Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1717
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Chapter 1717

Cindy remained quiet with her lips pressed together. As she lacked knowledge about the internal issuesof the Morgan Family, she couldn’t make head or tail of the situation and therefore couldn’t understandSean’s reason behind his actions.

She thought that it might be an attempt to help Ian, but she failed to see the intention to be ofassistance from the seemingly unimpactful article.

In the end, the few of them sat together and scanned through the comments below the article. Thereweren’t many of them and most of them were speculations about the scandal that involved Ian.

Simon had previously disclosed to the media that Ian was less favored in the family and Bryce hadonce kicked him out of the house because of his misbehavior.

Yet, as soon as this news was out, it more or less debunked the nonsense that Simon had spewedbefore this. Since Ian had brought his girlfriend to go and meet Bryce, their relationship was not asunpleasant as how Simon had described.

After some time, Ian’s phone rang. He rose to his full height and returned to his room with his phonebefore picking up the call.

Sean’s voice from the other end of the line revealed his fatigue. He explained that he was rather busyearlier and wasn’t free to talk over the phone. novelbin

Ian chuckled in response. “Is it because the mother and children went to look for you?”

Sean, who wasn’t surprised that Ian was able to guess the situation, hummed in response. “You knowwhat the three of them are like. If it wasn’t because of the old man who managed to keep them undercontrol all these years, the three of them would have turned the world upside down. Now that the oldman has been admitted into the hospital, they started to come up with schemes.”

Ian walked up to the window. “That’s understandable. After suffering for so many years, it’s only naturalfor them to make their own plans.”

Upon hearing that, Sean laughed. “All of us do, but it will depend on our respective capabilities.” Aforward person like him had no intention to conceal his thoughts.

Then, he asked, “You wanted to ask me about the article on the Internet, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” Ian replied before he added, “It seems like it was indeed your doing.”

Sean exhaled slowly and muttered, “I have to make myself clear that I didn’t do that for your sake.”

Upon hearing his honest response, Ian broke into a smile. “Don’t worry, I’m not that self-regarding. Ijust wish to know whose work it was, not because it concerned me, since that article didn’t affect memuch.”

Then, he brought up another topic. “How is the old man’s condition? If it’s alright, I’ll go and pay him avisit at the hospital in the next two days.”

Sean leaned back in his chair. “He’s fine. Simon caused trouble outside some time ago, so he was alittle mad. I think he called the mother and children and gave them a good scolding. I didn’t ask him indetail since I’m not curious about it, but the doctor told me that he is fine, so I just let it be.”

Ian nodded. “Alright. I now know what I wanted to know; you may continue with your business.”

Yet, Sean seemed to have no intention to hang up the call. “I have nothing much on my hands now.”

Upon hearing this, Ian, who was about to hang up the call, paused. After a few seconds of silence, heheard Sean’s voice from the other end of the line. “I supposed that Leah will pay you a visit; shedoesn’t know that your mother came along with you. I wanted to remind you about it, to prevent thematter from escalating since I know a thing or two about your mother’s character.”

Ian understood Sean’s underlying meaning—Leah was the legitimate wife no matter what, but Aurorawas merely the other woman who failed to displace the wife and had been kicked out of therelationship.

Hence, disregarding all other factors, Aurora would always be at a disadvantage in comparison toLeah.

If Leah came over and insulted Ian, Aurora certainly wouldn’t sit back and do nothing. Judging fromAurora’s temper, it would be fortunate if they ended up in an argument, but there would be a highchance for them to end up in a fight.

If they really kicked up a ruckus, the public would subconsciously side with Leah since she had alegitimate identity.

And so, Ian hummed in response. “I understand.”

Sean then continued, “I heard that the old man contacted the lawyer. I suspected that he may rewritehis will. When you come over the next time…”

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