Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2085
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Chapter 2085

Cindy's lips were pursed as she watched Valerie complete her registration, obtain her room key, andhave her assistant carry her luggage. It was only until Cindy had seen the duo going into the elevatorthat she gave up on her lurking and ran back to Ian.

Ian had been holding a disposable lunch box as he stood there looking at her. He only asked her inexcitement when she had returned to his side. "What? What is it? What did you see?"

She took the lunch box from his hand and grabbed one of the toothpicks in it before popping some foodinto her mouth. "I recognized the wrong person. I thought that it was someone whom I knew, but I onlyrealized that it wasn't who I thought it was after I saw them up close," she muttered.

Knowing that there weren't a lot of people she recognized, he initially thought that she had seen Gary.

It was unavoidable for him to think that as Gary was someone who had traumatized him with his verypresence. He quickly asked again, "Who was it that you thought you saw?"

"I thought it was my colleague," Cindy replied as indifferently as she could. "I only realized that it wasn'tthem when I went over earlier. The only similarity that they share is their physique."

Then, she tried to change the topic of their conversation by stuffing the food in Ian's face. "Try this. Itisn't too bad. The taste is pretty lovely too," she said.

Ian shook his head and continued questioning her. "Are you very close with your colleague?"

"They are the only ones whom I can talk to. They joined the company using their connections as well,so they probably used to be outed by others like how I was," she answered with a sigh.

He finally fell silent after hearing her detailed, convincing explanation.

Ian knew that he was being too sensitive about her. Gary was the first person to come to his mindwhenever Cindy mentioned her work. They soon continued their walk along the street, and now, Ianmade sure to properly keep his mask and cap on.

There was a small square not far ahead that was bustling with noise. There were elderly people withchildren as well as young couples hanging around the place.

Thanks to the crowd, the square seemed even more rowdy due to its small size.

Cindy had finished the snacks she was holding at that moment, and after throwing the paper lunch boxinto a nearby trash bin, she squealed, "Let's see what is over there."

Ian was slightly reluctant about heading straight into a crowd because of his circumstances.

He had already been spotted by the public at the airport. If anything else were to happen again, hewould have to do some explanation to Hannah.

Cindy laughed when she guessed the reason behind his hesitation. She went over and hugged his armbefore she teased, "There are so many people here. I doubt anyone will notice us. I was just about toremind you to not feel too disappointed in case no one recognizes you."

Hearing her words made him laugh heartily, and he lifted his arm to hug her around her shoulders. "I'mnot an egomaniac. It would be so much better if no one recognizes me!"

She then pulled Ian by his wrist and started leading the way toward the square. "Let's go, then! I can'twait to dive into a crowd when I see one."

As he followed along, she abruptly asked him a question that surprised him. "Your filming crewprobably isn't too busy now, right? Are they being given a holiday?"

As he followed along, she abruptly asked him a question that surprised him. "Your filming crewprobably isn't too busy now, right? Are they being given a holiday?"

He didn't know why she was asking him that, but he obediently answered, "I don't think so. They willprobably have to work harder since I am on leave. Ms. Jones even told me to hurry back to the crewbecause of how hectic work has been nowadays."

After hearing his words, Cindy took a deep breath. She didn't really want to mention about seeingValerie earlier, especially since she had even rushed over to catch a glimpse of Valerie. It wouldprobably feel too intentional on her part.

Ian would definitely have guessed what the earlier fiasco was about if she were to mention Valerie.

So, she could only let out a small laugh when he asked her why she wanted to know that. "I was justcurious," she lied. "I was wondering whether the crew members would request for time off since youwere given a break."

"I don't think so. They are all more dedicated to their work than I am. They probably can't wait to crushme now," he chuckled.

It was common for the crew to scramble for more opportunities. There was once when the director had

mentioned in a conversation about organizing a committee for a new drama, after which a goodnumber of the crew members went to the said director after work to recommend themselves to beincluded in the committee.

This was the reason why they needed to perform their best. It was only through their performances thatthe director might reach out to recruit them. novelbin

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