Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2110
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Chapter 2110

Cindy set her phone aside and pinched the space between her brows tiredly. She hadn't beenproductive today at all, and her languid state, which seemed to last for the rest of the afternoon,irritated her as well.

She had sat idly at her desk without doing any real work; she barely flipped through documents orpicked up a pencil to sketch, and this continued until it was time for her to get off work.

She hurried out of the company building as soon as work was over and stood on the sidewalk, hopingto hail a passing taxi. Just then, she looked up and noticed that there was a car parked across thestreet.

She knew the car well enough, for she had taken rides in it before.

The driver seat window was not rolled down, so she could not see the person inside. She stared at thecar for a few minutes, and when she saw that it remained idle, she began to wonder if there wasanyone in there at all.

She hesitated for a moment before deciding not to walk up to the car to greet the driver.

She had only just looked away from the car when she saw a passing taxi. She raised a hand andflagged it down. After getting into the backseat, she glanced over at Gary's car once more and saw thatit was still unmoving.

A sigh escaped her then. She never thought that things between her and Gary would ever become astense and awkward as this. They had been good friends before, but now, the idea of seeing each otherface to face seemed like an unnatural prospect.

After the taxi slowly pulled away, Gary finally rolled down the car window on his side. He was leaninginto the seat with his brows drawn together, and he appeared to be deep in thought. In truth, he didn'tknow why he had come over either. He thought it was odd that he had been driving around aimlesslyonly to end up here.

He had seen Cindy leave, and he had even noticed her the moment she walked out of the companybuilding. Naturally, he saw how her gaze had flickered over to him as well.

He actually considered getting out of the car to greet her for a moment, but before he could make uphis mind, she had flagged a taxi and left the scene.

As such, he let it go. He exhaled slowly and told himself to forget about it. After all, it wasn't as if hewould know what to say to her when he saw her anyway.

Meanwhile, Cindy took the taxi back to the apartment. She had only just walked past the thresholdwhen she saw that Aurora was cooking in the kitchen, whereas Ian was not in the living room. He wassupposed to go over to the set today, but she wasn't sure if he had already left.

Cindy changed into her slippers and headed into the kitchen to greet Aurora before asking, "Has theincident from this afternoon been taken care of?"

Aurora nodded absentmindedly and turned off the stove. She brought the dish out and said, "Nothingmajor happened, but there was a bit of trouble. I'll tell you all about it later."

Cindy murmured something in agreement. She paused in thought and turned to go into the bedroom.She gently pried the door open and saw that Ian was smoking out the window.

She frowned as she walked in and closed the door behind her. "Why are you smoking again?" novelbin

She had thought that she might not see him after she got home from work, but he was still here afterall.

Ian brushed off her concern and snuffed out the remaining half of the cigarette. He raised a hand andtried to wave the remnants of smoke from around his face before he said, "I'll be packing up later andheading to the set. I've already made an appointment with the director, so you and Mom will be on yourown tonight. Make sure to keep the doors and windows locked."

Cindy crossed over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Okay, I know. Don't worry about ushere. Aurora and I will be rooming in with each other for the time being."

Ian hummed in response and reached to stroke the back of her head. Then, he leaned forward to kissher just beneath her hairline. "It seems like that man won't be showing up anytime soon, but in case ofany emergencies, call the police and avoid confronting him in person."

She laughed. "Don't worry. Should any emergencies arise, he'd be the one getting hurt." She hadkicked the man earlier to injure him, and she had aimed her kick at his crotch, which ought to inflictenough pain to immobilize him for a while.

However, Cindy withdrew her attack when she realized that he hadn't meant to hurt her, or else shewould've injured him on purpose.

As though knowing that the man was nothing more than a sc*mbag who liked to run his mouth, Ian saidnothing and pulled Cindy into his arms. When he spoke again, he didn't bring up the man and instead

murmured sadly, "It's so frustrating that I have to film on set again when I don't even want to go in thefirst place."

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