Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2126
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Chapter 2126

Aurora knew her limits, and she no longer indulged in daydreams at her age.

Cindy went to wet a towel and came back to wipe Aurora's face. Then, she said a few words ofencouragement.

Aurora was truly in a good mood today, and she kept smiling throughout the process. In the end, Cindyhelped her walk back to her room.

Aurora really had too much to drink. When she got into her room and saw her bed, she immediatelyflopped onto it.

Cindy considered helping Aurora change out of her clothes, but she decided against it in the end. Afterall, she still felt a bit embarrassed to do that.

In the end, she just pulled up the blanket to cover Aurora and turned off the lights before leaving theroom.

After all that fuss, Cindy felt like she couldn't go back to sleep. She fetched a glass of water from thekitchen and stood at the kitchen counter, mulling over some things as she drank.

Ian had always been doing well in his work, and things were looking up for Aurora in terms of hercareer right now. Hence, Cindy was the only one left.

She felt like she was dragging the family down.

Upon thinking about this, Cindy was now wide awake. She hurried back to her room and took out a pen

and some paper.

Perhaps due to the various thoughts in her head, she managed to get a little inspired as well.

Cindy hastily put to paper the images in her head. She had been seeing some fashion week materialthese days, so she came up with a few ideas of her own.

It was only a vague sketch in her mind before, but thanks to the stimulation she got from Aurora'snewfound gig, she had a more fleshed-out image in her mind right now.

Cindy continued working in her room until daybreak. novelbin

She didn't feel the least bit sleepy. When she turned to look at the gradually brightening sky outside,she finally let out a sigh.

With all the progress she made, she finally felt fulfilled, and the empty feeling she had before was gone.

Seeing that it was about time, Cindy filled in some more details on her sketch and went to wash up.After that, she cooked some dumplings.

Aurora probably couldn't get up in time for breakfast, but Cindy still prepared some food and set asideanother portion.

Cindy felt a little sleepy after breakfast, so she went back to her room and drew the curtains shut. Shecould finally sleep in peace. Aurora still had something to do later in the afternoon, and she woke up atnoon. Cindy was sleeping, but when she heard noises outside, she got out of bed to look.

By then, Aurora had already washed up and changed her clothes. She looked like she was ready toleave the house.

Cindy stood at the door to her bedroom. "More work? You haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Aurora nodded. "It's okay, I'll find some time to eat. I've slept a bit too much, so I have to go now."

With that, Aurora turned to look at Cindy and smiled before she walked to the door.

Cindy stood where she was and hesitated for a while. Then, she went back to her room. She couldn'tsleep anymore, so she went to the bathroom to wash up and change her clothes.

She also gathered her things, grabbed her bag, and headed out to the company. Since she couldn'tcalm down at home, she thought she'd be able to focus if she were in the office.

Cindy assumed that there wouldn't be anyone in the office right now, but much to her surprise, hercolleagues were actually there.

Cindy was shocked to find out that she was the only one who had treated days off in the usual sense.The others still came to work overtime or to learn something new.

Cindy went back to her seat and took out the documents from before. Then, she arranged themsomewhat. She had read through all these documents Serena had given her, and she had alsoreviewed everything.

She didn't know how important the documents were, so she decided to return them to Serena.

After that, Cindy took out the draft she had been working on the day before. She looked for details shewasn't satisfied with and patched those up.

While Cindy was working, Serena came in.

Serena was surprised to see Cindy sitting there when she came to the office. She walked over andasked, "You have the day off, don't you? Why are you here?"

Cindy looked up at her and smiled. "Oh, you're here too. I'm just here to concentrate on finishing thisdraft."

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