No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 1846-1850
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chapter 1846-1850

Chapter 1846 These words made the corners of Josh’s mouth twitch slightly.

He was not an idiot. He knew that they would not hand those people over so easily. However, assomeone from the Alliance Guard, he had to say such words too. Otherwise, he would not be able toexplain everything properly once he went back. That was why he wanted to show his power.

After thinking about it, he said, “All right, Tomas. You’re sure that you won’t hand them over? You’reseriously not afraid that a huge war will break out between the two sides? You’d be the number onesinner then!”

Tomas just smiled as usual. “Haha. We’ll worry about the future once we’re there. Anyway, I won’t handthem over to you now. If you’ve got the guts, you can come over to snatch them away. See if you can killthem right under my nose.”

After saying that, Tomas thought for a while before saying to the other man, “Master Wallman, I suggestthat we leave this matter as it is for today. About six hundred thousand of them had come in, but nowonly about two hundred thousand of them are left. Furthermore, the Bloodshed Clan and the Nine Armieshave lost so many people. Let’s just stop for today. Otherwise, neither side will get anything good out ofthis!”

“Hmph. I can’t decide anything on today’s matter, so I’ll take my leave first. As for what we will do later, Ithink the bigger clans in the Alliance Guard will only decide after having a discussion!”


Josh gave a cold harrumph and quickly waved his hand, leading everyone away.

“We’re leaving just like that, Master Wallman?”

After flying for a while, an Elder from the Bloodshed Clan asked Josh, dissatisfied.

Josh stopped and glared at him. “Of course. Why would we stay there and not leave? If we truly fightagainst them, we won’t be their match. If Tomas wasn’t afraid that their clan would suffer great losses ifwe truly fought while he also did not want his clan to suffer, he probably wouldn’t have let us go either!”


“Then-then what should the Bloodshed Clan do? We’re only left with thirty thousand people!”

The old man heaved a sigh, at a loss.

Josh was stunned for a while, then he quickly told the Bloodshed Clan while smiling, “Your BloodshedClan is no longer considered a proper clan. Never mind your remaining numbers—even if you returnedto the Clan Association, the forces that you offended before might even give you trouble. Are you reallythat willing to allow your clan to die off or be dispersed just like that?”

Here, Josh paused for a while before continuing, “That’s why I think the remaining thirty thousand of youshould join our clan. This way, the Sword King Clan will grow a little stronger, and all of your disciples willbe able to survive. Of course, those of you who are at the ninth-grade ultimate god level will still betreated like Elders once you join our clan as if you were our own!”

“We wish to join! We’re willing to!”.

The Fifth Elder and the others all cried out. After all, the Sword King Clan was a lot stronger than theBloodshed Clan. Furthermore, their Elders would still be treated like Elders once they joined their clan.This was a good thing. Why would they not rejoice?

“All right, all right. Let’s go. Let’s return to the Clan Association first. We’ll get all of you registered oncewe get back, arrange accommodation and give each of you a token!”

Josh was delighted. This was not a pointless trip after all. Although the Bloodshed Clan was no more, theSword King Clan had suddenly grown a lot stronger. This way, the clans that were once almost aspowerful as them would probably admire them now.

Chapter 1847 “Phew! They’re finally gone! It’s fortunate that you and your men came in time, Master Tomas!”


After Josh and the others left the place, the First Fortress Master of the Nine Armies — Austin Drago-heaved a long sigh of relief. Before the Pavilion of Billow Cloud arrived, he was truly in a complete stateof panic, fearing that if they really needed to be in a battle with the Sword King Clan, they would not beable to defeat them.

“Hahaha! I didn’t expect that you could make that Bloodsh*t Clan suffered such a great loss! BloodshedClan is now at its end. Yup. No more Bloodshed Clan! Hmmm… Bloodshed Clan is the nearest AllianceGuard to you and they often come to this forest to hunt for treasures. Now that they are gone, there won’tbe any people coming over to fight for training resources with you Guys!”

Tomas laughed aloud, and then added, “And it’d be so much easier for the Nine Armies to develop andexpand!”

