Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2184
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Chapter 2184

Cindy kept the draft and fished out a new piece of paper as she wanted to redraw it.

Before she could do that, her phone buzzed on the table. She quickly picked it up as she thought thatIan had sent her a message when he had some free time. novelbin

It turned out that it wasn't Ian's message. It was an unfamiliar number, and the person had introducedherself as Lucy.

Seeing that, Cindy furrowed her brows. If not for the fact that she was at work, she would'vecomplained about it. Lucy was an adult, but she was just as relentless as a kid.

Only a kid would pester the other party even though the latter ignored them. Doesn't she know she'sannoying? She's an adult now, so I'm sure she can tell that I'm irritated. Why does she still continueharassing me?

As Cindy thought about it, she realized that there was indeed something wrong with Lucy. Gary hadturned the woman down, but she still stubbornly pestered him. That said a lot about Lucy. It was saidthat women were sensitive. If a man didn't love a woman, even though he didn't make it clear, she wassupposed to feel it.

Furthermore, Gary had rejected her outright, so it was impossible that she felt nothing.

Does she just insist on getting whatever she wants without caring about others' feelings? Cindy kept the draft and fished out a new piece of paper as she wanted to redraw it.

A woman like Lucy made Cindy feel speechless.

Lucy wrote in the message that she would like Cindy to add her to her contact list so that they could getin touch when there was a need to do so in the future.

Cindy found it laughable, for they had nothing to do with each other. There wasn't a need for them tocome into contact. As long as Lucy stopped bothering her, the two of them could be total strangers inthe company.

Serena happened to enter the office just then. Supposedly, she was there to see if anyone had anyquestions so that she could enlighten them.

Without saying anything, Cindy focused on her drawing. When Serena finally left, Cindy rose from herchair and headed to her office.

When Serena arrived at her office and saw Cindy behind her, she was surprised. "What's wrong? Doyou need any help?"

Serena was in the general office earlier, but Cindy had said nothing. It was apparent that she hadsomething to tell Serena that she didn't want others to know.

With a helpless expression, Cindy sat down in front of Serena's desk. "Miss Warhol, I'm not here forwork-related matters. I need to talk to you about something."

Serena smiled in response. She usually didn't have to worry about Cindy. Sometimes, the otherapprentices would come up to her and talk about their private affairs. They would also ask her forguidance when they faced any problems at work.

Recently, Cindy didn't talk to Serena about anything else apart from work-related issues. Therefore,Serena was surprised at that moment. She nodded and asked, "What happened? What's troublingyou?"

Cindy pursed her lips and replied, "I just want to know what Miss Harrison is like. I know little about her,but she always appears in front of me as of late. I have no idea how to deal with her. What can I do sothat I can make everything clear to her without causing any conflicts?"

Serena seemed to have expected Cindy to bring this up, so she smiled helplessly. "Lucy is an obstinateperson. Honestly, I don't know how to deal with her, either. I met her when we studied at the samecollege. How should I put it? Her stubbornness will help her with her work, but it's troublesome whenshe tries to make friends with others."

After hesitating for a bit, she continued, "If you need a piece of advice, I can only tell you to stay awayfrom her. Only when you stop coming into contact with her can you prevent any conflicts with her."

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