Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1563
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Chapter 1563

Cindy was somewhat annoyed as well. Sena, Linda, and Yulia had all been involved with Ian, but noneof them had gained any benefit from it. Someone had hit the nail on the head before when they saidthat one should stay away from Ian or risk death or injury.

Cindy read some of the comments, but she didn’t bother to read the rest. Instead, she turned herattention to those fake news accounts that had emphatically accused Ian of having an affair, wanting tosee if they had done anything else. She found that they had collectively refuted Ian’s claims after hisstatement was released, but they went quiet when her statement was released. Some even jokinglycommented under these fake news accounts’ posts that they should destroy the surveillance footageas soon as possible, proving that the public was now taking sides with Ian.

Cindy hesitated for a moment before reading the statement Ian had issued earlier. She knew that thisstatement was written by the agency’s public relations department. Nevertheless, her heart raced whenshe saw the statement’s last few sentences expressing his love for her.

She wondered if the public relations department had sent the statement to Ian and let him review itbeforehand. But even if they didn’t, Ian should have read the statement posted on his accountafterward. I wonder how he felt when he read those sentences.

Cindy thought she was overthinking things, but she couldn’t restrain herself. Her emotions went backand forth for a while before her cell phone rang. Startled, she quickly took the phone and looked at it.Surprisingly, it was a phone call from Gary. She answered the phone and greeted, “Hi, Mr. Frye.”

“Uh-huh,” Gary responded with a noticeable hint of tiredness in his voice; he had probably just come offwork. Then, he continued, “I just saw what happened on the internet. Are you and Ian all right?” novelbin

Cindy hesitated for a moment before answering, “It’s nothing serious—at least that’s what it seems fornow.”

Gary replied after a few seconds, “That’s what showbiz is like. Fact and fiction are so tightlyintermingled with one another that one can hardly tell the difference. It’s fine as long as you know thetruth yourself. You don’t have to care about what others might think.”

Cindy curled her lips into a smile. “Yeah, I know that. Thanks for calling me at such a late hour tocomfort me.”

Gary let out a sigh. “Sometimes, you remind me of my past self. I feel that we both stumbled at thebeginning, but I’m more relaxed than you are because we’re in different circles.”

Cindy also knew that Gary was a self-made man without a prominent social status or background.Some articles had detailed his path to fame, and according to these articles, the path had truly been arocky one. That was why it was easy for him to empathize with someone who was in the same

predicament as he had been.

As Gary had some other things to attend to, he didn’t talk much with Cindy. He hung up after telling herto look on the bright side of things.

Cindy put down her cell phone and listened carefully to the movements outside. It was still completelyquiet; Ian had probably fallen asleep at this hour. She switched off the lights and closed her eyes, butYulia’s face somehow came into her mind. She recalled how Yulia had condescendingly talked to herwhen she saw her in the park last time. Now that her statement today had driven Yulia into anembarrassing predicament, she wondered if Yulia would be exasperated.

Even though Yulia had previously been known to be proud and aloof, she had always enjoyed a goodreputation. However, due to this incident, her reputation had hit rock bottom right away.

For some reason, Cindy felt relieved as she thought of this. She turned over and curled herself up into

a ball. She didn’t know whether what happened today was good or bad, though.

Cindy didn’t sleep well that night, and neither did Ian. However, Yulia probably couldn’t sleep any betterthan they did.

In the middle of the night, Yulia called Ian.

Ian didn’t sleep well in the first place, so he woke up as soon as his phone rang. He reached for hisphone and looked at it with a frown. Indeed, it was somewhat inappropriate for Yulia to call him in themiddle of the night.

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