Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1854
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Chapter 1854

Thus, the three of them went home together. When they arrived home, Ian called Aurora and asked herto come over for dinner. Aurora wanted to talk about the Morgan Family's will, and when she heard thatIan was back, she quickly came over.

Cindy was cooking in the kitchen, while Ian, Aurora and the driver were sitting on the sofa, discussingthe matter of Bryce's will. The driver didn't understand this, so he just listened by the side.

To be honest, Aurora was very curious because she wanted to know the contents of the will and hadthe same thoughts as Cindy. As for Ian, he just wanted to know what Leah said to Aurora on the phone.He was not curious about the will but was only interested in the fate of the three people on Leah’s side.

Aurora laughed. “What else could she say? She just scolded me and called me a vixen, saying that Iruined her life, and saying that I stole her money.”

This was roughly what Leah did say. Leah was scolding on the phone so much that she didn't giveAurora a chance to refute. It felt like she just wanted to vent, and she started scolding at the top of hervoice as soon as the phone was connected. For more than 2 minutes, she was shouting all the time,then she hung up the phone once she was done. Aurora thought it was funny, thinking that Leah musthave been furious to do such a thing.novelbin

Ian laughed after listening to Aurora and said, “She only called to scold you, but I wonder what she didto Sean.”

Then, he thought of another thing. “Sally seems to have left. I don't know where she went; she simplypacked a small luggage and left."

Sally was a bit like Ian at that time, but Ian didn't even pack his luggage and he didn't bring anythingfrom the Morgan Residence either. Aurora raised her eyebrows and asked, “Is she really gone? Itseems that she has lost hope for the will.”

He shook his head slowly, feeling that Sally's departure should have nothing to do with the will sinceshe had really shed tears at Bryce’s funeral. Ian and Sean were a little impatient or frustrated, but shewas feeling downcast. Maybe she had really thought things through. Without Sally by their side, Leahand Simon might not have a good life later on.

Ian knew what Simon was like. Simon was the sort of person to depend on his mother all his life. Afterso many years, Leah had sacrificed so much for him, yet he had not shown any gratitude. It seemedthat in his opinion, he deserved everything Leah gave him.

Perhaps, this was the consensus they had reached. Some parents felt that they should give theirchildren as much as they could, and their children would feel the same way. Thus, maybe both partieswere in the wrong.

Cindy started to cook vegetables and soup at this point. Even though she had returned to her busy lifebefore, she now felt very fulfilled. She didn't remember until halfway through the cooking that shehadn't told Ian that she was hired by that design company. Hence, she suppressed her excitement,quickly finished cooking, and washed her hands before coming out of the kitchen.

Over there, Ian and Aurora had finished talking about the Morgan Family.

Cindy went over and sat next to Ian before saying, “I haven't told you yet, but something greathappened today.”

The driver laughed at that. She couldn’t help but turn red because she felt that she was being ashowoff.

Hearing this, Ian turned to look at Cindy, but did not ask immediately. He thought about it for a momentand asked, “Is there any news from that company?”

She had gone to that company to try her luck today and since she said that something great hadhappened, this was the only possibility.

Cindy sighed. “Ugh, I was trying to make you guess, but you didn’t give me a chance.”

Laughing, Ian raised his hand and ruffled the top of Cindy's hair. “This is too simple. If I can't guess it, Iprobably have no brains.”

Hearing that, she snorted and said nothing.

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