No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 1766-1770
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chapter 1766-1770

Chapter 1766 “What a stubborn old man you are! Since you want to die that badly, don’t blame us for killing you!” Theold man standing opposite had lost his patience. His attack was much stronger than before, and he didnot hold back when he took action.

“First Elder, look! Over there!” yelled a young man from the Cabello family, pointing in a direction. Heexclaimed, “Those look like members of our Cabello family, and it seems that members of the Whitefamily are also there. Thank goodness that there are lots of them, and it’s our main group of people!We’ve finally met our main team of people!”

The eyes of other Cabello family members turned red. They thought that they would die, but they sawhope in the situation and in winning

“It’s really the family members and our other members!” Kevin’s eyes also turned “red” in excitement.“Master, we’re here! Come quickly and save us!”

Meanwhile, their opponents turned pale when they realized it was indeed Jackie, and there were a totalof 10,000 to 20,000 people with him.



“F*ck! Why are there so many of them?!”

Members of the Lagorio family and Cloud Sky Sect were so frightened to the core that their previousmomentum was long gone.

“Kill them!” Jackie would not hold back when he found out that they were his old enemies. Casting hisorder, he zipped forward-the fastest he had ever been.

“F*ck! You guys have a death wish for wanting to go against my Cabello family’s members!” Alejandroand the others rushed forward just as fast. They had been worried about Kevin and the others all thiswhile, and upon encountering this group of people, they wanted to kill every last opposing fighter.


“How’s this possible? How can they be so speedy?” The people of the Cloud Sky Sect were sofrightened that their faces turned ashen, seeing how swiftly they moved. No doubt it would be difficult toevade them with that speed.

“D*mn it! A person in the First-grade ultimate god-level can’t achieve such speed. They must’ve achievedthe Third grade or Fourth-grade ultimate god-level!” A person who was in the First-grade ultimate god-level was in complete despair. Within seconds, Jackie and the others were right in front of them,surrounding their opponent at every corner. Their opponents would not be able to escape unscathed.

“Attack!” Jackie took out a sword with a wave of his hand, and after activating his chi, he waved hissword outward.


A long wave of sword aura immediately rushed forward and instantly killed more than 100 people. Thesword aura was incredibly extensive and had a long tail that covered the entire area.

“Dear me! Jackie’s attack instantly killed those people, regardless if they’re in the true god-level or First-grade ultimate god level!” Kevin gaped at the scene. “What’s his current fighting prowess again? It lookslike he’s improved a lot after entering this area!”

Boom! Boom! Boom!novelbin

He took another look. Whether it was Nash and Kenneth—both in another direction or their familymaster, Alejandro, all of them were extremely strong and managed to kill a few hundred people withinseveral moves. At this rate, not only would they be victorious, but they would not incur a hefty price for it,too.

Chapter 1767 Third-grade ultimate-level!” Kevin then felt the fluctuation from Alejandro ‘s body and was so startled thathe became speechless. He had broken through into the First grade ultimate god-level with muchdifficulty, yet Alejandro and the others had already broken through into the Third-grade ultimate god-level.


As for Jackie’s combat power, he seemed to be much more powerful compared to Alejandro and theothers. His combat power was obviously not what a person in the Third-grade ultimate god-level couldachieve.

“What is Jackie’s actual fighting prowess right now?!” Kevin lamented. Jackie was always capable ofsurprising them and even overthrowing their cognition.

“He’s already in the Fourth-grade ultimate god-level,” said the smiling Helena to Kevin as she flew up,“but he‘s capable of killing a master in the Seventh-grade ultimate god-level. A large gathering ofBloodshed Clan disciples entered the area, and if it wasn’t because of Jackie, we’d all be dead by now!”

“He killed the Bloodshed Clan’s disciple, who’s in the Seventh-grade ultimate god-level with a fightingprowess of Fourth-grade ultimate god level?” Kevin once again inhaled deeply and was stunned forsome time.

He then asked, “By the way, what’s the Bloodshed Clan? Why haven’t we heard about them?”

