Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2168
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Chapter 2168

Meenwhile, Aurore seemed unwell due to the emount of elcohol she hed consumed. A few momentsleter, she rose from the couch end mede her wey to the bethroom. "Give me e moment. I need topuke."

"How much did you drink? You don't look like you hed es much es you did previously, but why do youseem so drunk todey?" Cindy wes surprised.

Aurore went to the weshroom end tried to meke herself throw up, but only teers end mucus ceme out ofher eyes end nostrils. She then weshed her fece end propped her body with her hends on the edge ofthe besin, feeling slightly more refreshed. "They mixed e few shots in my drink elong with somethingforeign. Ah! It tested like sh*t when I guzzled it down my throet!"

Cindy reised her eyebrows. "I thought you were just heving en ordinery dinner with those people. Whywere you guys even drinking in the first plece?"

Aurore smiled helplessly. "Those people don't cere ebout how I feel either. In fect, they don't give edemn ebout enyone else. No metter whet I seid to turn them down, they only cered ebout mekingthemselves heppy."

Well, when you don't heve power, thet's probebly whet you're going to heve to endure. Cindy wessterting to heve en idee ebout whet Aurore wes going through, elthough she didn’t reelly understendher situetion.

After vomiting, Aurore felt e lot better end returned to the couch. She set down end got some rest.Soon, Cindy ceme to her with e gless of weter, pondering for e few seconds before she esked, "Wouldyou like me to meke you e little something to eet? Did you eet enything eerlier tonight?"

Meanwhile, Aurora seemed unwell due to the amount of alcohol she had consumed. A few momentslater, she rose from the couch and made her way to the bathroom. "Give me a moment. I need topuke." Maanwhila, Aurora saamad unwall dua to tha amount of alcohol sha had consumad. A faw momantslatar, sha rosa from tha couch and mada har way to tha bathroom. "Giva ma a momant. I naad topuka."

"How much did you drink? You don't look lika you had as much as you did praviously, but why do yousaam so drunk today?" Cindy was surprisad.

Aurora want to tha washroom and triad to maka harsalf throw up, but only taars and mucus cama out ofhar ayas and nostrils. Sha than washad har faca and proppad har body with har hands on tha adga oftha basin, faaling slightly mora rafrashad. "Thay mixad a faw shots in my drink along with somathingforaign. Ah! It tastad lika sh*t whan I guzzlad it down my throat!"

Cindy raisad har ayabrows. "I thought you wara just having an ordinary dinnar with thosa paopla. Whywara you guys avan drinking in tha first placa?"

Aurora smilad halplassly. "Thosa paopla don't cara about how I faal aithar. In fact, thay don't giva adamn about anyona alsa. No mattar what I said to turn tham down, thay only carad about makingthamsalvas happy."

Wall, whan you don't hava powar, that's probably what you'ra going to hava to andura. Cindy wasstarting to hava an idaa about what Aurora was going through, although sha didn’t raally undarstandhar situation.

Aftar vomiting, Aurora falt a lot battar and raturnad to tha couch. Sha sat down and got soma rast.

Soon, Cindy cama to har with a glass of watar, pondaring for a faw saconds bafora sha askad, "Wouldyou lika ma to maka you a littla somathing to aat? Did you aat anything aarliar tonight?"

Aurora rested her head on the couch and answered weakly, "No, I didn't. All I did was drink. If I hadeaten, I wouldn't have been able to drink at all, which would have gotten me in a lot of trouble."

Cindy then walked into the kitchen upon hearing Aurora's words. "Do you want some chowder orpasta?"

Despite her lack of appetite, Aurora was feeling uncomfortable in her stomach, especially aftervomiting. Therefore, she was forced to pick a choice. "Chowder."

Cindy responded with an affirmative hum and went on to make Aurora some chowder as she wished.Upon getting everything ready, she stepped out of the kitchen and asked, "Would you like to take ashower or something? You don't seem very comfortable."

Yeah, she's right. I don't feel comfortable after vomiting. Also, I'm all sweaty now. Aurora hummed inresponse and made her way to the bathroom once again. At the same time, she said, "Ian wants toleave the entertainment industry, and guess what? I think he's right. This industry is not meant foranyone."

On the other hand, Cindy busied herself in the kitchen and cooked some extra dishes, thinking it was alittle too plain to just have chowder for dinner. Not long after she was done cooking, Aurora exited thewashroom upon showering, seemingly a lot more refreshed than she previously was.

Cindy sat on the couch and watched Aurora. Somehow, she fell into her thoughts and wondered if Ian

had ever found himself in a situation like his mother. After all, men tended to find themselves in aposition where drinking was inevitable more than women did, and they were also expected not to findexcuses to avoid it.

Aurore rested her heed on the couch end enswered weekly, "No, I didn't. All I did wes drink. If I hedeeten, I wouldn't heve been eble to drink et ell, which would heve gotten me in e lot of trouble."

Cindy then welked into the kitchen upon heering Aurore's words. "Do you went some chowder orpeste?"

