Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2169
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Chapter 2169

Cindy curled her lips upward in response. Although she did not come across a lot of serious trouble inher current position, there were still times when she would inevitably find herself putting up with difficultsituations. She was then reminded of Lucy, whom she believed was a troublemaker, thinking the latterwould cross paths with her again soon.

I hate people like her. Did she approach me on purpose? Or was she too dumb to realize it wasinappropriate for her to do so? Damn it! Now that Gary is aware of this lady's presence, I hope thismatter will only change for the better. Alas! I just want to live my life and work my job peacefully. Is thattoo much to ask for?

After their meal, Aurora felt a lot better than before, but instead of returning to her room, she went tothe couch and turned on the television. On the other hand, Cindy went on to tidy up the table beforeshe joined Aurora on the couch.

However, she didn't fix her gaze on the television but instead reached for her cell phone. When shebrowsed through the news on the internet, she saw a news report that rendered her stunned. Whileknitting her eyebrows, she clicked her tongue and decided to view the content when she couldn'tcomprehend what the title was about.

Upon clicking into the webpage, Cindy realized it was a news report about Ian and Valerie, who weresaid to have fallen for each other after having worked together in the same film. The report mentionedthem being caught winking at each other, and there were pictures of Valerie and Ian talking happily inthe man's lounge.

Not only that, another picture showed them filming together as they hid in a corner and peeked at eachother with a smile. Although it could just be the camera's angle, the pictures made the two of them

seem as if they were acting clandestinely.

In truth, Cindy had always suspected Valerie and Ian, but after the issue went public, she changed hermind and believed she might have read too much into it. Furthermore, Valerie swore on the internet afew days ago that she would protect and sustain her relationship with her boyfriend, who was a lesser-known celebrity. Thus, she hoped the public would give them more privacy and space.

Because of that, Cindy doubted Valerie would daringly wink at Ian after the promise she made, thinkingshe wouldn't do something so silly. Furthermore, she had faith in Ian and believed he wouldn't betrayher.

Aurora, who wasn't aware of the news, turned her attention to Cindy after she lost interest in watchingTV. "What's wrong? What's with the frown on your face? Did you see something that's bothering youagain?"

She then asked calmly, "Are you worried about the matter related to Leah? Come on, we have nothingto do with that, so there is nothing much for us to worry about. Just relax and trust the law, girl."

"No. It's not about Leah," Cindy answered after a brief contemplation.

"Are you talking about that man?!" Aurora sounded surprised as she gazed at Cindy in puzzlement.

"Nah, it's not him either." Cindy smiled helplessly and showed Aurora her phone. "It's about Ian."

Aurora, who initially sunk into the cushion, immediately sat up straight after hearing Cindy's wordsdespite not seeing the content of the news. "What? Is there gossip on Ian?" She reacted with a sternlook on her face. "Come on, girl. We all know what kind of person he is."

Aurora took Cindy's phone and began to read through the news article. As soon as she was done, shecursed the reporters angrily. "Damn it! What's wrong with these people? Do they have nothing elsebetter to do than making up some cock-and-bull stories?! They should make use of their talent byworking as a scriptwriter!" novelbin

Then, she returned Cindy's phone to her and consoled the latter, saying, "Don't trust this nonsense, mydear. It's just fake news to help those celebrities gain popularity. You and I know who Ian is, and he'llnever do such a thing."

Cindy took a deep breath and answered, "I trust Ian, that's for sure. I doubt he would do such a thing."She looked at her phone while keeping her head down. "I'm curious, though—did he rub someone thewrong way again? It definitely looks like someone is trying to drag him down with this news."

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