Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1601
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Chapter 1601

“You can have some food before taking your medicine. You’ll feel worse if you take this without eatingsomething. I’m almost done with cooking—I just need to prepare some vegetables,” Hazel uttered afterplacing the medicine down.

“Okay,” Cindy replied while picking two types of medicine and placing them aside. Hazel hurried intothe kitchen to continue cooking while Cindy turned the TV on after contemplating for a moment.Despite having the TV on, she couldn’t seem to process whatever she was watching at all. All shecould think of was the fight with Ian that night.

She went through all of the accusations that Ian had made about her. Aurora claimed that he only saidthose words because he was jealous, and Cindy held the same suspicions at one point. However, aftergoing through the whole situation once more, Cindy felt like it wasn’t likely for Ian to have done so outof jealousy. It’s not that I’m not confident about myself; it’s just that there are way too many betterwomen in Ian’s life. All of the women around him could easily capture half of the population’s heartswithout even trying. As much as I would like to be confident about myself, I can’t compete with womenlike them!

People in the village often went to bed early. On top of that, Cindy and Hazel didn’t have a lot to talkabout, so after having a meal and watching some TV, both of them retired to their respective rooms.Although Cindy only slept for an hour in the afternoon, she felt extremely awake that night. novelbin

She lay in bed and hesitated for a long while before she unlocked her phone. This time, she wentonline to scroll through the news related to Ian’s matters. It had been a while since she kept herselfupdated on the news, so there were some developments that she hadn’t seen previously.

There were some people talking about Bryce’s hospitalization, and it sounded like Bryce was really ill.His heart was reported to be extremely weak as he had stayed in the hospital for a long time withoutbeing discharged. It was unclear if he would spend the rest of his days there. Some media sites linkedBryce’s hospitalization to Ian, claiming that Bryce was hospitalized after Ian made him angry. Theseclaims sounded legitimate—they discussed how Bryce used to be against the idea of Ian being acelebrity and how Ian insisted on his own decisions because of money and fame.

The websites claimed that Bryce was already infuriated by his son’s decision and that he got evenangrier each time he saw the gossip and scandals related to his son on the Internet. Bryce’s health wassaid to have deteriorated after all of this. Apparently, Bryce had to be hospitalized because he got toomad after a recent fight with Ian.

They’re really trying to put all of the blame on Ian, huh. Cindy threw her phone aside angrily. This wasthe first time she felt so disappointed in the company’s immediate responses to the public. The Internetwas filled with similar articles making the same claims, and Cindy no longer wanted to use her phoneafter scrolling for a short while. She felt like she would lose her temper if she saw any more of the samereports.

Cindy wasn’t sleepy to begin with, and she felt even more awake after seeing all the news articles. Allthe lights at home were turned off, and it sounded like Hazel was fast asleep. Cindy sat up in bed andcrossed her legs before staring at the night scenery outside her window. Mom probably went out to playpoker earlier this afternoon. I don’t think there’s much else she can do here. I used to hate it when shegambled because I thought that she was wasting her time doing unimportant things. But now, I feel likeI’m starting to understand why she does it. There isn’t much else she can do here, after all. Poker isjust her way of passing her time.

After some time, Cindy took her phone, sneaked out of her room and made her way to the living room.

She glanced in the direction of Hazel’s room. The door was closed, but it wasn’t clear if her mother wasasleep. Then, she tiptoed out to the front porch. The wind outside was cooling, and Cindy wrapped herjacket tightly around herself. After some hesitation, she decided to send a few texts to Aurora.

Previously, Aurora told Cindy to update her when Cindy arrived home safely. Cindy therefore drafted asimple text to explain that she had got home and that she had only woken up after spending theevening resting because of a cold. A few minutes after Cindy sent the text, she received a call fromAurora.

This time, Cindy picked the call up and spoke in a calm voice as she greeted the other woman. Aurorasighed on the other end of the line. “I thought you were going to ignore us for the rest of our lives,Cindy.”

“I’d never do that. It’s late. Why aren’t you asleep yet?” Cindy asked.

“I can’t sleep. Too many bad things have been happening around us recently,” Aurora explained in anexasperated tone.

Cindy bit on her lip and hesitated for a moment before she replied. “I saw the news. Things are going toget worse if they keep exposing Ian that way.”

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