Nonetheless, a few lines formed between Austin’s brows as he heard it. “It’s true that the Bloodshed Clanhas suffered great loss. But, there are too many people from the abandoned world who have entered thisplace! I don’t think the Alliance Guard will turn a blind eye to this matter. Sigh! What should we do next?”Austin spilled out all his concerns.novelbin

Tomas, too, furrowed upon hearing. “Don’t worry for now. When the people of the Sword King Clan returnto their place, they would definitely tell the higher superiors about the situation, and they would definitelyhold a meeting to discuss this matter. After all, it’s a serious matter! Hmmm… This time, the Nine Armiessuffered severe losses as well. I actually have two ideas!”

“You have ideas? What are those?”

Austin looked at the other party with an expectant expression.

Tomas then explained, “First option, to prevent the people of the Alliance Guard from launching suddenattacks on all of you, I’d suggest that those who came from the abandoned world seek shelter under thePavilion of Billow Cloud, or even be part of us! The second option, they could stay in this place with thepeople of the Nine Armies, after all, the Nine Armies have suffered great loss, and in case the SwordKing Clan attacks any of you after we left, you have these people.”

Austin thought carefully about the suggestions before saying, “If I were to propose, it’d be better forJackie and his group to stay on this side of the Nine Armies. The cultivation and training resources insidethis forest are good for them too. Furthermore, it’s highly likely that the Alliance Guard thinks that thesepeople will go with the Pavilion of Billow Cloud and will not stay with the Nine Armies. In that way, we’llbe safer too!”

“Hmmm. Why not ask them? They’ll decide for themselves!”

Tomas thought for a while then proposed, “I think the Alliance Guard will not want to wage war againstthe Nine Armies, but they will not let the matter of the Bloodshed Clan go as well. The highermanagement in Alliance Guard will not ignore it. So, I think they will send some clans whose overallcombat power is above average to find trouble with you!”

Tomas then informed Jackie, Lily, and the others about the situation, and let them decide for themselves.

After giving the matter some thought, Jackie finally decided to stay with the Nine Armies, while Lily andthose thirty thousand people from the Hall of Divine Royal decided to follow the Pavilion of Billow Cloud.They even want to be part of them!

The people of the Pavilion of Billow Cloud were naturally happy to have thirty thousand people join theirsect, and among these people, some of them had broken through to the first-grade ultimate god level!Soon, the Pavilion of Billow Cloud brought the new joiners and left the place.

“Let’s collect our spoils of war!”

Looking at those corpses on the ground, Austin ordered.

Chapter 1848 “Brother Jackie, thank you for choosing to stay. I thought you would choose to go with thePavilion of Billow Cloud. After all, they’re more powerful than us, not to mention that they have slightlymore soul penetrating level fighters than we do. The Master of the Pavilion of Billow Cloud is even at thesecond-grade soul-penetrating level!”

After the big crowd left the scene, Austin looked at Jackie and his group with a grateful face. The NineArmies lost a lot this time, so he was really afraid that Jackie and his men would decide to go with thePavilion of Billow Cloud, and the Nine Armies would be in huge trouble if the Alliance Guard sent theirunderlings to seek trouble.

Nonetheless, Jackie smiled lightly and said, “I don’t think that my elder brother, Lance will forgive me thateasily. He’s now the disciple of the First Elder of the Pavilion of Billow Cloud. So that’s no way I’d go withthem. Besides, we suddenly barged into this place and put you guys in danger, and I truly feel sorryabout that. So, I think it’s better and wiser for us to stay with you guys, going through thick and thintogether!”

Jackie’s words made Austin feel guilty and ashamed of himself because they knew that they were nomatch for the Bloodshed Clan and decided to wait, at the same time, somewhat reluctant to help Jackie

and the group. However, Jackie and his group in the end still decided to go through thick and thin withthem, when they could have secretly left the forest when the Nine Armies were fighting with theBloodshed clan.

“Young Master Jackie, no matter what, we’re stuck with you! We don’t want to follow those people at all!After all, those who are from the Hall of Divine Royal decided to join the Pavilion of Billow Cloud, and wedespised being under the same clan with them!”

The head of a second-class family said to Jackie after thinking for a brief moment.

