Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1801
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Chapter 1801

Aurora clicked her tongue. “Well, some people are just shallow that way, and it would do us a world ofgood to just let them be. Ian will come to understand this someday once he encounters more of thesescandals and schemes in the entertainment industry.”

The entertainment industry could be a more brutal playground for those who wanted their fifteenminutes of fame. Cindy found herself agreeing with that notion, and she was sure that experiences inthese matters would eventually build up one’s apathy toward them.

Maybe Ian is already thinking the same way, and at this point, he just can’t be bothered with the likes ofthose people anymore. After all, there were some things that one grew accustomed to without having tofirst accept them if those things happened often enough.

Aurora, on the other hand, was not affected by Ian’s predicament at the funeral parlor as she broughtCindy to several more boutiques where she ended up buying two outfits.

She seemed focused, happy even, as she tried on one outfit after another. novelbin

From the looks of it, she had completely shaken off the residual grief and resentment that followedBryce’s death. The man was already dead, and it was pointless for her to dwell in the history she hadwith him; if anything, she should be living her life to the fullest right now.

Meanwhile, Cindy was starting to grow tired of shopping. While time passed quickly as they browsedthrough the boutiques, she had never been one to shop. Being the homebody that she was, she wouldmuch prefer cozying up at home with a good television show, scrolling through her phone for idle news,or playing a round of video games or two.

However, she only wanted Aurora to feel better, and on that note, she had no choice but to keep thewoman company while she stalked through each boutique like a hunter on a prowl.

Little did she know that Aurora would only be more invigorated with each shop they perused. They hadspent nearly the whole morning and half of the afternoon walking around the mall, but Aurora was stillwalking with a spring in her step.

Cindy was the first one to crack. Presently, she shot Aurora a look of despair as she said, “I don’t think Ican walk anymore. My feet are killing me.”

Aurora spun to look at her before she pointed out a little peevishly, “Women don’t grow tired ofshopping! Or rather, we shop ’till we drop. Heavens, when I was your age, I could spend the whole dayin a mall, and I wouldn’t leave until closing time, and even then I was still full of energy!”

Upon hearing this, Cindy thought about Naomi, who shared Aurora’s sentiments on shopping. The girlcould shop from morning until closing time and still return looking well-rested. Unfortunately, Cindy wasborn without such stamina and she was already shutting down as they spoke.

At the sight of the weary expression on Cindy’s face, Aurora heaved a small sigh and allowed, “Fine,we’ll go home.”

They hailed a taxi shortly after that, and on the way home, Cindy felt as though the heavens had takenpity on her and saved her from distress.

When they stepped through the front door of the house, she nearly cried out in joy and kissed thecarpet. Finally, I get to rest! She didn’t even bother removing her shoes before crossing over to the

couch and collapsing onto it.

She thought she had done more walking today than she did in the past few months. Her feet werekilling her, and her legs were numb. Whoever hard-wired Naomi must have also hard-wired Aurora.The woman doesn’t even look the slightest bit worn out!

Presently, Aurora was going into the bathroom to try on her new clothes before she sauntered back intothe living room to do a twirl in front of Cindy, asking for her opinion.

Cindy nearly laughed. Just yesterday, Aurora had been trying to pick up smoking, and now she was alittle girl playing dress-up without a care in the world.

While women had mood swings that were as unpredictable as the weather, Aurora’s transition wasclose to being cinematic gold. She was a completely different person from yesterday.

Since she was no longer patient or indulgent enough to give honest opinions on Aurora’s many outfits,Cindy resorted to brief hums and fleeting glances. She didn’t even take a proper look at the outfitsbefore saying absentmindedly, “Yes, yes, it’s gorgeous. You look great in anything. You’re rocking thatdress.”

Aurora knew that Cindy was only brushing her off like a parent would a child. With a light-hearted scoff,she accused, “I know that you’re only humoring me, but I do agree that I look amazing in this.” She dida twirl before mumbling to herself, “I saw all the supportive comments directed at Ian online. We’ll befilming on set soon after this whole thing blows over, and when the time comes, I have to look my best.I must seize this chance to give the world a brand-new perspective on me.”

Cindy merely nodded, and her eyes fluttered closed as she muttered, “I’m sure you’ll get what you

want. I know it.”

Across the internet, the narrative surrounding Aurora was beginning to flip in her favor. More likely thannot, the Morgan Family had managed to put the word out on how Bryce had cheated on and lied toAurora during the course of their relationship.

It followed that by the time Aurora found out the truth, she was already pregnant with Ian, and she hadno way out.

At that point, Bryce had actually planned on marrying Aurora, but he needed to wait until he was awidow. Alas, Aurora had been so heartbroken that she left her child in his care instead before she saidgoodbye on her own.

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