No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 1771-1775
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chapter 1771-1775

Chapter 1771 “Alright, we’ll do it that way, carrying it out like guerrilla warfare. Anyway, let’s see what our opponentsare up to. If they have a very high fighting prowess, we’ll keep it low instead of fighting them head-on, butif they have a low fighting prowess, we’ll end them swiftly.” Kenneth was slightly excited. He wasoverjoyed at the thought of Jackie giving him a third-grade intermediate pill, and there was hope for himto increase his fighting prowess for three grades.

After all, this was a third-grade intermediate pill, and not many people can get it. Staying behind was avery dangerous move for them, but it was also an opportunity.

“Haha… I believe that their disciples won’t have high fighting prowess. After all, their usual disciples andinformal disciples merely have regular fighting prowess. Apart from that, Jackie can kill their formaldisciples if they don’t have extremely high fighting prowess and if there aren’t many of them.” Tituschuckled, but a thought then occurred to him as he spoke, “Still, we have to fight a war that we haveabsolute confidence over, and we especially can’t let any of their disciples run away. If any of theirpeople escaped, we’ll be in trouble should they inform the elders or sect master of the Bloodshed Clanabout our situation.”

Jackie nodded in agreement. “Our advantage right now is that our opponents have no idea about ourexistence. They must be thinking that we don’t have a high fighting prowess as we had just entered thisarea. It’s already good to break through into the First-stage ultimate god-level, and there will be very fewof us who are in the Second-stage ultimate god-level. Hence, this is our opportunity!”

Jackie then flew upward and gazed into the distance before saying, “Let’s go and sneak in that direction.Seems like there’s a battle up ahead!”

The six of them traveled speedily, and they soon flew to a place where sounds of battle were heard.They hid in the forest and looked at the situation outside.


“It’s the disciples of the Bloodshed Clan, alright!” Nash tightened his fist in anger when he took a look.There were several thousand members from second-class aristocratic families who were surrounded byabout 100 disciples of the Bloodshed Clan.

Although there were many members of the second-class aristocratic families there, there were more thana dozen of the Bloodshed Clan disciples who were in the First or Second-grade ultimate god-level. Therewere also quite a number of disciples who were in the true god-level. With a handful of Bloodshed Clandisciples in the ultimate god-level, it seemed the battle had tipped to one side.

Members of the second-class aristocratic families were utterly anxious, wanting to escape. However,those men killed more than a dozen people with a wave of their sword, and dead bodies were strewneverywhere on the ground. Blood splattered all over the place, and many of them were so frightened thattheir faces turned pale.

“Go!” With a wave of Jackie’s hand, everybody rushed outward.


The members of these aristocratic families were families who entered the pact with the White familywhen they went to Black Windy Island. Although they were not members of the White family, Jackie stillchose to help them.

Several old men from the second-class aristocratic families withstood the attack while yelling in despair.They wanted to escape, but it was too difficult.

“Sh*t, we’re done for! We are done for! Why are there so many members in the ultimate god-level?!”

“That’s right! There are several in the Second-grade ultimate god-level! What should we do?”



A sword aura flew toward them and killed two Bloodshed Clan disciples in the Second-grade ultimategod-level.

“Such strength!” The old men inhaled deeply, delighted as they looked toward the source of the attack.“Oh, thank goodness! It’s the members of the White family, and Master Cabello is also here! Are wesaved?”

Chapter 1772 “D*mn it! Who are these people? Why did several masters in the Third-grade ultimate god-level appear?”The remaining disciples of the Bloodshed Clan were appalled at how sudden everything changed. Onesecond ago, they did not pay much notice toward these men who barged into the sacred grounds, butwho would have thought that so many masters of the ultimate god-level would rush out the next second.There were five masters in the Third-grade ultimate god level and one of them was in the Fourth-gradeultimate god level. This caused them to be instantly stunned.


“Could they be members of the Nine armies? D*mn it! They must be! When did the Nine Armies deploytheir people here?” One of the men who was in the First-grade ultimate god-level was so frightened thathe turned to escape.

