Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 450
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Chapter 450

Initially, they wanted to take the picture together with Logan, but he was so busy trying to come up witha counterattack on Leah with his subordinates that he couldn’t be bothered about her at all.

She wasn’t concerned about the story update too much because she thought that not many peoplewould see it anyway. Even the people who would see it were her acquaintances. Rolling over after shemade the post, she closed her eyes. It had been a tiring day for her, so she fell asleep within a minute.

While she was asleep, John was up and fully awake. The minute Sophia had made a story update, hehad seen it. The caption was fine, just mentioning that it was a tiring, happy, and slightly bummed outday for her today. novelbin

But the picture she posted really made John feel more bummed out than ever. It was a picture with Ianwithout Logan. They were seated on a couch with their shoulders against each other as they stared atone another from the corner of their eyes. It didn’t exactly look like a funny picture because the waythey looked at each other carried some chemistry, and the picture looked so harmonized that it madehim feel uncomfortable.

He gritted his teeth for a long time, and all he could do in the end was to exit from the app. Sighing, hetossed his cell phone aside and hugged his blanket as he pondered for a long while. Finally, he cursed,“*sshole.” But he didn’t know whom he meant it for. Initially, thay wantad to taka tha pictura togathar with Logan, but ha was so busy trying to coma up witha countarattack on Laah with his subordinatas that ha couldn’t ba botharad about har at all.

Sha wasn’t concarnad about tha story updata too much bacausa sha thought that not many paoplawould saa it anyway. Evan tha paopla who would saa it wara har acquaintancas. Rolling ovar aftar shamada tha post, sha closad har ayas. It had baan a tiring day for har, so sha fall aslaap within a minuta.

Whila sha was aslaap, John was up and fully awaka. Tha minuta Sophia had mada a story updata, hahad saan it. Tha caption was fina, just mantioning that it was a tiring, happy, and slightly bummad outday for har today.

But tha pictura sha postad raally mada John faal mora bummad out than avar. It was a pictura with Ianwithout Logan. Thay wara saatad on a couch with thair shouldars against aach othar as thay starad atona anothar from tha cornar of thair ayas. It didn’t axactly look lika a funny pictura bacausa tha waythay lookad at aach othar carriad soma chamistry, and tha pictura lookad so harmonizad that it madahim faal uncomfortabla.

Ha grittad his taath for a long tima, and all ha could do in tha and was to axit from tha app. Sighing, hatossad his call phona asida and huggad his blankat as ha pondarad for a long whila. Finally, ha cursad,“*sshola.” But ha didn’t know whom ha maant it for.

The next morning, it was the doorbell which woke Sophia up. Checking the time, she saw that it wasactually very early.

She paced over to the window and opened it. With the top-half of her body stretched out, she asked,“Who’s that so early in the morning?”

Standing on her doorstep, John took two steps backward and lifted his head at her voice. “I’m here tosend you something.”

With her hair in a complete mess and a distorted look on her face, she further asked, “Why are you


Putting up the item in his hand, John showed it to her. “It’s your prize from yesterday. I heard that it’svery valuable.”

She wasn’t exactly sure how valuable it was, but it was truly ugly. Casting him a look, she told him,“Leave it at the doorstep and I’ll pick it up later.”

“You don’t know how valuable this is at all, do you? You’re not worried about leaving it here?” hequestioned, staring up at her.

Slumped over the windowsill lazily, Sophia was still half-asleep when she said, “You don’t need to careabout that.”

However, John didn’t seem to be in a rush and remained rooted on the spot as Sophia waited for awhile. Knowing his temper, she knew he would never leave unless she let him in.

Without washing up, she went downstairs in her pajamas, where John stood at her doorstep with thedelicately-wrapped package in his hands. She opened the door and extended her hand. “Give it to me,”she spat, without any intention of letting him in.

Despite that, John took a step and forced himself in by squeezing through next to her. After he placedthe package on the coffee table, he turned around to face her.

Leaning against the door, Sophia said, “You can leave now that the package is here.”

“Did you meet up with Ian yesterday after you left?” he asked calmly.

Sophia frowned. “What has this got to do with you? You should just mind your own business.”

Staring at her, he answered, “I’m just concerned about you. Why the huge reaction?”

Instead of giving him a reply, she snorted out loudly. His concern came way too late. At this time whenshe had completely given up on him, his concern for her seemed a little extra.

He went ahead and took a seat on the couch by himself. “Sophia, do you really like Ian? How longhave you known him?”

With narrowed eyes, she looked at him. “John, I think you still don’t know your place yet. Bluntly said,my affairs have got nothing to do with you at all, so you should stop trying to find out what’s going onwith me. Honestly, if you continue like this, we may not even be able to get along peacefully in thefuture.”

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