The corners of Helena’s mouth quivered. It appeared that the First Elder and the others were luckyenough to have not met any disciples from the Bloodshed Clan after being in the area for so many days.

With that, Helena detailed to Kevin everything she knew from the past couple of days when she saw thatshe could not help in the fight in front of her.

Kevin’s expression faltered upon hearing everything from Helena.

“Since the Bloodshed Clan is a member of the Alliance Guard, I’m afraid that the members of theBloodshed Clan will come attacking this forest soon.”

He thought about it and said, “Didn’t you say that Angus and the others had already returned to the NineArmies to report about this? Members of the Nine Armies are just nearby, and it stands to reason forthem to help us. If they’ll help us, they should rush over sooner than members of the Bloodshed Clan,right?”

“They should be, but Angus, Hendrick, and the others said that the overall strength of the BloodshedClan is somewhat stronger than theirs. The Bloodshed Clan has slightly more members in the ultimategod-level compared to them, and they can only try their best to persuade their upper management.Hence, we don’t know how members of the Nine Armies will decide.” Helena frowned before offering atight-lipped smile. “I’m just afraid that they’ll choose to protect themselves.”

“I don’t think that’s possible. Aren’t they members of the Anti-Alliance Guard? It’s unlikely that they’llchoose to protect themselves!” said Kevin slowly after a moment of silence.

“By the way, First Elder, have you experienced any improvements in terms of pill cultivation?” Helenaasked, somewhat curious.

Kevin seemed proud when she brought up pill cultivation and thus smilingly responded, “Haha… I’mquite good. I’ ve improved quite a lot. I’m capable of cultivating second-grade premium pills, and I can trycultivating third grade elementary pills. One could say that I have quite a good achievement!” He lookedat Jackie, who was still fighting, before he continued, “Jackie must’ve been busy training to raise hisfighting prowess, and he surely didn’t have any time to cultivate pills. I should’ve caught up to him bynow!”

He was then replied with Helena’s snicker.

Baffled, he inhaled deeply and spoke with a frown, “No. He must’ve had a huge breakthrough, or theirfighting prowess wouldn’t have increased so greatly! This guy is definitely a third grade alchemist, andhe’s at least a third-grade elementary alchemist!”

Seeing how surprised Kevin was, Helena smilingly added, “Not only is he a third-grade alchemist, buthe’s currently a third-grade intermediate alchemist and researching how to cultivate third-grade premiumpills!”

“Oh my god! How’s this possible! This … This is too inhuman! I truly have no hope of catching up!” Kevinwas speechless, but he then broke into a smile. “Haha… This is great! Now that this guy is a third-gradeintermediate alchemist, I’ll pester him every day and ask him to teach me how to cultivate third-gradepills!”

Chapter 1768 “Don’t worry. He’ll surely teach you, seeing that you share a good bond with him.” Helenasmiled and continued,” However, there are several issues right now. We have no idea when the peopleof the Bloodshed Clan will come attacking this place, and he might not have the time to teach you now.On top of that, he plans to find some time to refine the third-grade intermediate pill he cultivatedpreviously. He might be able to improve another two to three grades in terms of his fighting prowess bydoing that!”

“Dear me! He’s able to kill those in the Seventh-grade ultimate god-level, now that he’s in the Fourth-grade ultimate god-level. If he broke through to another two to three more grades, will he be able to killthose in the Ninth -grade ultimate god-level? Even if he’ s unable to defeat those in the Firstgrade soul-penetrating level, he’s almost at that stage!” Kevin once again exclaimed when he heard what Helenasaid.

“Sigh… All our hopes are on Jackie. We will be much safer if he’s able to break through his fightingprowess.” Helena sighed before she added, “No matter what, we truly don’t have enough members in theultimate god-level. On top of that, even if more of those who are in the peak stage true god-level breakthrough, they’re only in the First -grade ultimate god-level. As for the formal disciples of the BloodshedClan, who knows how many people they have in the Second, Third, Fifth, or even Sixth-grade ultimategod-level!”

