Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1485
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Chapter 1485

Initially, Cindy wanted to cook up a feast for Ian, so she made a whole table’s worth of food. Now thatshe had cooked all that food, she was the only one to eat it.

Cindy lowered her head and ate a few mouthfuls. For some reason, she felt that there was no point toany of this, and she also felt like her efforts had been betrayed.

Throughout the entire meal, Ian never once came back out. The house was silent, and it seemed asthough he hadn’t returned at all.

Meanwhile, Cindy had lost her appetite. After consuming half of her plate’s contents, she put down hercutlery and let out a long sigh. She then got up to store the leftovers before washing the dishes. Oncethat was done, she turned on the television and plopped down on the couch to watch it alone.

Ian still hadn’t emerged, nor was there any sound from his room. It felt inexplicably eerie, seeming asthough they were both caught up in a cold war.

Cindy thought about it carefully, cataloguing everything that had happened today. She was very surethat there had been any friction between them. After all, everything had been perfectly fine until then.

She really couldn’t figure out what Ian was pulling.

Cindy waited for a bit before she took out her phone and logged into her game, only to find that Ian wasin the middle of a round.

He was actually hiding away in his room to game?

They used to party up together whenever they played, though. Now, he was playing this game whilesequestered away in his room. Clearly, this wasn’t quite normal. novelbin

Cindy gave it some thought before she got up and walked over to Ian’s room. She first knocked on thedoor gently. “Ian, are you asleep?”

After a few seconds, Ian replied, “No.”

However, he didn’t beckon her to enter either.

She licked her lips. After some more thinking, she said, “Are you sick?”

“No,” answered Ian once more.

This conversation was going nowhere.

Cindy took a few breaths. “Okay then. Sleep early.”

With that, she switched off the lights in the living room and returned to her own bedroom.

Cindy originally wanted to play a round or two, but she wasn’t in the mood for it right now. Instead, shebrowsed the latest gossip on her phone.

Celebrity gossip came and went very quickly, so Linda’s incident was no longer on the front pages ofthe tabloids. Instead, the current hottest headlines were about some random minor celebrity bringinganother celebrity down to boost her own fame.

Cindy scrolled through the articles for a while, but she couldn’t bear to continue reading. In the end, shejust switched the lights off and went to sleep.

Meanwhile, Ian ended up losing his current round. The game had been going smoothly, but his controlhad gotten worse after he answered Cindy’s questions. Ian put down his phone and sighed deeply.Throughout it all, his forehead remained creased. It was evident that he wasn’t in a good mood. Thatterrible mood had started once he woke up from his afternoon nap earlier, and it persisted until now. Noone had gotten on his nerves—it was a problem of his own making.

Earlier on, he had dreamed a dream that he was embarrassed about. He dreamed that he and Cindyhad gotten together. There was no rhyme or reason to it; they simply lived a sweet, wonderful lifetogether. He even kissed Cindy in the middle of the dream.

It felt absolutely real, for the sensation of her lips and the feeling under his palms did not seem to befrom a dream at all. It was so realistic that it felt like he had actually kissed her in real life.

That was the reason for his irritation when he woke up. Whenever he thought of the dream, he wouldfeel embarrassed, feeling that he was a bit depraved.

Why did he dream of something like this? Ian couldn’t figure out why.

When he woke up, the dream was still fresh in his mind. He could even remember every littleinteraction that he and Cindy had during the dream, and he could also remember the way Cindy hadlooked at him then.

Ian got even more annoyed at the thought. He got up and headed to the bathroom to take a coldshower. When he was done, a thought struck him. He then opened his door and glanced at the livingroom.

It was already dark. Evidently, Cindy had gone back to her room.

He didn’t want to see Cindy—especially after that dream.

Fortunately for him, Cindy was on break starting from tomorrow. Ian wouldn’t have to see her for thenext three days, and the thought eased his mind a little. It would also give him some time to processthe dream.

Ian then left his room to get himself a glass of water. When he went back, he looked at Cindy’s door fora moment.

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