Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2186
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Chapter 2186

Lucy went straight over to Cindy's seat and said casually, "Cindy, let's have dinner together tonight. Youdon't have any appointments after work, do you?"

Cindy gave an 'oh'. "I don't think I can make it. My boyfriend will be coming home after the shoot today,so I have to keep him company at home."

Her voice wasn't soft, and she didn't speak like she was hiding anything. Actually, it had been so longsince her relationship with Ian was announced; there wasn't anything to hide.

Lucy was a little surprised. "Oh, so Ian is going back today? You'd better keep him company, then. Hemust have been quite busy with all that shooting." Lucy spoke in a pleasant tone, and she also seemedamicable. So, it looked like she was on extra close terms with Cindy.

Cindy nodded. "Yes, so I won't be able to join your dinner tonight."

Lucy didn't mind that much. With an 'it's okay', she said they could have it another time, then turnedaround and left.

Cindy pursed her lips as she watched Lucy's figure disappear at the entrance of the office.

When she thought about it, she actually admired Lucy. She felt that Lucy was determined and couldpersist till the end no matter what it was. This meant that Lucy had a lot of patience, and this virtue ofhers gave her an edge in the job market.

Cindy started gathering the things on the desk, and the girl scooted over on her chair again. "Are youkidding me? Do you know her too? You two look like you're quite close."

Cindy turned to look at the girl. "Shall I tell you the truth? Honestly, I don't know her that well."

The girl was filled with surprise. "Really? Seeing you two like that, I thought you were friends for years."

Cindy finished clearing her desk and adjusted her bag. "No, I got to know her only recently."

The girl clicked her tongue. "Still, you're something, aren't you? We can't get to know her even if wewanted to."

Cindy didn't have the heart to say that she didn't want to be acquainted with Lucy.

After work, Cindy hastily hailed a ride back home from the company. She had eaten quite a lot duringlunch, so she didn't feel too hungry at the moment. After getting home, she immediately went to herroom and flopped onto the bed.

After being so tense for an entire day, she could finally relax.

Cindy lay on the bed and dozed off for a bit, and she only woke up when Aurora came home andknocked on the door to her room.

Cindy opened the door in a daze. "You're back."

Aurora was holding some takeout in her hand. "Here, this is for you. You didn't pick up when I calledyou just now. I wanted to ask you what you want to eat tonight since I could get it for you. I just checkedthe kitchen and saw that you didn't prepare any dinner, so this is great timing." novelbin

Cindy grinned, then hastily went to wash up. After that, she went over to eat.

It was a rare occasion for Aurora not to have a jam-packed schedule, so she could come home earlier.She leaned against the chair and looked up at the ceiling. "Say, people can be so weird sometimes. Iused to hate Leah so much, but now when I think about her, I can't remember how despicable sheused to be. Now, my impression of her is just okay."

With that, Aurora chuckled. "So weird, right? When someone was alive, we might wish they would justdie, but when they're no longer here, we might think it's better if they were alive. It's so funny."

Cindy looked up and glanced at Aurora. "That's why we always glorify the dead. It must be because ofthis mentality."

No matter how evil someone had been in their life, after their death, their evil deeds would fade away,and people would just remember the mundane or nice things they did.

After a while, Aurora sat up straight. "Still, how much hatred would it take for a son to kill his ownmother?"

Cindy raised an eyebrow. "Huh? What?"

Ian didn't manage to update Cindy on Leah's incident, so Cindy had no idea that Leah died at Simon'shand in the end. When Aurora saw Cindy's reaction, she realized what was going on. She hastily wentover to the dining table and told Cindy everything she had heard from Ian.

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