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Chapter 244

Clara felt Ian's firm grip as he guided her out of the college's back gate, passing the very alley thathad been the scene of a traumatic event three years ago.

The alley remained a picture of neglect, with its pothole-riddled path and walls crying out for a freshcoat of paint. The occasional yowl of a stray cat pierced the silence, and the flickering streetlightsstretched their shadows long and distorted across the ground.

A shiver ran down Clara's spine as she clung to Ian's arm, her voice betraying her anxiety. "Ian, whyare we here?"

Ian's handsome face was accentuated by the dim light, casting sharp contrasts across his features.His eyes, deep pools of mystery, shimmered with a soft light, and his lips curved into a half-smile ashe gazed at Clara with a look as tender as moonlight on water.

"Clara," Ian's voice was warm, magnetic, "I never knew what it was to feel a heartbeat until I metyou. I used to think my fondness for you was just physical attraction, but after you left, I realized itwas more profound. The moment I saw you here, I fell for you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have agreed tolet you stay and take care of me.”

“I never imagined myself capable of everlasting love; my parents' rocky relationship had left alasting impression on me. So, I kept my true feelings for you hidden deep within. The harsher mywords were to you, the deeper the pain in my heart. You taught me what love is and showed mehow blissful it is to love and be loved.novelbin

“It took me three years to learn how to love someone, and because I didn't know how to express it, Iended up hurting you. If I could turn back time, I'd rewrite our story starting from this alley, and thistime, I'd be the one to fall for you first. I wouldn't let you get hurt or lose our child.

“Clara, can we start over?"

His fingers, long and elegant, traced her cheek, then lingered at her earlobe, sending a shiver downher spine. His touch was provocative, stirring a tremor in her body and causing her heart to skip abeat.

Lifting her eyes to his, Clara felt the heat of his breath, the intensity of his gaze. This suddenrevelation left her floundering, unsure of how to respond to this passionate version of Ian. She knewhow to handle cold, indifferent Ian, even the sly, domineering Ian, but she was at a loss with thistender and alluring man before her.

Seeing the panic in her eyes, Ian leaned in and kissed her gently. "Don't be afraid. This time, I'll takethe lead. Just relax and let yourself feel my love."

His lips captured the ones he'd longed for in a gentle, initiating a kiss that gradually melted awayClara's resistance. Her hands instinctively wrapped around his neck as they both lost themselves inthe moment, their breaths merging into soft, urgent whispers.

In the midst of their embrace, Ian's phone rang, shattering the moment. Clara, suddenly broughtback to reality, pushed him away, breathing heavily.

Ian's eyes flashed with irritation as he glanced at the caller ID. Gritting his teeth, he answered thecall. "If this isn't critical, you're booking yourself a one-way ticket to Antarctica tomorrow!" he barked.

On the other end, Dawson hesitated, realizing he might have interrupted something important. "Myapologies, Mr. Hayes. It's urgent. We've just received word from the prison that Victoria hasattempted suicide. She's been taken to the hospital."

Ian's expression darkened. "Ensure the hospital does everything to save her. She must be keptalive," he ordered, his voice cold as steel.

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