“He’s right, Young Master Jackie! Although the Pavilion of Billow Cloud is strong and powerful, we havefaith in you! We believe that once you break through to the soul penetrating realm, the Pavilion of BillowCloud is nothing to you!”

Another head of a third-class family immediately chimed in and looked at Jackie with a smile.

They all knew very well in their hearts that Jackie was a third-grade alchemist, and although the Pavilionof Billow Cloud might appear to be strong and powerful right now, as long as Jackie had time to refinepills and distribute them to the others, they all would be able to improve their martial status in no time.Moreover, Jackie was a master among the masters; it would be the wisest and the most promisingchoice to follow Jackie.

Jackie did not know whether to cry or laugh after hearing all these boot-licking compliments from thesefamily heads.

He then looked at Austin and handed him a healing pill. “First Fortress Master, I made this healing pilland it’s quite effective. Take it and you shall recover from your injuries in no time.”

“Thank you!”

Austin had healing pills as well, but since Jackie had offered him his, he did not want to reject hiskindness. So, he accepted Jackie’s healing pill with a smile on his face and swallowed the pills. “FortressMaster Whittemore will arrange places for all of you to stay! On top of that, we’ll send several men tokeep an eye on the peaks of the hills, and once we find anomalies or people from the Alliance Guardapproaching this place, we can be notified immediately and prepare in advance!”

Fané nodded his head in agreement. “The Sword King Clan will definitely report to their superiors andthey will hold discussion over it. And this back and forth effort will take some time, at least a month Iguess. So, we’re relatively safe for at least a month, and within this one month, we shall improve ourmartial status! It’s the golden opportunity for us to train and improve ourselves!”

“Heh? But how much can we improve in Just a month’s time?”.

Austin smiled bitterly upon hearing Jackie’s words. “Raising the martial level in one month? Right, even ifsome demi-god level fighters are able to break into the early stage of True God Realm, it’s not much usefor us. What we need are fighters with ultimate god level or soul-penetrating level! Only if we could havemore people with soul-penetrating level!”

“Haha! Don’t worry about that. I’m certain that someone among us will break into the soul-penetratingrealm within a month!”

Jackie chuckled and responded.

Chapter 1849 Austin thought that Jackie was bragging, but he did not bother to deny the other party.Austin then continued, “Right, Brother Jackie, you have more than a hundred thousand people with you,but they’re all from different clans and families, and the situation is similar to the Nine Armies back then-the Nine Armies came from different forces. Hmmm… I have a suggestion, but I’m not sure if it’sappropriate for me to propose it.”

“Is that so? Please go ahead, First Fortress Master!”

Jackie bowed to Austin politely and said, “Since we have decided to stay, we’re all in the same boatmoving forward, and don’t worry about our loyalty toward you. We’ll definitely not have second thoughtsnor will we have plans against you!”

“That’s for sure! We’re in this together and we fight together! Our people will not have second thoughts orevil plans against you too! You have my word!”

Austin bobbed his head and then gave his idea, “Brother Jackie, the idea is simple. You have many menof different clans and families, and the Nine Armies are the same too! Why…why don’t we build a clantogether? We can all become one clan! What do you think?”

“Build a clan? Hmmm… It would be easier to manage and we can gather all the power and strengthtogether then everyone won’t be suspicious nor jealous of one another. Right?”

Jackie frowned; he immediately understood the underlying intention of this proposal.

Right now, Austin possessed the strongest and highest martial level, and although Jackie had thenumbers on his side, there were not many fighters with high martial levels. So, if both sides agreed toform a clan, Austin naturally wanted to be the clan master.

If he became the clan master, did not it mean that Jackie and his men would have to listen to him in thefuture? If this was the case, it was highly likely that Jackie and his group would not receive the sametreatment and benefits as those people who were originally from the Nine Armies. Even worse, theymight have to hand over the training materials and resources that they had scavenged in the forest!

That also includes Jackie’s refined pills! He would have to hand those pills to the clan as a contribution. Itwas for sure that Austin would not treat Jackie badly after knowing that Jackie was an excellentalchemist, but Jackie was unable to take special care of Nash nor Alejandro anymore if he wanted tohelp them raise their martial level.