Unfortunately, Alejandro flickered right behind him and landed a heavy punch on his face, killing himinstantly. “Die!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Jackie and the others’ arrival instantly shifted the tides of battle, and less than a minute later, the fightended. Those that remained felt like they had survived a calamity.

An old man from one of the second-class aristocratic families led the group of people to kneel in front ofJackie and the others. “Young Master Jackie, Master White and Master Cabello, thank you so much!”

Jackie smiled bitterly before he said, “Several of you should fly up with me and take a look.”

Some of them indeed flew with Jackie as he pointed at one of the mountains far away, saying, “Do youguys see that place? You should travel as fast as possible toward that area. You can inform anybody youmeet on the way about the current situation, apart from the people of the Cloud Sky Sect and Hall ofDivine Royal. We’re currently surrounded by the disciples of the Bloodshed Clan, a member of theAlliance Guard. They’re guarding outside the forest and have sent people into this area to hunt us whohave entered the sacred grounds. After you guys arrive at the mountain top, try your best to increaseyour fighting prowess. Our people are on their way to the mountain, as we speak. Don’t cause any fightson your way, and it won’t be so easy for members of the Bloodshed Clan to find you people.”

Jackie informed everybody about the general situation, and the families nodded with gratitude beforeflying toward the mountain Jackie had pointed at.

Nash and the others gathered their trophies while Jackie went over the situation with everyone else.After all, these items were extremely important for them to improve their fighting prowess, and it wouldhave been a waste to leave them.

Of course, as they did not have much time, Nash and the others did not check their martial rings one byone; they only took the martial rings of those with higher fighting prowess. They could not let go of themartial rings that once belonged to those Clan disciples as there might be some stronger martial skill ormartial art technique in their martial rings.

Flying back to his companions, Nash remarked with a small smile, “We can only take the martial rings ofthose who have a higher fighting prowess. There’s no need to take those that belong to people in thedemi-god level or the elementary stage of the true god-level.”

Jackie nodded. “Those who have a low fighting prowess don’t have many precious items with them. Ifthey come across anything, they would’ve handed those items to their elders for safe-keeping as that’s amuch safer way. All they have on them are just things that are suitable for their fighting prowess.

“Let’s go. Sounds like a battle is happening nearby!” Jackie led his people and continued to fly towardanother area.

Titus thought about it and said to Jackie, who was beside him, “Young Master Jackie, if no monsterbeasts pass by the area recently, the disciples of the Bloodshed Clan shall discover the bodies of thosepeople soon. If they discovered that even members in the Second-grade ultimate god level have died,they’ll definitely report to their upper management about this, right?”

Jackie smiled coldly at that. “That’ll be better. By then, the other party would definitely think that the NineArmies had sent people to assist us. They might cause trouble and question the Nine Armies. In thatcase, the Nine Armies can’t pretend like they knew nothing about what had happened!”

Titus’ eyes immediately lit up. “That’s right! If the Nine Armies refuse to take action, they’ll definitelyrefuse to acknowledge that they had sent people over. However, the Bloodshed Clan will definitelysuspect that they’re secretly assisting us. This is a good thing, seeing as it’ll only benefit us if thecontradiction between both families increases!”

Chapter 1773 It was not long until Jackie and his companions got to where the sounds of people fightingwere heard. Before their eyes were several members of the White family and the Supreme Clarity Sect,fighting with Bloodshed Clan disciples.

However, these Bloodshed Clan disciples – about 100 of them-did not have a high fighting prowess.They were instead in the demi-god level, true god-level, and ultimate god-level. There was only one oldman who was in the First-stage ultimate god-level.

Even so, the members of the White family and the Divinity of Pavilion obviously could not compete withthem as their opponents pulverized them.

“Wonderful! There are members of our White family!” Elated at the sight, Jackie led his companions torush out.

“Dear me, it’s our young master and family master!” The members of the White family were over themoon when they saw who came to their rescue. They knew that Jackie was a very talented masteramong masters. They had been at this place for more than 20 days, and Jackie must have brokenthrough into the ultimate god-level already.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Bloodshed Clan disciples were no match for Jackie and the rest. Upon their arrival, Jackie and theothers were slain within several moves.

