Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1733
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Chapter 1733

Both of them took a stroll down the road without any specific destination in mind and they arrived at afork after a while.

Ian pulled Cindy to the left, but he suddenly froze after taking a few steps.

She noticed the sharp change in his behavior and quickly turned around, only to realize that Peter waswith the girl who fancied him and they were close by.

When he saw Ian and Cindy together, his expression immediately became solemn, but he did not pull along face.

On the contrary, the girl was rather elated to see them and she looked at Cindy with an air ofvindication and sarcasm.

It was something that Cindy was unwilling to care about. I have no clue what she is so proud of.

Nevertheless, she broke the silence and asked Peter, “Are you involved in extracurricular activitiesagain?”

He shook his head. “Nope. I have something else to attend to, so I’m not joining the activities today.

Cindy nodded. Then, Ian shot a glance at the girl next to Peter while still holding Cindy’s hand. “Is thisyour girlfriend?”

After hearing the question, a stunned Peter quickly explained, “No, she’s just a friend of mine from theclubs and societies at school.”

The girl’s facial expression stiffened, but she did not say a word.

“I see,” Ian responded. “I thought she’s your girlfriend.”.

Peter had most likely misunderstood what Ian meant, so he immediately made himself clear again.

As he looked at Cindy, he said, “I’m not someone with such low standards that I will confess to youwhile having a girlfriend. And I’m also not such a casual person to immediately look for another girl toreplace the void after you rejected me.”

Upon hearing that, the girl’s eyes widened. Apart from her stiff facial features, she also looked shocked.

Cindy smiled. “Don’t get me wrong. We aren’t implying anything.”

It was most likely that Peter did not want to face them. He merely nodded at her and walked past themin large strides without saying another word.

Meanwhile, the girl quickly followed behind him. When she passed by Cindy, she shot a fierce glare ather. novelbin

However, Cindy snorted in laughter without a second thought and pouted at her. What can she do?Comparison is the thief of joy.

After Peter and his female companion walked far away, Ian snorted. “I never expected him to be ratherclever.”

Cindy raised her hand to punch his shoulder. “Why are you like this? You don’t have to say certainthings since there’s nothing between both of us.”

Ian wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “I know, but I’m definitely unhappy that he still has you in hismind.”

She snorted coquettishly. Actually, I quite like how Ian gets jealous over me.

Both of them took a turn outside and bought some fruits before they went back home.

As Aurora was still in her room, his phone rang the minute he placed the fruits on the kitchencountertop.

It was an unfamiliar number, which made him frown.

Ian didn’t want to answer it because it was a general rule of his not to pick up any calls with unfamiliarnumbers.

However, after the phone stopped ringing, he received a message.

‘I’m your dad.’

A long time ago, Ian had deleted all the contacts from the Morgan Family and he did not evenremember Bryce’s number.

Upon seeing the message, Ian froze as he never expected that Bryce would contact him.

After sending the message, Bryce called once again and Ian answered this time.

As soon as the call connected, Bryce said, “It seems like you didn’t even save my number.”

Ian did not deny that and agreed, “There’s no need for that. If the incident didn’t happen this time, wewouldn't be contacting each other anyway.”

Bryce sighed. “Why do you always say something so hurtful? Even if you don’t spell it out for me, I canstill understand things.”

Beating around the bush was something that Ian was bad at. “I’m just stating the facts. I thought youloved hearing them.”

In the past, it was true that Bryce liked to listen to the cold, hard truth. After all, he had experiencedmany cases of backstabbing and cheating in the business field, so he didn’t like it when others werebeating around the bush.

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