“What we can do is to improve our strength as soon as possible and hope that members of the NineArmies can help us.” Kevin gazed into the distance, outside the forest bounds, and looked forward to thearrival of the Nine Armies’ members.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The scattered fighting sounds had disappeared at that moment, and the battle at this area had ended.Everybody started collecting their trophies.

It was then Jackie flew toward Kevin and the rest, smilingly greeting, “First Elder Cabello, it’s been a longtime. Not bad! You’ve already broken through into the First-grade ultimate god-level!

Kevin was speechless and replied,” You dare announce that, young man.

The first mistress had told me everything just now, that you’re already a third-grade intermediatealchemist. Hmph! You have to teach me how to cultivate pills, given the spare time!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll surely teach you when we have time!” Jackie smiled. At this moment, Nash and theothers had collected their trophies.

“Let’s go, Jackie. We’ll follow our usual rule and find a place so that you can have your pick. Let’s divideour trophies!” Harry flew over with a smile on his face. Although they could not garner numerous itemsbecause they were weaker, being with Jackie and the rest made them feel safe. On top of that, theyobtained items like they were picking them up from the floor. Within these few days, they received quite anumber of benefits. Such a life was a really enjoyable one.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Sounds of people fighting could be heard coming from the outer ring of the forest, and it was happeningin several places. They did not persist for long, however, and it soon ceased.

“This is bad. There’s a situation.” Jackie listened to the fighting noises carefully, and his facial expressiondarkened. He instantly rushed toward the sky and gazed into the distance.

“What’s the situation?” Nash and the others also flew up and looked at the faraway forest.

“The fighting sound over there is quite different compared to previously, and there’s been a huge change.Apart from that, the fighting sound from each place seems to be connected into one single line. D*mn it!If I guessed correctly, members of the Bloodshed Clan have arrived, and they’ve started to enter theforest!”

Chapter 1769 Jackie’s expression turned steely at the thought.

“How’s this possible? Those people came so quickly! What should we do?” Everybody looked at Jackie,blatantly clueless.

Jackie deliberated his thoughts before looking behind him and pointed at one of the mountaintops as hespoke,” This is what we’ll do. The mountain over there is quite far away from this place, and you guys willhead there. Should you meet any one of our members on the way, explain everything and have themrun. Time is of the essence, seeing as we don’t know if people of the Nine Armies will rush over, but it’sobvious that we’re being guarded by the other party from the outside area now. We need to buy moretime and let those capable of breaking through into the First-stage ultimate god-level to breakthrough assoon as possible!”

Kevin thought about it and took several pills out before passing them to several members in the peakstage of the true god-level. “I have a couple of second-grade premium pills here with me, and it’ll beenough to help everyone breakthrough into the First Grade ultimate god-level. Take these, and sharethem among yourselves!”

Jackie also took several pills out with the flip of his hand. “There are several second-grade premium andthree third -grade elementary pills here. Father, you can share them with the others.”

“What are you saying? Aren’t you leaving with us?” Nash looked at Jackie.

From the way Jackie spoke, it looked like he did not plan to leave with them.

“I’ll stay back with the elders to try and cut down some of their disciples. We’ll act according tocircumstances and make enough ruckus to delay their actions. We’ll see if we can delay them fromrunning around. With this, you guys will be able to gather at that mountain top. We’ll buy you some timeto gather everyone else; it’s best if everybody can raise their fighting prowess together. What we can dois to delay some time.”

Jackie looked far away before continuing, “We’re lucky as this forest is quite big. It’ll take a couple ofdays for you guys to fly from here to the mountain, and it’ll take even more time if they’re slowly

sweeping the place to look for our people! Remember: don’t engage in battles if possible. It’ll be difficultfor them to find you guys if we hide in the forest as we fly.”

“I’ll go with you. What you’re attempting is very dangerous. If we’re going to die, we’ll die together!” Nashknew that it would be very dangerous if Jackie stayed back. He thought about it and passed the pills toTitus. “Titus, you’ll be in charge of distributing the pills to the others.”