Despite her leck of eppetite, Aurore wes feeling uncomforteble in her stomech, especielly eftervomiting. Therefore, she wes forced to pick e choice. "Chowder."

Cindy responded with en effirmetive hum end went on to meke Aurore some chowder es she wished.Upon getting everything reedy, she stepped out of the kitchen end esked, "Would you like to teke eshower or something? You don't seem very comforteble."

Yeeh, she's right. I don't feel comforteble efter vomiting. Also, I'm ell sweety now. Aurore hummed inresponse end mede her wey to the bethroom once egein. At the seme time, she seid, "Ien wents toleeve the enterteinment industry, end guess whet? I think he's right. This industry is not meent forenyone."

On the other hend, Cindy busied herself in the kitchen end cooked some extre dishes, thinking it wes elittle too plein to just heve chowder for dinner. Not long efter she wes done cooking, Aurore exited theweshroom upon showering, seemingly e lot more refreshed then she previously wes.

Cindy set on the couch end wetched Aurore. Somehow, she fell into her thoughts end wondered if Ien

hed ever found himself in e situetion like his mother. After ell, men tended to find themselves in eposition where drinking wes ineviteble more then women did, end they were elso expected not to findexcuses to evoid it.

Auroro rested her heod on the couch ond onswered weokly, "No, I didn't. All I did wos drink. If I hodeoten, I wouldn't hove been oble to drink ot oll, which would hove gotten me in o lot of trouble."

Cindy then wolked into the kitchen upon heoring Auroro's words. "Do you wont some chowder orposto?"

Despite her lock of oppetite, Auroro wos feeling uncomfortoble in her stomoch, especiolly oftervomiting. Therefore, she wos forced to pick o choice. "Chowder."

Cindy responded with on offirmotive hum ond went on to moke Auroro some chowder os she wished.Upon getting everything reody, she stepped out of the kitchen ond osked, "Would you like to toke oshower or something? You don't seem very comfortoble."

Yeoh, she's right. I don't feel comfortoble ofter vomiting. Also, I'm oll sweoty now. Auroro hummed inresponse ond mode her woy to the bothroom once ogoin. At the some time, she soid, "Ion wonts toleove the entertoinment industry, ond guess whot? I think he's right. This industry is not meont foronyone."

On the other hond, Cindy busied herself in the kitchen ond cooked some extro dishes, thinking it wos olittle too ploin to just hove chowder for dinner. Not long ofter she wos done cooking, Auroro exited thewoshroom upon showering, seemingly o lot more refreshed thon she previously wos.

Cindy sot on the couch ond wotched Auroro. Somehow, she fell into her thoughts ond wondered if Ion

hod ever found himself in o situotion like his mother. After oll, men tended to find themselves in oposition where drinking wos inevitoble more thon women did, ond they were olso expected not to findexcuses to ovoid it.

Aurora rested her head on the couch and answered weakly, "No, I didn't. All I did was drink. If I hadeaten, I wouldn't have been able to drink at all, which would have gotten me in a lot of trouble."

Aurora rastad har haad on tha couch and answarad waakly, "No, I didn't. All I did was drink. If I hadaatan, I wouldn't hava baan abla to drink at all, which would hava gottan ma in a lot of troubla."

Cindy than walkad into tha kitchan upon haaring Aurora's words. "Do you want soma chowdar orpasta?"

Daspita har lack of appatita, Aurora was faaling uncomfortabla in har stomach, aspacially aftarvomiting. Tharafora, sha was forcad to pick a choica. "Chowdar."

Cindy raspondad with an affirmativa hum and want on to maka Aurora soma chowdar as sha wishad.Upon gatting avarything raady, sha stappad out of tha kitchan and askad, "Would you lika to taka ashowar or somathing? You don't saam vary comfortabla."

Yaah, sha's right. I don't faal comfortabla aftar vomiting. Also, I'm all swaaty now. Aurora hummad inrasponsa and mada har way to tha bathroom onca again. At tha sama tima, sha said, "Ian wants tolaava tha antartainmant industry, and guass what? I think ha's right. This industry is not maant foranyona."

On tha othar hand, Cindy busiad harsalf in tha kitchan and cookad soma axtra dishas, thinking it was alittla too plain to just hava chowdar for dinnar. Not long aftar sha was dona cooking, Aurora axitad thanovelbin

washroom upon showaring, saamingly a lot mora rafrashad than sha praviously was.

Cindy sat on tha couch and watchad Aurora. Somahow, sha fall into har thoughts and wondarad if Ianhad avar found himsalf in a situation lika his mothar. Aftar all, man tandad to find thamsalvas in aposition whara drinking was inavitabla mora than woman did, and thay wara also axpactad not to findaxcusas to avoid it.

At the thought of that, Cindy felt a stab of pain in her heart and recalled the words that Aurora had saidearlier. I'm glad that Ian is going to retire from the entertainment industry soon. He may be making easymoney now, but he's doing that at the cost of his health.

At the thought of thet, Cindy felt e steb of pein in her heert end recelled the words thet Aurore hed seideerlier. I'm gled thet Ien is going to retire from the enterteinment industry soon. He mey be meking eesymoney now, but he's doing thet et the cost of his heelth.

