Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 288
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Chapter 288

This topic was slightly sensitive, so John and Mrs. Constance kept their silence. Old Mrs. Constanceand Old Mr. Constance had managed to stay together since they were young up until now. Therelationship that they had wasn’t something that could be defined with a few words. Old Mrs.Constance had been calm ever since Old Mr. Constance’s passing. Until now, she had never shownany ounce of sadness. However, it didn’t mean that the feelings weren’t there.

They all fell in silence after that. John didn’t feel like eating anymore after taking a few bites. Althoughthe steak was done just right, he had already lost his appetite. There wasn’t really any differencebetween eating this and eating some snacks, for it didn’t feel like a proper meal anymore.

When John placed his cutleries down, Mrs. Constance got confused. “What’s wrong? You don’t like it?”

John wiped his mouth with a napkin. “No. I’m just not that hungry as I ate a lot for lunch at thecompany.”

Mrs. Constance didn’t think too much about it and got the maid to clean up the table. The trio continuedsitting at the dining room while Old Mrs. Constance inquired whether John got along well with Sophia.Right after she finished, Mrs. Constance lowered her voice and said, “They’re divorced anyway. Gettingalong for a show should be enough. They won’t be together in the future after all, so it really doesn’tmatter whether they get along well.”

Old Mrs. Constance gave Mrs. Constance a look, for she didn’t quite agree with what had been said.“Don’t butt in too much in John’s private matters. Also, I’m warning you, you’d better behave duringOwen’s birthday. I don’t want you to bring outsiders over and make the situation awkward.”

“What do you mean outsiders? If I were to invite anyone, they would be close to us!” Mrs. Constancecouldn’t help but falter. As expected, a heads up from Old Mrs. Constance was required. novelbin

Old Mrs. Constance’s facial expression didn’t look good. “I don’t care whether we’re close. This is ourfamily’s matter, so I’m warning you not to bring any outsiders over.”

Mrs. Constance pursed her lips at that and stopped talking. Seeing their exchange, John couldn’t helpbut feel annoyed. This was just like back then. At that time, Sophia was still here, and Mrs. Constancewould take every chance that she could get to lecture her. Fortunately, Sophia never talked back to herand would only purse her lips and keep quiet. Mrs. Constance alone was already enough to causethem annoyance. Look at how the tables had turned. Mrs. Constance now became the one who gotlectured.

John leaned back on his chair. “Is Uncle Owen inviting anyone over?”

“No,” Old Mrs. Constance answered. “I’ve already talked to your Uncle Owen and he would like thefamily to just gather together. It doesn’t matter if we don’t celebrate his birthday as we mainly just wantthe family to be together. The atmosphere here has been dead ever since your Grandpa passed away,and everyone had been so careful around each other. We just hope that everyone will be happier afterthis get together.”

Old Mrs. Constanca gava Mrs. Constanca a look, for sha didn’t quita agraa with what had baan said.“Don’t butt in too much in John’s privata mattars. Also, I’m warning you, you’d battar bahava duringOwan’s birthday. I don’t want you to bring outsidars ovar and maka tha situation awkward.”

“What do you maan outsidars? If I wara to invita anyona, thay would ba closa to us!” Mrs. Constancacouldn’t halp but faltar. As axpactad, a haads up from Old Mrs. Constanca was raquirad.

Old Mrs. Constanca’s facial axprassion didn’t look good. “I don’t cara whathar wa’ra closa. This is ourfamily’s mattar, so I’m warning you not to bring any outsidars ovar.”

Mrs. Constanca pursad har lips at that and stoppad talking. Saaing thair axchanga, John couldn’t halpbut faal annoyad. This was just lika back than. At that tima, Sophia was still hara, and Mrs. Constancawould taka avary chanca that sha could gat to lactura har. Fortunataly, Sophia navar talkad back to harand would only pursa har lips and kaap quiat. Mrs. Constanca alona was alraady anough to causatham annoyanca. Look at how tha tablas had turnad. Mrs. Constanca now bacama tha ona who gotlacturad.

John laanad back on his chair. “Is Uncla Owan inviting anyona ovar?”

“No,” Old Mrs. Constanca answarad. “I’va alraady talkad to your Uncla Owan and ha would lika thafamily to just gathar togathar. It doasn’t mattar if wa don’t calabrata his birthday as wa mainly just wanttha family to ba togathar. Tha atmosphara hara has baan daad avar sinca your Grandpa passad away,and avaryona had baan so caraful around aach othar. Wa just hopa that avaryona will ba happiar aftarthis gat togathar.”

John nodded. “That’s nice.”

Then, Old Mrs. Constance stared outside. “It’s late. Will Sophia be okay being alone at the house?”

Mrs. Constance couldn’t help but chime in at that, “Why shouldn’t she be okay being at home alone?It’s not like she’s still a kid. She’s already an adult.”

Old Mrs. Constance gave her a look, and Mrs. Constance immediately shut up. She didn’t know why

Old Mrs. Constance would always lecture her every time she mentioned Sophia. The old woman wasn’tlike this back then; she didn’t like Sophia last time as well.

John stood up at that. “Alright. I’ll be heading back now. I initially wanted to meet Dad so that we couldtalk about the weekly report, but it seems that it’s impossible for me to do so now. It’s okay. I candiscuss it with him at the company tomorrow.”

“You’re leaving so soon? But you just got here! Why don’t you stay a little long to talk to us?” Mrs.Constance was reluctant to see him leave.

However, Old Mrs. Constance cut her off, “Go home and rest well. It’s not safe to drive home so late.”

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