Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41

After John said his piece, he moved to end the call. As a result, Zack, who was on the other end of thephone, sighed quickly. Then, he stammered, “Boss, are you really not going to come over? Um, Sophiaand Trevor are getting on really well. I think they might be more than just friends—”

On the contrary, John hung up immediately. He didn’t want to hear whatever it was that Zack was aboutto say. Then, he sat down and continued to look through the documents on his computer.Unfortunately, he only managed to read no more than two sentences before he heard quarreling noisescoming from outside the door. Roughly listening, it sounded like the voice of that female employee fromthe Infinity Group. After quarreling for a bit, he heard President McCaw’s voice—it sounded like he wasberating the other party. Then, the female employee began to cry.

John frowned slightly. He never liked it when a woman cried. In the first place, he wasn’t the type totreat a woman tenderly. So, even if he was faced with a woman’s tears or heard a woman crying, hewasn’t the type to give in or feel compassion for the woman. Instead, he simply found it irritating.Fortunately, Sophia isn’t the type to cry. When he found himself thinking about Sophia, he quicklyforced himself to stop. In the future, that woman won’t have anything to do with me anymore. I cannotcontinue thinking about her.

Meanwhile, the woman by the door suddenly rushed over and began knocking on his door for somereason, yelling for him to come out and talk. Perhaps it was due to how agitated she was, but PresidentMcCaw and the hotel’s security guards did nothing to drag her away. Hence, she continued hammeringher fists against his door.

John closed his eyes—there was no way he could continue reading his documents. Thus, he got upand opened the door. The woman had cried so hard that her makeup was smeared and her face was aghastly mess. When she saw John opening the door, she pouted. At the same time, her wailing grew

louder. However, this time she didn’t deny drugging him. Instead, she claimed that she was in love withhim and had fallen for him at first sight.

On the other hand, President McCaw stood by the side with an awkward expression. From the way hewas trying to pull the woman away, it was clear to see that he wasn’t really trying to stop his employee.He probably had a hidden agenda behind allowing this farce to develop this far. As such, John wasn’tmoved by the situation before him. Waiting for the pause during which the woman wiped away hertears, he said, “So, you drugged me.”

The woman took a deep breath, hesitating for a few seconds before nodding. “Yes. But, the drug isn’tharmful. I drank it myself. If it were harmful, I wouldn’t have drunk it.”

He didn’t know what was going on in this woman’s head. Raising his brows, he asked, “You do knowthat I’m married, right?”

The woman froze for a moment; she opened and closed her mouth repeatedly but nothing came out.Then, he looked at her in amusement. “So, how could you have the nerve to do something like this?”

Following that, the woman began to cry again. Holding her face in her hands, she kept repeating thatshe loved him and had loved him since a long time ago. Moreover, she also claimed that she couldn’tcontrol herself.

John had no interest in listening to her drivel. Lifting his gaze, he looked at President McCaw. “Theinitial training given to the employees of the Infinity Group isn’t sufficient. President McCaw, you shouldstrengthen your company’s code of conduct for employees upon your return.” After saying that, hemoved to close the door behind him.

However, that woman refused to give up. She stuck her hand through the wedge and grabbed the door,stopping it from closing. With red-rimmed eyes, she said, “You drank that drug last night, didn’t you?”

He stared at the other party coldly, saying nothing. Then, the woman’s tears flowed down freely. “So, w-who did you sleep—”

President McCaw probably realized what she was about to say. Thus, he rushed to pull her away. “Shutup! Look at what you’ve done! The cooperation between our companies has been affected by youractions! I’m telling you: the losses incurred because of this isn’t something you can bear!”

On the other hand, John ignored what President McCaw said as he replied in a deadpan voice,“Yesterday, I was with my wife.” novelbin

The woman was taken aback and so was President McCaw. They were both aware that John wasmarried. After all, his wedding had been lavish and extravagant—who wouldn’t have known about it?However, they had not realized that John had brought his wife with him on his trip here.

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