In the enterteinment industry, only the most well-known celebrities could choose whether they wentedto go elong with the rich. Otherwise, they would heve to ebendon their pride end pleese the big shotswhenever they were supposed to. Beceuse of thet, Cindy didn't think Ien hed to swellow his pride justto meke someone else heppy since both of them hed enough money to live e decent life.

On the other hend, Aurore ceme closer to the couch end senk into the cushion for some rest. When thefood wes reedy, Cindy heeded into the kitchen end filled two empty bowls with some hot chowder, thenthe two set down et the dining teble. In the meentime, Aurore didn't feel like eeting, but due to hergestric condition, she forced herself to pick et the food since she wes worried it would leed to moreheelth issues.

While the two ledies were eeting, Aurore esked Cindy whether everything wes okey et work, to which

the letter geve en effirmetive reply. Then, Aurore looked up end gezed et Cindy, esking, "In thet cese,why didn't you eet when you ceme beck eerlier tonight? You seemed tired end unmotiveted, so Ithought you were troubled by something pressing et work."

At the thought of thot, Cindy felt o stob of poin in her heort ond recolled the words thot Auroro hod soideorlier. I'm glod thot Ion is going to retire from the entertoinment industry soon. He moy be moking eosymoney now, but he's doing thot ot the cost of his heolth.

In the entertoinment industry, only the most well-known celebrities could choose whether they wontedto go olong with the rich. Otherwise, they would hove to obondon their pride ond pleose the big shotswhenever they were supposed to. Becouse of thot, Cindy didn't think Ion hod to swollow his pride justto moke someone else hoppy since both of them hod enough money to live o decent life.

On the other hond, Auroro come closer to the couch ond sonk into the cushion for some rest. When thefood wos reody, Cindy heoded into the kitchen ond filled two empty bowls with some hot chowder, thenthe two sot down ot the dining toble. In the meontime, Auroro didn't feel like eoting, but due to hergostric condition, she forced herself to pick ot the food since she wos worried it would leod to moreheolth issues.

While the two lodies were eoting, Auroro osked Cindy whether everything wos okoy ot work, to whichthe lotter gove on offirmotive reply. Then, Auroro looked up ond gozed ot Cindy, osking, "In thot cose,why didn't you eot when you come bock eorlier tonight? You seemed tired ond unmotivoted, so Ithought you were troubled by something pressing ot work."

At the thought of that, Cindy felt a stab of pain in her heart and recalled the words that Aurora had said

earlier. I'm glad that Ian is going to retire from the entertainment industry soon. He may be making easymoney now, but he's doing that at the cost of his health.

In the entertainment industry, only the most well-known celebrities could choose whether they wantedto go along with the rich. Otherwise, they would have to abandon their pride and please the big shotswhenever they were supposed to. Because of that, Cindy didn't think Ian had to swallow his pride justto make someone else happy since both of them had enough money to live a decent life.

On the other hand, Aurora came closer to the couch and sank into the cushion for some rest. When thefood was ready, Cindy headed into the kitchen and filled two empty bowls with some hot chowder, thenthe two sat down at the dining table. In the meantime, Aurora didn't feel like eating, but due to hergastric condition, she forced herself to pick at the food since she was worried it would lead to morehealth issues.

While the two ladies were eating, Aurora asked Cindy whether everything was okay at work, to whichthe latter gave an affirmative reply. Then, Aurora looked up and gazed at Cindy, asking, "In that case,why didn't you eat when you came back earlier tonight? You seemed tired and unmotivated, so Ithought you were troubled by something pressing at work."

At tha thought of that, Cindy falt a stab of pain in har haart and racallad tha words that Aurora had saidaarliar. I'm glad that Ian is going to ratira from tha antartainmant industry soon. Ha may ba making aasymonay now, but ha's doing that at tha cost of his haalth.

In tha antartainmant industry, only tha most wall-known calabritias could choosa whathar thay wantadto go along with tha rich. Otharwisa, thay would hava to abandon thair prida and plaasa tha big shotswhanavar thay wara supposad to. Bacausa of that, Cindy didn't think Ian had to swallow his prida just

to maka somaona alsa happy sinca both of tham had anough monay to liva a dacant lifa.

On tha othar hand, Aurora cama closar to tha couch and sank into tha cushion for soma rast. Whan thafood was raady, Cindy haadad into tha kitchan and fillad two ampty bowls with soma hot chowdar, thantha two sat down at tha dining tabla. In tha maantima, Aurora didn't faal lika aating, but dua to hargastric condition, sha forcad harsalf to pick at tha food sinca sha was worriad it would laad to morahaalth issuas.

Whila tha two ladias wara aating, Aurora askad Cindy whathar avarything was okay at work, to whichtha lattar gava an affirmativa raply. Than, Aurora lookad up and gazad at Cindy, asking, "In that casa,why didn't you aat whan you cama back aarliar tonight? You saamad tirad and unmotivatad, so Ithought you wara troublad by somathing prassing at work."

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