Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 323
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Chapter 323

Otherwise, Old Mrs. Constance would keep showing her displeasure and she had had enough of thatfor the past few days. Especially when she recalled how Sophia stole the limelight during Young MasterOwen’s birthday party, she was even more unhappy and wanted to kick her out of the Constancesbadly.

After looking at the pictures for a long while, she then made a call to Isabelle. When Isabelle picked upthe call, her nasal sound was thick.

Surprised, Mrs. Constance asked, “Belle, are you crying?”

Sniffling, she replied, “I’m fine, Mrs. Constance. What’s the matter?”

Mrs. Constance sighed, feeling sorry for her and consoled, “Don’t be sad, Belle. I have something toshow you which will definitely make you happy. The issue this time is not a problem at all and will besettled very soon. Don’t worry about it.”

“What is it?” Isabelle asked in doubt.

She chuckled and said, “Hang on, I’ll send it to you right now. I’m sure this is what you would like tosee.”

Without hanging up the call, she sent her the pictures she just took. Isabelle probably had received thepictures as she was silent all of a sudden.

Delightfully, Mrs. Constance started speaking again, “Take a look, Belle. John and Sophia are actuallyalready divorced and they even have the certificate. So it’s normal even if there’s anything between you

and John.”

Still, Isabelle didn’t say anything, but Mrs. Constance knew that she must be stunned.

After all, she was the one who had lied to her saying that John and Sophia were missing the finishingtouch and still legally husband and wife. Now, she was telling her that they were actually divorced and itonly made sense that Isabelle needed time to take this all in.

With a sigh, she slowly explained to her the matter with Infinity Group and the reason why John didn’twant to announce his divorce with Sophia. There were no emotional attachments involved, and theywere merely afraid that his reputation would be ruined if that issue blew up. novelbin

“It’s alright now since the matter with Infinity Group is already over. We can announce that they’redivorced now and the both of you can get together. See, it’s not such a big deal after all,” Mrs.Constance concluded optimistically.

Isabelle hesitated for a long while before asking, “Are you sure?”

“Of course. This is the best for all of you,” she replied with a laugh.

Although Isabelle didn’t say anything, she knew that Mrs. Constance hadn’t thought through thesituation at all.

The matter now wasn’t something that could be resolved with just a divorce certificate and if it wasexposed, the matter with Infinity Group would be easily brought up again.

“There are people on the Internet calling you the third party, aren’t there? You should publish this and

show them that you’re not, and that you and John are in love,” Mrs. Constance continued.

With pursed lips, Isabelle thought about it before saying, “This should actually be announced by John. Ican’t act on my own because he wouldn’t be pleased about it.”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind,” Mrs. Constance replied without thinking. “Don’t worry, that won’t happen,”she assured, totally unaware of the situation.

Isabelle only told her that she would think about it before hanging up the call.

Isabelle then locked herself in her bedroom and sat on her bed, contemplating while she stared at thepictures on her cell phone.

The date the divorce certificate was issued could be clearly seen from the pictures. It was before theincident with Infinity Group and before John went on the business trip.

She knew that it was definitely not a good time for John’s divorce to be made known because the newsthat she might be secretly dating him had just been leaked. What would people think if he announcedhis divorce now?

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