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Chapter 245

"Alright, I'm on it."

Ian hung up the phone and remained silent for a few seconds. His people had just made contactwith Victoria, and before they could pry any useful information from her lips, she had landed introuble.

There was no way this was just a coincidence. Someone with a long reach was pulling strings frombehind the scenes, all the way into the prison. Was it an attempt to silence someone for good, orwas there another agenda at play?

Ian glanced at Clara, a sinking feeling in his gut. "Clara," he called softly, "stay by my side for thenext few days. Don't go anywhere on your own."

Clara had overheard the phone call. She knew what Ian was worried about. So, without anyobjection, she obediently nodded.

For several days straight, Ian stayed at Clara's place. Although they slept in separate bedrooms,their relationship had warmed considerably.novelbin

Just when they thought this ordeal might be behind them, Clara's phone rang early one morning. Itwas her dad. With affection, she answered, "Dad?"

But what came back was Victoria's sinister chuckle. "Clara, your dear daddy is with me now. Wantto save him? Have Ian rustle up ten million for me, or I'll be taking your beloved dad down to hellwith me."

Clara felt the strength drain from her body. She collapsed onto the bed, her voice trembling."Victoria, don't you dare touch my dad. If anything happens to him, I'll never forgive you!"

Hearing her shaky voice, Ian, who had been in the kitchen whipping up pancakes, rushed over andsnatched the phone from her hands.

"Victoria," he said icily, "if you lay a finger on him, I swear you'll regret it."

Victoria sneered, "Ian, prepare ten million. Get me out of the country, or I'll make your woman losethe dad she adores."

"Don't you dare!"

"What's stopping me? She's not my flesh and blood. What do I care?"


Ian moved away from Clara so she wouldn’t hear this, clenching his jaw as he spoke into the phone,"Give me the location. I'll arrange everything."

Victoria demanded, "I want ten million in cash and a chopper. You've got three hours, or Clara canstart planning her dad's funeral."

The call ended abruptly.

At the same time, Ian's phone rang. "Mr. Hayes, Victoria knocked out a nurse, switched into heruniform, and fooled the guards at the door – she's on the run."

Ian cursed, "A bunch of idoits!"

"Mr. Hayes, there's a traitor in the prison. Victoria's suicide was a sham. Her real plan was toescape. She had outside help. Seems they're after Attorney Clara."

Ian gritted his teeth. If he hadn't been by Clara's side these last few days, she might have been theone taken. "She's kidnapped Casey. Get a chopper and ten million in cash ready. I'm going to pay

the ransom."

Dawson responded immediately, "On it, I'll get everything prepared."

After hanging up, Ian saw Clara's tear-streaked face looking at him. He walked over and held her inhis arms, comforting her, "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to Casey."

Clara was cold to the touch, her lips pale. "Ian," she croaked.

He kissed her lightly on the lips. "I'm here, Clara."

"Please, save my dad. I can't lose him."

"I know. I'll bring him back."

An hour later, Ian and his team arrived at the location Victoria had given them, but the scene thatunfolded before his eyes left him completely stunned.

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