A young man of the White family immediately walked forward and said to them, “Thank goodness! YoungMaster Jackie and family master, it’s great that you people are still alive. We have no idea where thesepeople came from. We’ve been searching for you guys these past couple of days, but we couldn’t findyou. Our fighting prowess has slightly increased, but we’re still no match for them!”

Jackie swept a glance at everyone before telling them about the situation.

Once he finished, Jackie thoughtfully remarked, “You people have a low fighting prowess, and I’m afraidthat the journey will be very dangerous. On top of that, there are quite a number of you here. I think youshould follow us to take a look at what’s happening up ahead so we can rescue more people. Whenthere are more people later and you guys have people in the ultimate god-level to lead you, you cantravel toward the mountain top over there to wait for us.”

“Alright, Young Master!” The members of the White family and the Supreme Clarity Sect were ratherthrilled.

“Let’s go over there!” Jackie listened to the fighting noises around them and led his people to the otherside.

This time, Jackie and the others soon discovered that about 2000 people were surrounded, attacked bythe Bloodshed Clan disciples. The Supreme Clarity Sect’s sect master, the Melody Lawson , Melody,members of the White family, and Cabello family were among these people.

Several hundred Bloodshed Clan disciples cornered them, and there were more than a dozen who werein the ultimate god-level.

There were even three who were in the Third-grade ultimate god-level.

“Curses! Our opponents aren’t even that many, but there are too many people at the ultimate god-level!”Melody had also broken through into the Second-grade ultimate god-level and could be considered avery talented master. Several of the elders of their Supreme Clarity Sect had also broken through into theFirst-stage ultimate god level.

However, it was still very difficult for them to defeat those members of the Bloodshed Clan under suchcircumstances.

Chapter 1774 One of the female disciples could not help but mumble, “Sigh… I wonder if things would’vebeen better if we left with Young Master Jackie, seeing how talented he is. If he had also broken throughinto the Second-grade ultimate god-level, he’d definitely be able to kill disciples in the Third-gradeultimate god-level with his combat power!”

Melody’s expression darkened when she heard that. The man’s image appeared in her head, and sheregretted what happened. She wondered how he was doing and if he had broken through. Based on histalents, he would not die so easily once he had broken through into the First-grade ultimate god-level.

“What are you talking about? We’re the Supreme Clarity Sect, and the White family’s young master mighthave died by now. Apart from that, we obtained the martial art technique to improve our fighting prowessnot long after we left their side. Who knows what would’ve happened if we left with the White family!”snapped another female disciple while she fended off their enemies.

“Melody, bring several talented disciples and leave. I’ll stall some time for you and the other disciples andsee if we can fight our way out. The both of us can’t die here together. You’re very talented, and theinheritance of our Supreme Clarity Sect will be broken if you die here!” As the sect master of theSupreme Clarity Sect, Aureole felt hurt as she saw how the elders and patronums were killed, all whileshe was helpless. Although there were not many enemies, there were enough to kill every single personhere. It was not easy to defeat masters in the ultimate god-level, especially when their enemies hadmasters who were in the Third-grade ultimate god level.

“Pavilion master, I…I can’t leave. If we’re to die, then we’ll die together. With our number, we’ll fight themwith all we have. Didn’t we manage to kill some of their disciples?” Melody gritted her teeth as she finallykilled one of the other party’s disciples, who was in the First-stage ultimate god-level.

“Melody, you’re the sacred lady of our Supreme Clarity Sect. You have to think about our sect and thebetter good of the situation at this moment. Leave now!” Aureole yelled loudly and rushed forward with allher might.

“Haha… Sacred lady? This place of ours is known as the sacred grounds, and we’ve never heard of anysacred lady. Who would’ve thought that a person from the abandoned world will call herself the sacredlady. I want to see what this sacred lady looks like!” A male disciple laughed loudly, eyeing Melody fromhead to toe before he added, “Everybody, listen up! This is their sect’s sacred lady, and our goal now isto capture this sacred lady alive!”

