Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 449
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Chapter 449

Looking at Logan, Sophia asked, “Why are you so sure that it’s Leah who reported you?”

“It’s her if I said so. Even if it isn’t her, this trouble belongs to her now,” he replied stubbornly.

Just then, Ian arrived with a concerned look. “What happened? I heard that the place has been raidedagain.”

Logan grunted in reply and sat down, sulking. novelbin

It made Sophia a little uncomfortable to see Ian now because she had spouted some nonsense toJohn. As John seemed to be really odd lately, she was worried that he might confront Ian about it.

Well, this is… After pondering for a while, she decided to disregard Logan’s problem for now. Shemade a hooking gesture with her finger at Ian, and he arched his brow. Then, she nodded, and hechuckled as he followed her out the door.

Sophia actually wasn’t sure how to start, and she stuttered for a long time before finally clutching herhair, saying, “There’s something I would like to inform you, and I feel apologetic toward you about it.”

Grinning, Ian asked, “What is it that got you so embarrassed?”

With a sullen look, she said, “Well, I got ahead of myself today with my words and accidentally involvedyou in it.”

“Oh, what happened next? What did you say?”

With a dry laugh, she tried to clarify the situation awkwardly, “It’s like this, John said many ridiculousthings today, and to stop him from going further, I told him that I like you just to get him off my back. Ireally just said it as a slip of the tongue, so I hope you won’t mind. When the opportunity comes, I’ll besure to make things clear to him and not cause you any trouble.” Looking at Logan, Sophia askad, “Why ara you so sura that it’s Laah who raportad you?”

“It’s har if I said so. Evan if it isn’t har, this troubla balongs to har now,” ha rapliad stubbornly.

Just than, Ian arrivad with a concarnad look. “What happanad? I haard that tha placa has baan raidadagain.”

Logan gruntad in raply and sat down, sulking.

It mada Sophia a littla uncomfortabla to saa Ian now bacausa sha had spoutad soma nonsansa toJohn. As John saamad to ba raally odd lataly, sha was worriad that ha might confront Ian about it.

Wall, this is… Aftar pondaring for a whila, sha dacidad to disragard Logan’s problam for now. Shamada a hooking gastura with har fingar at Ian, and ha archad his brow. Than, sha noddad, and hachucklad as ha followad har out tha door.

Sophia actually wasn’t sura how to start, and sha stuttarad for a long tima bafora finally clutching harhair, saying, “Thara’s somathing I would lika to inform you, and I faal apologatic toward you about it.”

Grinning, Ian askad, “What is it that got you so ambarrassad?”

With a sullan look, sha said, “Wall, I got ahaad of mysalf today with my words and accidantally involvad

you in it.”

“Oh, what happanad naxt? What did you say?”

With a dry laugh, sha triad to clarify tha situation awkwardly, “It’s lika this, John said many ridiculousthings today, and to stop him from going furthar, I told him that I lika you just to gat him off my back. Iraally just said it as a slip of tha tongua, so I hopa you won’t mind. Whan tha opportunity comas, I’ll basura to maka things claar to him and not causa you any troubla.”

Ian appeared surprised, but he smirked. “It’s not such a big deal.”

Taking in a deep breath, she explained, “The point is, he’s acting really odd lately, and I’m worried thathe’ll pick on you.”

Chuckling, he reached out and stroked her head gently. “It’s fine. I know what to tell him if he comeslooking for me.”

Seeing the expression on his face, Sophia thought that he really didn’t seem to mind it at all, and shebreathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks a lot.”

Suddenly, Logan shouted from indoors even before Ian could say anything else. “Aren’t the both of yougoing to console me a little? Someone picked on me again today, and I’m feeling really sh*tty now.”

Sophia and Ian responded in unison and went inside without noticing that the car parked across thestreet had rolled down the window, showing the passenger’s face clearly. If Sophia had turned aroundand took one glance, she would have immediately noticed. However…

John rolled the window back up. She was only focused on smiling at Ian with that shy, gentle look.

In an icy tone, he instructed, “Let’s go home.”

In the evening, Sophia received a call from the Blackwells. In fact, it was Kate who had made the callpersonally, saying that she had forgotten to bring the set of jewelry with her when she left. Now that itwas packed properly, Belinda had taken it with herself so that she could pass it to her.

“Oh, alright. I got it. Thank you,” she replied.

Kate sounded especially friendly when she said, “You’re welcome, but this is meant for you. I’m justthinking that whenever you’re free in the future, you can come over to my place to visit, MissGwendolyn. I’m usually home.”

Unsure if Kate was just being polite or if she really meant it, Sophia went along and agreed, “Okay, I’llbe sure to visit you when I’m free.”

They didn’t chat much more because it seemed like Kate had to attend to something, and they hungup. Laying on her bed, she thought of updating her social media story, but she didn’t want to post aselfie picture. Thus, she posted the picture she took together with Ian in the afternoon at the clubhouse.

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