Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1880
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Chapter 1880

Now that there were people who openly supported her, Cindy felt fulfilled. She then went to look atsome articles from the media.

Perhaps due to Ian’s cooperative behavior, most of the articles were singing praises about them.

With the fan’s praises followed by the media’s positive take, Cindy felt that they were particularly luckytoday. She was originally a little displeased because of their encounter with Yulia, but now she felt itwasn’t important anymore.

Cindy even had some mean thoughts that Yulia must be terribly heartbroken upon seeing the newsabout them.

It’s rare that things go in my favor. Well, no matter what, I really want to see what happens next.

Aurora gave them a call later in the day, telling them she would pay a visit to the company the next dayto discuss things with Hannah. It was obvious from Aurora’s tone that she was a little nervous about theconversation.

Ian comforted her over the phone, then turned to look at Cindy. He seemed to have thought ofsomething as he said, “Why don’t you go to the company tomorrow as well? You also have things totalk to Hannah about, so you can just go with my mom.”

Cindy thought for a bit, then nodded. “Sure. It wouldn’t be much of a problem if the media spotted meoutside with her.”

Cindy wasn’t part of the entertainment circle, so even if she was seen with Aurora more often, no onewould make a huge fuss over it. There wasn’t any suspicion of bundled promotions concerning them.

Ian told Aurora over the phone to come over tomorrow when she’s ready, and she would go to thecompany with Cindy. Knowing that she would have company, Aurora relaxed and seemed to haveheaved a long sigh of relief. “All right, I’ll go to your place tomorrow. If there’s anything else, we’ll talkabout it then.”

As Cindy waited for Ian to hang up, she took out her own phone to see that Keith had sent her amessage.

I reckon Keith must have seen the news online.

He didn’t ask Cindy how she was doing with Ian, but he felt that the news was getting out of hand. Hefeared that Cindy would be affected by it, so he had asked Cindy to take care of herself.

Keith was concerned about Cindy most of the time, but his concern was also handled carefully, for hewouldn’t interfere too much with Cindy’s matters. Cindy felt like smiling as she read the message fromKeith. A wry smile crept onto her face as she typed out her reply.

Ian took a glance and saw the smile on Cindy’s face, which instantly put him on guard.

He turned around and leaned in to see her phone. “Why are you smiling like that? Who are youchatting with?”

Cindy put on an act, covering her phone to stop Ian from peeking. “It’s a secret. My secret. Don’t look.”

Ian actually knew that Cindy wouldn’t do anything behind his back, but he was deeply intrigued byCindy’s reaction, which made him all the more curious about the secret on her phone. novelbin

Ian quickly wrapped an arm around Cindy’s waist, then reached out his other hand to grab her phone.Cindy already expected this course of action, so she quickly hid the phone behind her.

Ian found the right timing to sneak a light pinch on Cindy’s waist. He knew Cindy’s sensitive spots alltoo well.

Just as expected, Cindy let down her guard and laughed aloud. She twisted and turned as sheprotested, “How shameful, sneaking attacks like that! Come have a fair fight with me if you dare.”

Ian could care less about fair fights. He continued pinching the side of Cindy’s waist. His force was justright as he delivered unbearable tickles, one after the other.

Ian laughed as well. “Who cares about fair fights? I just want to see what you have on your phone.”

Cindy still gripped her phone as her final struggle, refusing to let Ian look. The two were sitting on thecouch, and Ian didn’t hold back as he pressed himself on top of Cindy.

Cindy’s palms were facing downward behind her on the couch, so her phone was safely hidden underher body. At the same time, however, her hands were both trapped beneath her, unable to move.

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