“What do you think? The idea is good, right?”

Austin noticed the frown on Jackie’s forehead; he immediately probed further.

Before Jackie could reply, a fortress master next to him interrupted, “That’s a great idea! We have around260 thousand people in total and coupled with Brother Jackie’s amazing talent that is comparable to afighter of the first-grade soul-penetrating level, we now have two soul-penetrating level fighters and it’stime for us to set up a new clan!”

“Yes, they’re right! It’s indeed an excellent idea! But we had just experienced a tough battle, so it’s betterfor us to rest and recover for the time being. And after some time had passed, we could then hold theelection for master and vice-master of the clan, how about that?”

The First Elder—who was beside the First Fortress Master-stood up and spilled his opinion. He believedthat if Austin became the master of the clan, the chances of him becoming the vice-master would behigh.

Jackie’s combat power was strong, but his martial level was not that high. Furthermore, only people atthe eighth grade and ninth-grade ultimate god level were eligible to be voters in the election.

“Hmmm… It’s possible to do that. But many of us here are injured and need time to recuperate. Let’s doit this way, we will elect the clan master and the vice-clan master after half a month, what do you think?”

Chapter 1850 “Sure! Not a problem! We just went through a tough battle, we should really rest and recuperate for thetime being. Take your time to rest and recover, even if it takes twenty days!”

Austin’s heart leaped up for joy; this was a great opportunity to take these people into his clan and havecontrol over them.

Jackie and his group had the number, and the best thing was that in addition to Jackie, there wereseveral sixth-grade ultimate god level fighters and a fifth-grade ultimate god level fighter in the group.They were not weak at all and their combat prowess was also strong!

Furthermore, they had quite a few people of first-grade ultimate god level.

Once he took in Jackie and his men, the overall combat power of his men would eventually increase.

“Good! Then let’s do as you said! Let’s rest for twenty days and we will hold an election after twentydays!”

Jackie replied with a smile hanging on his face.

Austin was rendered speechless; he did not expect this outcome at all—Jackie earned another five days!

However, he believed that even if he generously gave Jackie thirty days, the position of clan masterwould definitely still be his.

Therefore, Austin did not pester the matter further. He then flew into the sky and announced loudly,“Ladies and gentlemen, I have had a discussion with Brother Jackie and the Nine Armies are willing totake everyone in. We will all get along like real brothers and sisters. Even though we all come fromdifferent clans and families, prominent ones and smaller ones, we have decided to build a new clan forunity! From now on, we are all from the same clan, one big clan, and there’s no distinction between theNine Armies or the other clans!”

The people of the Nine Armies naturally applauded and cheered upon cheering the great news, whileJackie and the others naturally followed the crowd, applauding and cheering for the new arrangement.

However, inside their hearts, they all knew very well that once they merged and formed a new clan,Jackie and the others like Nash or Alejandro would no longer have a say in the new clan.

Nonetheless, overall, it was still an advantage. To be taken in by the AntiAlliance Guard was at leastbetter than having no clans to take care of them at all. It was better than being hunted down by theAlliance Guard.

Austin nodded in satisfaction when he saw everyone cheering and applauding for this new formation. Hethen signaled everyone to quiet down and said, “However, since we’ve just gone through a very toughbattle, we should rest and recover for twenty days! Then we will hold an election in twenty days! But,because there are too many people, we’ll do it this way; only people with combat powers of the fifth-grade ultimate god level and above are eligible to vote in this election, and every eligible voter has onlyone ballot. We will elect our master and vice-master in this election.

The newly elected master will decide the future direction of the clan; the newly elected master also hasabsolute power and everyone must respect and obey the master!”

The crowd applauded again at Austin’s speech. After a while, the battlefield was cleared up. The head ofthe Whittemore Fortress then led Jackie and the others away and arranged a place for them to stay.

The evening came by quickly. Nash, Alejandro, and those men with higher martial levels gathered atJackie’s residence.

“Young Master Jackie, Austin is sneaky. His idea was basically in his favor; he wanted to absorb us, andhe even had the other fortress masters completely grasped in his hands!”

Alejandro felt a flicker of irritation when he thought about what happened this afternoon.


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