“I’ll distribute the pills to everybody now as I’m also staying with you. I’m in the Third-grade ultimate god-level, and I can provide lots of help. I’ll be able to kill some of the Bloodshed Clan’ s members in the Firstor Second Grade ultimate god-level!” Titus stood forward bravely and quickly distributed the pills toseveral members of the White family.

“I want to stay with you guys too, Honey!” Selena bit her S*xy red lips, fearing she might never seeJackie after leaving him.

Jackie stepped forward and embraced Selena before gently saying, “Honey, you can’t come with us thistime since it’s too dangerous. Don’t worry, though – I have made my plans. I’m not rushing to death, andI’m only going to delay their time while sending them on a goose run. Don’t forget that I’m an alchemistwho can cultivate third grade intermediate pills, and I have quite a number of materials with me!”

Jackie paused before he continued, “We’ll delay them for some time before finding a place to train inincreasing our fighting prowess. What we need is time, and once we’re able to get more time to breakthrough, it won’t be so easy to kill us then!”

“Alright. I’ll try my best to improve my fighting prowess!” Selena’s eyes reddened. She knew Jackiespoke so calmly, but it would not be so easy to escape when he met true masters.

“Yes. Honey, you’re already in the elementary level of the true god-level, and it’s already quick enough.Work harder!” Jackie kissed Selena on her forehead in front of everybody, causing her to blush lightly.

Chapter 1770 Helena and the others envied how intimate Jackie and Selena were, being husband and wife.

Helena even pursed her lips in her deep envy.

Daniella walked toward Jackie and reminded him, “Since you decided to stay, you have to be on yourguard at all times. Don’t just rush in and fight if your opponents have a high fighting prowess, do youunderstand?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll remember that.” Jackie smiled indifferently before he turned to hug Daniella, causing herto blush, somewhat embarrassed. It was obvious how flustered she was.

“Haha… Splendid!” Kevin and the others chuckled at the sight.

Alejandro, on the other hand, turned his head to the other side. Jackie embracing Daniella in front ofeveryone indicated his announcement of their unique relationship.

He also knew that Helena and Jackie were just pretending to be a couple. He was, in fact, dating hisyoungest daughter.

He was quite satisfied with Jackie.

Helena, on the other hand, was somewhat embarrassed. After all, everyone knew about her and Jackiewhen she pretended to be his girlfriend, and many young ladies from the Cabello family envied her.

“Alright. Please take care. We’ll be waiting for you at the mountain top.” Daniella was inwardly happy aswarmth surged within her-sweet like honey.

Alejandro waved his hand and said to the group of people, “You guys should go… Go… Those who arein the Third-grade ultimate god-level should stay while the others will leave with Helena!”

Helena, Daniella, Selena, and the others could not bear to part with them, anxious about how dangerousit would be when they head to where the enemy was. Nonetheless, they had to fly to where Jackiepointed to, under the protection of the forest with consideration of the greater good.

Only six remained after everyone else had left: Jackie and Titus, who were in the Fourth-grade ultimategod level, and Kenneth, Nash, and the others who were in the Third-grade ultimate god level.

Jackie turned to the remaining five and remarked, “The people here have the highest fighting prowess,but your realms aren’t very stable yet. You guys need at least two more days before you can try breakingthrough. My fighting prowess is stable enough due to the martial art technique. I plan to secretly attackthe members of the Bloodshed Clan during daytime and kill as many of them as possible. After all, theyhave no idea there are people like us, who have a slightly higher fighting prowess, among these peoplehere.”

Nash nodded. “If that’s the case, we should be able to rescue a large number of people. Just ask thosepeople we rescue to not walk toward the outer ring of the forest or simply fight. They should immediatelyhead for the place we mention.”

Jackie nodded. “We just need to persist for another two to three days. I’ll cultivate pills in the evening,and after your realm has stabilized, you guys should find an opportunity to break through soon. I’llprepare a third-grade intermediate pill for each of you, and it shouldn’t be an issue for you guys to breakthrough another two more stages. You should be able to break through into the Fifth or Sixth-stageultimate god-level. Together with my combat power, we should have more strength to deal with them!”


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