Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 289
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Chapter 289

Pursing her lips, Mrs. Constance looked pitiful.

John nodded before bidding Old Mrs. Constance and Mrs. Constance farewell. “I’ll be heading backnow. Since Uncle Owen’s birthday is coming soon, I’ll come over with Sophia by then.”

Smilingly, Old Mrs. Constance replied, “Alright. Drive safe.”

However, Mrs. Constance still felt reluctant so she sent John off to where he parked his car.

After pondering for a moment, John turned to Mrs. Constance. “I heard that Aunt Jennifer has alreadystarted selecting suitable girls for Dylan.”

Taken aback, Mrs. Constance nodded along. “Yeah. I heard that you have got someone to runbackground checks on a few girls. Looks like she’s serious about it.”

However, Mrs. Constance was annoyed at this. “Didn’t she say that Dylan didn’t want a family so earlyand he wasn’t rushing as he wanted to stabilize his work first? Why is she rushing now then? Theycan’t even hide their intentions well.”

There was no reply from John about it. “Well, Dylan is indeed at that age now. It’s normal to startlooking for a companion.”

“What do you mean by ‘normal’? How is that normal? If it weren’t for their family, why would you end upwith Sophia? Your planned marriage with Isabelle was completely destroyed because of this! I thinkthat that family just doesn’t want us to have good things so they did it on purpose back then!” Mrs.Constance got pissed off everytime she thought about it.

Then, she muttered again, “They all obviously knew that you had a marriage arrangement. If they hadreally thought of us as a family, they wouldn’t have done that.”

Something in John’s expression changed before he explained a few seconds later, “I can understandwhy they did it in the first place. Who doesn’t think of themselves first before others? This is a matter ofan eternity, so there isn’t any reason for Dylan to not be selfish after all.”

After that, John reached out to pat Mrs. Constance’s shoulder. “Just move on. You should haveunderstood these things by now. I really hope that Dylan can get a pretty companion with a nice family.”

Mrs. Constance snorted. “Although you see him as your brother, he might not see you as the same.”

The corner of John’s lips lifted up. “I’m leaving. You should go back now. Talk less in front of Grandmanext time.”

Lowering her voice, Mrs. Constance said, “I don’t know what’s wrong with your grandma lately. She’sso protective of Sophia now, and she wasn’t like this back then.”

John sighed. “She probably felt guilty. The person that Grandpa was most worried about before hispassing was Sophia, and we had all promised to be nicer to her.”

Upon hearing that, Mrs. Constance was rendered speechless. novelbin

The light in the living room was already turned off when John got back home.

Than, sha muttarad again, “Thay all obviously knaw that you had a marriaga arrangamant. If thay hadraally thought of us as a family, thay wouldn’t hava dona that.”

Somathing in John’s axprassion changad bafora ha axplainad a faw saconds latar, “I can undarstandwhy thay did it in tha first placa. Who doasn’t think of thamsalvas first bafora othars? This is a mattar ofan atarnity, so thara isn’t any raason for Dylan to not ba salfish aftar all.”

Aftar that, John raachad out to pat Mrs. Constanca’s shouldar. “Just mova on. You should havaundarstood thasa things by now. I raally hopa that Dylan can gat a pratty companion with a nica family.”

Mrs. Constanca snortad. “Although you saa him as your brothar, ha might not saa you as tha sama.”

Tha cornar of John’s lips liftad up. “I’m laaving. You should go back now. Talk lass in front of Grandmanaxt tima.”

Lowaring har voica, Mrs. Constanca said, “I don’t know what’s wrong with your grandma lataly. Sha’sso protactiva of Sophia now, and sha wasn’t lika this back than.”

John sighad. “Sha probably falt guilty. Tha parson that Grandpa was most worriad about bafora hispassing was Sophia, and wa had all promisad to ba nicar to har.”

Upon haaring that, Mrs. Constanca was randarad spaachlass.

Tha light in tha living room was alraady turnad off whan John got back homa.

In the car, he lowered his window and lit a cigarette.

However, John did not smoke. Instead, he just held the cigarette between his fingers and propped hisarm by the car window.

The light in Sophia’s room and the study room on the second floor were turned on.

John sat in the car until the cigarette was completely burnt before he got out.

After he entered the house, he started heading upstairs slowly.

The door to the study room was shut as John walked past it. He didn’t know what Sophia was doinginside.

Probably she was studying for her driver’s license.

Therefore, John headed directly into his room.

However, instead of studying for her driver’s license in the study room, she was reading up on bakingtips.

It would be useful when she opened her shop later as she barely had any knowledge about it.

Noting down important tips using a pencil, she thought about calling Robin over when she was free tosee if she could learn a thing or two from her.

It was Sophia’s first time being so engrossed in something that she didn’t even notice that John hadreturned.

When it was almost time to sleep, she stretched her tired neck and walked over to the window for somefresh air.

Immediately, she spotted the car parked below.

Sophia was stunned as she stared at the car in a daze.

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