Another old man chimed in smilingly, “Haha… I’m just as curious. Let’s have a look at how the sacredlady looks later. She has quite a nice figure and beautiful eyes, and I just wonder what she looks likeunder the veil. If she’s beautiful and is willing to become a furnace so I can practice my malicious martialart technique, I’ll let her live. If she’s too ugly, we just need to kill her!”

“Haha! Good idea, Junior Brother!” The middle-aged man standing behind him started laughing loudly.This old man was, in fact, his junior brother.

However, he went straight toward Melody after that. “You better pray that she’s not beautiful enough tomake me want to keep her, though. If I’m attracted to her…” He chuckled. “You’ll have to give her to me!”

“How can you do this? Senior brother, don’t you have good taste all along? Why are you now attracted tothis one?” The old man’s expression darkened, displeased at his decision.

“Haha… This woman is extremely alluring with how she looks. As long as her face hidden under the veilisn’t too ugly, she’s definitely the type of woman that I like!” The middle-aged man was in the Thirdgradeultimate god-level, and as he spoke, the distance between him and Melody gradually shortened.

“Melody, run, now!” Aureole, who was fighting on the other side, rushed over in a flash after she yelledout loudly to Melody.

“Old lady, are you suicidal?” Seeing how someone stood in his way, the middle-aged man clenched hisfists tightly and swung his fist toward Aureole mercilessly, not even using his chi.

Aureole’s expression became steely as she quickly activated her chi and swung her fist toward the man.

Chapter 1775 Bang!

Alas, Aureole was no match for the man despite using her chi. His fist sent her flying away.

“Pavilion master!” Melody turned pale in fright. She flew over speedily and barely caught Aureole, whowas flying backward.

“Why… Why didn’t you escape?” Aureole was slightly angry as Melody did not take the opportunity toescape. There was an obvious area where they could try to rush out. It was a hard-earned opportunity,yet Melody wasted it.


She vomited another mouthful of blood the moment she finished speaking.

“Haha… Did you think you could escape when I’ve got my eyes on you? Putting other things aside, shewon’t have the chance of escaping from me, based on the speed of her flying alone!” The middle agedman laughed and slowly flew over.

Out of the blue, a man rushed out and killed several Bloodshed Clan disciples on the outside withseveral continuous punches before finally stopping in front of Melody and the others.novelbin

“F…Jackie?” Melody was dazed at the sight of this familiar figure. She never expected to meet Jackie atthis spot.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The moment Jackie stopped attacking, Nash and the others rushed in and attacked the other BloodshedClan disciples ferociously.

“Young Master Jackie, why are you guys here? I’m grateful for what you’ve done, but these people arehauntingly strong. Three of them are in the Third-grade ultimate god-level!” Aureole wiped the trace ofblood at the corner of her mouth with her hand and was slightly worried. Although Jackie looked strongfrom the way he attacked them, she feared and was wary if Jackie could contend against the opponentsof those masters in the Thirdgrade ultimate god-level.

“Don’t worry. We came out here because we’re confident about the situation!” Jackie turned around andlooked at the two of them, smiling indifferently as he said, “To be honest, we wouldn’t have rushedforward if we hesitated.”

Aureole smiled embarrassingly when she heard this, but she had to admit that Jackie had told the truth.They had no reason to rush out so boldly had they not been confident. After all, they were not membersof the White family. On top of that, the larger number of people here were the disciples of their SupremeClarity Sect, and only a small number of people were members of the White family.

“Pavilion master, look!” Melody pointed forward in an extremely shocked manner. “Pavilion master, lookat them! They seem to be in the Third-grade ultimate god level! That’s right, they’re in the Thirdgradeultimate god-level!”

“This is great! We’re saved at last!” Tears trickled down Aureole’s face as she took a closer look. Sincethose five were in the Third-grade ultimate god-level, Jackie, who came together with them, would nothave a low fighting prowess either.


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