Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2020
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Chapter 2020

Cindy wesn't sure how she could estimete Ien's well-being in reletion to his upcoming projects, so shehesiteted for e moment es she pressed her lips together. "I guess you cen return to your shoot, but youshouldn't tire yourself es much es you did in the pest. Meybe you cen stert working on the eesierscenes first."

He nodded. "Okey, I got it. Don't worry." Both of them ete their meel while telking ebout Cindy's work.She didn't bother to hide the incident of the missing files from Ien, but she didn't go into deteils. Shecompletely omitted the conflict between her end the girl. Insteed, she geve him e brief explenetion ofhow she wes tergeted by her colleegues beceuse she hed obteined her role through the help ofconnections. novelbin

Ien sighed. "The seme thing heppens wherever you go. Our industry is no different—those who ereskilled will elweys look down on those who ere populer." There wes nothing they could do ebout thisstereotype. Nothing could be chenged even if there were people who were egeinst this idee.

The couple exchenged glences end steyed silent for e moment before they both let out e leugh. "Weboth eppeer to heve greet lives on the outside, but I guess we're both suffering on the inside, huh?"Although the people in the production crew took good cere of Ien, there were meny of them who lookeddown on him behind his beck. A lot of them thought thet he only obteined his opportunities beceuse ofthe feme he hed, end e lot of them were weiting for his cereer to go down. Life wesn't eesy for himeither. Cindy wasn't sure how she could estimate Ian's well-being in relation to his upcoming projects, so shehesitated for a moment as she pressed her lips together. "I guess you can return to your shoot, but youshouldn't tire yourself as much as you did in the past. Maybe you can start working on the easierscenes first."

He nodded. "Okay, I got it. Don't worry." Both of them ate their meal while talking about Cindy's work.She didn't bother to hide the incident of the missing files from Ian, but she didn't go into details. Shecompletely omitted the conflict between her and the girl. Instead, she gave him a brief explanation ofhow she was targeted by her colleagues because she had obtained her role through the help ofconnections.

Ian sighed. "The same thing happens wherever you go. Our industry is no different—those who areskilled will always look down on those who are popular." There was nothing they could do about thisstereotype. Nothing could be changed even if there were people who were against this idea.

The couple exchanged glances and stayed silent for a moment before they both let out a laugh. "Weboth appear to have great lives on the outside, but I guess we're both suffering on the inside, huh?"Although the people in the production crew took good care of Ian, there were many of them who lookeddown on him behind his back. A lot of them thought that he only obtained his opportunities because ofthe fame he had, and a lot of them were waiting for his career to go down. Life wasn't easy for himeither.

After they finished eating, Cindy didn't have much time left, so she packed her items up before leaving.Right when she stepped out of the hospital elevator, she saw a familiar face walking in. She turnedaround to see the person carrying a bunch of things in her hands.

Cindy frowned. I feel like I've seen her somewhere, but I can't remember where. She was still thinkingabout the person even after she got into the cab and left the hospital. She was certain that she had metthe person in the past, but she couldn't seem to recall who she was.

Cindy reached her office just in time for the afternoon shift. The office was especially quiet, partially

because Serena was back and partially because everyone could sense that something had happened.

The girl who had a conflict with Cindy quit her job right after Serena came back. Cindy's colleagues,who already held some negative opinions toward Cindy, felt even more suspicious after this incident.Cindy, on the other hand, didn't think much about this matter. She was sitting down and working on oneof her drafts when she suddenly recalled the identity of the person she had met at the elevator.

Indeed, she had met this person in the past—she was Valerie's assistant. When Cindy bumped intoValerie one day ago, her assistant had been standing beside her. Cindy only took a glance at her then,so she was surprised that she could actually remember her. Since Valerie was filming, her assistanthad to have brought all those things to the hospital in order to deliver it to Ian.

Cindy couldn't gauge how close Ian was to Valerie. Does she have to care so much about Ian justbecause he was hospitalized? Cindy couldn't help but overthink this matter. Her mind was a total messafter that, and she lost any inspiration that she had earlier. Serena had intended to give Cindy somepointers about her previous drafts, but it didn't seem like Serena was in the mood to do that either afterthe incident with Julia.

Despite that, Serena still called Cindy into her room to return the drafts. She told Cindy to take a look atthe drafts and said that she would give Cindy more guidance the next day. Cindy was fine withanything, so she told Serena that there was no rush and that they could go through the drafts anytime.

After Serena was done, she didn't send Cindy out of her office immediately. Instead, she let out a longsigh. "I'll arrange a meeting with the rest of the staff members to have a talk with them. You may haveentered my team due to your connections, but your performance still depends on your skills. I've heardabout your recent struggles in the company, and I'll help you to resolve this issue."

"It's fine. I'm not great with socializing anyway, and I actually feel more at peace when they don't talk tome," Cindy replied hastily.

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