 thousand people would not havesurvived!”

Chapter 1854 “Aren’t you just trying to pique our interest now, Jackie?”

Ella glared at him, but she quickly added while smiling, “That being said, I’m truly glad that you’re stillalive. It’s not that we didn’t try to help. We did inform the First Fortress Master and the others about this,but we considered that the Nine Armies are no match for the Bloodshed Clan, which is why the FirstFortress Master did not dare to do anything!”

Here, Ella raised her hand and swore. “I, Ella Lavigne, swear upon the heavens that the First FortressMaster did not have the intention to ignore all of you. They just wanted to wait for the Pavilion BillowCloud to arrive before doing anything. After all, you’ve seen for yourself. Our First Fortress Master is nomatch for that Edward Gray!”

“All right. It’s all in the past. I have no intention of blaming you for anything!”

Jackie gave a bitter smile. Although there were plenty of people in the Nine Armies, their overall strengthwas indeed a lot weaker than the Bloodshed Clan. If not for his people rushing over and him helping tokill a few Bloodshed Clan Elders at higher cultivation levels, as well as working with Austin to kill Edward,there would have been no chance to destroy the Bloodshed Clan!

Hendrick looked at Jackie and asked with some embarrassment, “Oh, right. Brother Jackie, Miss Helena,and the Cabello family -where are they staying?”

Jackie was internally speechless. He pointed at a courtyard that was not too far away. “They’re allstaying there. Just go over and see them if you have anything to say!”

“Thank you!”

Hendrick, Arthur, and the others smiled and walked over happily.

Soon, they found the place where Daniella and the others were staying and knocked on the door.

“Young Master Arthur, is there anything I can help you with?”

Helena saw that it was Arthur, Hendrick, and the others. She smiled at them and asked.

“Well. Miss Helena, we especially came over to apologize. We had no way about the whole BloodshedClan fiasco. We wanted to help you all, but we had no say in the matter!”

Arthur lowered his head, expression apologetic.

Hendrick also said, “That’s right, Miss Helena. More importantly, the First Fortress Master and the otherskept on disapproving of our plans… It was our fault that you had to sacrifice so many people. We aretruly regretful!”

Helena gave a bitter smile. “It’s fine. Everything’s in the past anyway. The Nine Armies was indeed in adifficult position. We didn’t know that the Alliance Guard and the bigger forces would make that decisionafter finding out that we had come in. It’ll probably be just like what Jackie predicted: they won’tstraightaway declare war on us, but they’ll definitely send even stronger clans to attack us!”

Here, Helena paused before continuing, “Perhaps we might need to trouble you then!”

Hendrick then said, “Miss Helena, don’t say that. We’re practically sailing in the same ship now. Besides,we did not help you, but you didn’t blame the Nine Armies. You even came over to help us when we werein danger. Everyone is grateful to you. It’s true!”

“That’s right. Miss Helena, the people of the Nine Armies are all talking about how we would all be introuble if not for your help. Furthermore, the Bloodshed Clan has been eyeing the forest before us for along time now. They’ve been wanting to attack us for a long time but just didn’t have the excuse to do so.This time, they managed to find an excuse so that they could fight Us!”

Ella gave a wan smile. “That’s why even if all of you didn’t enter this place, they would have attacked ussooner or later,” she said. “I just didn’t think that although our numbers are about the same as theBloodshed Clan’s, there would be such a huge gap in fighting power!”

After Daniella heard this, she said, “That’s because they have far stronger martial skills, martial artstechniques, and even weapons than you do. Furthermore, they’re a clan. And you? You’re ninefortresses combined. You probably won’t be as united when in battle. I think it’s a pretty good thing thatwe’re building a new clan and have only one clan master to lead us from now on!”

Chapter 1855 “That’s right, that’s right. You’re absolutely right, Miss!”

Arthur could not help but gulp when he saw Daniella’s beautiful face. He asked Helena, “Oh, right. Thesetwo are your younger sisters but who’s the second sister? And who’s the third?”

Helena introduced them while smiling, “This is my third sister, Daniella. Beside her is my second sister,Venus.”

“You three truly look like angels and your martial talent is pretty good. I really didn’t think that there wouldbe such pretty girls in the abandoned world!”

Hendrick spoke while grinning. He felt a little awkward as it was his first time seeing three beautiful girls.He suddenly did not know what to say.

The three sisters exchanged a glance when they saw Hendrick’s straightforward nature, and they couldnot help but chuckle.

After a while, Venus began to tease them, “Right. You two keep talking about Miss Helena as soon asyou open your mouths. Don’t tell me that you’ve got eyes for my sister, judging from your behavior? I’lltell you that my big sister doesn’t have a boyfriend now. You’ll have to work hard if you’re interested inher!”

“What are you talking about, Second Sis?”novelbin

Helena immediately rolled her eyes at Venus, her cheeks blushed.

Hendrick and Arthur’s faces also turned red after they heard this. It felt as though someone had seenright through them.

“See, Big Sis. Didn’t I say so? They came looking for you once they were here. Of course, they’reinterested in you. See, both of their faces have turned red after I said that. Hehe!”

Venus saw this, and she spoke with a wider grin.

Helena glared at Venus, then she spoke, not backing down, “You don’t have a boyfriend either. The twoof you-no, the master youths of the Nine Armies should all work hard. My second sister has no boyfriendeither but my third sister’s heart is already taken, so don’t even think about it!”

“What nonsense are you saying, Sis? They didn’t come to see me!”

Venus’s face also suddenly reddened. She was truly embarrassed.

“I didn’t say that they came to see you. You’re not that young anymore, so I’m helping to promote you!”

Helena was delighted when she saw her second sister’s bashful expression.

Arthur and Hendrick exchanged a glance. Their hearts leaped in delight.

“Oh, right. I’m sure that you’re not very familiar with the Nine Armies’ territory, misses. Why don’t webring you to tour the surroundings?”

After Arthur thought about it, he looked at them with anticipation.

Beside them, Skye was so furious that she was clenching her teeth. She had thought that Helena andthe others would have died in the woods long ago. She did not think that the three women would havesurvived.


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