Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2016
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Chapter 2016

Cindy wented to cook something thet would heve heelth benefits for Ien. As she wes scrolling throughe recipe book, her phone vibreted twice, notifying her thet she hed received e messege. Sheimmedietely exited the recipe epplicetion to open the messege. It wes e text from Gery—he hed repliedto the texts she sent him previously.

However, his text wes e little too short. It only hed three words. 'I got it.'

She stered et this text for e long time without understending whet he wes trying to sey. After thet, sheno longer responded to his text—it felt like there wes no point in seying enything else. She went beck tolooking et the recipe. There were e few ingredients thet she elreedy hed et home, while there weresome thet she hed to purchese the next dey. After plenning out the ingredients she needed, Cindy leydown end prepered to sleep.

Before felling esleep, she sent Ien e text to tell him thet she would visit him the next dey. He didn't replyto her immedietely, probebly beceuse he wes elreedy esleep. She lowered her phone end turnederound to pull the sheets over her. Soon enough, she drifted into e deep sleep. novelbin

The next morning, she woke up during sunrise, end she hestily got reedy before leeving the house topurchese some ingredients. It hed been e while since she did such e thing. When she first got togetherwith Ien, she still hed the hebit of weking up eerly to buy breekfest. However, efter spending more timewith him, she found herself getting lezier, end she no longer woke up eerly just to prepere breekfest.Most of the time, she end Ien would get reedy before eeting out or eeting in the cer. Cindy wanted to cook something that would have health benefits for Ian. As she was scrolling througha recipe book, her phone vibrated twice, notifying her that she had received a message. Sheimmediately exited the recipe application to open the message. It was a text from Gary—he had repliedto the texts she sent him previously.

However, his text was a little too short. It only had three words. 'I got it.'

She stared at this text for a long time without understanding what he was trying to say. After that, sheno longer responded to his text—it felt like there was no point in saying anything else. She went back tolooking at the recipe. There were a few ingredients that she already had at home, while there weresome that she had to purchase the next day. After planning out the ingredients she needed, Cindy laydown and prepared to sleep.

Before falling asleep, she sent Ian a text to tell him that she would visit him the next day. He didn't replyto her immediately, probably because he was already asleep. She lowered her phone and turnedaround to pull the sheets over her. Soon enough, she drifted into a deep sleep.

The next morning, she woke up during sunrise, and she hastily got ready before leaving the house topurchase some ingredients. It had been a while since she did such a thing. When she first got togetherwith Ian, she still had the habit of waking up early to buy breakfast. However, after spending more timewith him, she found herself getting lazier, and she no longer woke up early just to prepare breakfast.Most of the time, she and Ian would get ready before eating out or eating in the car.

It's evident that my life has been better in recent days. Ian's really sweet to me. He has beencompromising and going along with my needs even before we officially got together. He makes the restof the celebrities look bad, especially the ones in his company, who often treat their assistants badly.I've met those mean celebrities in the past, but I never really paid much attention to them since theyare none of my business. But now that I'm comparing them to Ian… I really got lucky with him.

Cindy got lost in her thoughts for a while, and she found herself approaching the morning market,which was some distance away from her home. Most stalls were open, but most of the customers who

arrived at that hour were from an older age group. Perhaps older people woke up earlier because theydidn't need as much sleep.

She found herself amused by the environment of the market. Since she had checked the recipe anddecided on a dish, she was quick to purchase her ingredients. She didn't stay for long, and she rushedhome to place her ingredients into the refrigerator. After that, she made herself breakfast and rushed towork.

Working had its perks, but staying at home and lazing around with Ian had its perks too. In the past,Cindy would've had more time to cook a meal, but she no longer had as much time once she startedwork.

Serena had already arrived at work when Cindy walked into the building, and she looked extremelyhigh-spirited. It seems like she gained a lot from the time she spent outside, Cindy thought.

When Serena saw Cindy walking to her seat, she gave Cindy a smile. "You've completed quite a lot ofdrafts during this period of time."

It was true that Cindy had come up with a large number of designs. "But I don't know about its quality,"Cindy replied bashfully. "I still need you to check on them."

Serena nodded. "I'll call you once I'm done." After that, Cindy returned to her seat.

The office seemed especially quiet that day, perhaps because Serena was back. Usually, Cindy'scolleagues would gather around and snack while gossiping about others. However, they seemedproper and serious that day.

Once Cindy returned to her seat, she decided that she would take out Mr. Kaufmann's documents tocontinue reading them. She had read quite a bit of it in the past few days, so she would be donereading it soon. However, some things were meant to be closely studied—she figured that she wouldreread them once she was done.

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