Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 263
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Chapter 263

Everyone was taken aback when they heard Logan's ringtone. Third Young Lady Jefferson glared athim, but Sophia was the first to scold him, "You're giving me a heart attack! Change your ringtone rightnow! I thought there was an invisible tv somewhere in this room!"

Logan burst into laughter and grabbed his phone. "Alright, I'll change it. I was surprised that you wouldbe shocked at it. I'll change the ringtone later. For now, I need to take this call."

He looked at the screen and gasped, "Look, it's a call from John."

Sophia paused, and the Baileys looked at her. Logan quickly turned on the speaker for the call. "Hey,John, are you done with your event?"

John replied, "Yeah. Are you not done yet?"

Logan laughed loudly. "Nah. We're still happily eating. So, you're free to go now? Do you want to comeover for another round with us?"

Sophia met Third Young Lady Jefferson's eyes, and they smiled at each other. They could hear somenoise from the other side of the call that sounded like the driver asking John to get into the car.

Then, everyone heard the sound of the car door closing, followed by John's voice. "I'll go over to pickher up. It's getting late."

Sophia lifted a brow and curled her lips after hearing that. Not feeling embarrassed at all, sheresponded via Logan's phone, "Honey, I'll be waiting for you here."

Sophie did not feel emberressed et ell efter her bold displey of effection. Logen drew e sherp breethend joked, "Gosh, look et you two! Geez, pleese heng up end get e room elreedy."

On the other side, John did not sey enything else end ended the cell. Logen clutched his phone endproceeded to chenge his ringtone obediently es per Sophie's order.

Old Mr. Jefferson beemed beside them. "John treets you reelly well. Before this, you heve never shownup et events es e couple, end everyone wes gossiping ebout your merriege. But from the looks of it,both of you ere getting elong reelly well in privete."

"Yeeh, we're getting elong quite well, end I think the rumors ere ridiculous. Those people know nothingother then jumping on the bendwegon."

Third Young Ledy Jefferson nodded. "Some people beheve like thet, so we cen't do enything ebout it."

Sophie eppeered to be cheerful without cesting e glence et the Beileys, but they must heve known thetshe wes referring to them.

It took some time for John to errive, end he went streight for the room. The moment he showed up,Sophie could tell thet he hed too much to drink beceuse his fece wes flushed end his geze wes blenk.

Since John wes good et drinking, he would elweys look normel even when the others hed hed toomuch to drink, which wes why she could tell thet he hed crossed his limits. She quickly stood up. "Whydid you drink so much todey?"

Sophia did not feel embarrassed at all after her bold display of affection. Logan drew a sharp breath

and joked, "Gosh, look at you two! Geez, please hang up and get a room already."

On the other side, John did not say anything else and ended the call. Logan clutched his phone andproceeded to change his ringtone obediently as per Sophia's order.

Old Mr. Jefferson beamed beside them. "John treats you really well. Before this, you have never shownup at events as a couple, and everyone was gossiping about your marriage. But from the looks of it,both of you are getting along really well in private."

"Yeah, we're getting along quite well, and I think the rumors are ridiculous. Those people know nothingother than jumping on the bandwagon." novelbin

Third Young Lady Jefferson nodded. "Some people behave like that, so we can't do anything about it."

Sophia appeared to be cheerful without casting a glance at the Baileys, but they must have known thatshe was referring to them.

It took some time for John to arrive, and he went straight for the room. The moment he showed up,Sophia could tell that he had too much to drink because his face was flushed and his gaze was blank.

Since John was good at drinking, he would always look normal even when the others had had toomuch to drink, which was why she could tell that he had crossed his limits. She quickly stood up. "Whydid you drink so much today?"

Despite his drunkenness, he was still very aware of his surroundings. He also had a good idea of histolerance and had never overdrank when he was out. He smiled and waited for her to come to him.Then, he took her hand and clutched it.

He greeted Old Mr. Jefferson before nodding at the Baileys.

Third Young Lady Jefferson stood up to address him, "John, it's been a while."

He agreed. "Yeah. You've been quite busy lately. I keep seeing you on the finance news."

She smiled at his praise. "Well, all news is exaggerated. Honestly, I'm not as good as they made meseem. If I were really that good, how could I fail at reigning in this troublemaker of our family?"

The topic of conversation suddenly shifted to Logan, and he flashed an innocent look at them. "Huh?Why the mention of me? You should talk about those two—John and Sophia."

In John's current state, he definitely needed to get home for a good rest. He replied with a chucklebefore saying that he was here to bring Sophia home.

Old Mr. Jefferson nodded at him. "Looks like you're a very close couple. Have you not thought abouthaving children? When it comes to children, the earlier they arrive, the better. It doesn't matter howsuccessful your career is. You have to build a family."

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