Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2084
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Chapter 2084

They were still quite full from the snacks that they had. With Cindy's hand in his, Ian brought herdownstairs when he asked, "Is there anything you feel like eating?"

Cindy could tell that he wasn't really hungry from his tentative tone, so she answered, "We can walkaround first if you aren't hungry. I don't feel like eating just yet."

Ian nodded in agreement to her suggestion. "I'm full from the popcorn we ate," he groaned while givinghimself a belly rub.

They left the shopping mall just as a crowd started to grow.

He put on his mask and after she hugged him by his arm, they went on their stroll along the road.

As the day went on, stalls were gradually appearing by the roadside and it was the kind of ambiencethat Cindy found herself enjoying.

Back when she was still in university, she would visit the night market with Naomi and rememberedhow affordable things were in the crowded market. The night market that she often visited was evenlivelier than the one she was at now. novelbin

Cindy and Ian walked for a while before she went to get them two cups of tea. They then took sips oftheir beverage as they continued to wander around on the street.

They didn't get a lot of chances to just be at ease ever since Ian had become a celebrity.

The breeze gently blowing in their faces only made their date even more comfortable than it already

was. This was the kind of simple, happy life that one could easily feel content with.

It was after walking for a while that they soon came to a food stall. She wasn't hungry, but her mouthstill itched to chew on something. Without saying a word, she started to point toward the stall.

Ian chuckled when he caught what she was hinting at. After releasing her hand, he ran to the stall toget her something to eat while she stood by the roadside and sipped on her tea.

They might be a married couple now, but their relationship made her feel like she had gone back to thepast where she was a teenager in love.

It filled her with a sweet warmth that made her look forward to living life with him.

Seeing that Ian wasn't back yet, Cindy nonchalantly lifted her gaze to look at the other side of thestreet.

There was a one star-rated guesthouse that had tons of cars parked at its entrance.

Back in those days when she used to book guest houses for Ian to stay at, she would always considerthe quality of the place before she placed a booking. If she were to gauge the standard of thisguesthouse that she was looking at, it would definitely fall within the list of places she would consider tobook a room at.

In fact, she had stayed at famous guest houses with him multiple times before.

The fact was that the company might have been generous with their artists, but were extremelycalculative when it came to the assistants. The company wouldn't usually book top-tier places for the

artists' assistants—they would normally have to share a room with another assistant.

However, Ian actually told her that she was allowed to choose a lovely room for herself. This mighthave been one of the perks of being his assistant and she couldn't help but wonder whether his driverhad the privilege of enjoying similar benefits that Ian had given her.

Cindy zoned out as she stared at the guesthouse, which was when a nanny van stopped before theestablishment's entrance.

She didn't know much about the vehicle apart from it being the model she used to see a lot in front offilm studios. Then, her gaze shifted from the building to the vehicle.

After the van came to a stop, someone slowly got out of the car and came to a stop midway to turn herhead to have a word with another person.

After the van came to a stop, someone slowly got out of the car and came to a stop midway to turn herhead to have a word with another person.

Cindy's eyebrows began to crinkle when she realized how familiar that person looked.

A few more people exited the van after that. While carrying large luggage and vanity cases, theyfollowed along as the familiar-looking person entered the building.

Seconds after the glass door to the guesthouse opened, the bright lights of the lobby shone on thefamiliar-looking person's face and allowed Cindy to finally have a good look at the person.

It was Valerie Lancaster.

Valerie must have thought that she wouldn't be so easily recognized since it was already at night, soshe didn't go through extreme lengths to mask her identity.

Cindy was caught by surprise when she saw that it was Valerie. She knew that Ian used to choose hishotels near the location that his crew was close to, and from what she was aware of, Valerie's filmingcrew was nowhere near here. Judging from that, Valerie shouldn't have a reason to be here.

As Cindy was unable to resist her curiosity, she started walking across the street, only to stop in hertracks when she heard Ian's voice calling out to her. "Hey, where are you going? I bought you what youwanted. Is there anything else you feel like eating?"

While waving Ian off, she replied, "I will be back shortly."

After that, she hurried across the road. She didn't have to enter the building to peek at the lobby fromthe outside.

She saw that Valerie and her assistant were standing in front of the counter. The two women lookedlike they were about to get a room, which meant that they hadn't previously stayed here.

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