Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1468
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Chapter 1468

Ian shook his head since he was clueless about it as well, for Aurora seemed quite happy whilediscussing her upcoming film role with Hannah back then. Moreover, she had acquitted herself wellwhen they finished discussing everything and left. However, as soon as they left the cafe, she suddenlysaid she was thirsty and went to the supermarket. When she came out of the supermarket, she wasalready as drunk as a lord. Ian didn’t know what had happened in the supermarket, but he figured shehad probably bought booze instead of drinking water. As for why she had drunk herself into a stupor,Ian couldn’t figure it out on their way home. When he asked Aurora why she did so, she didn’t answerhim. Instead, she kept making trouble along the way.

Cindy thought for a moment before she sat down next to the woman. Then, she patted the latterseveral times on the back and said in a tone of voice that sounded like she was coaxing a child, “Youshould go to rest early today. You just landed a film role, haven’t you? Now you have to rest up so thatyou’ll leave a good impression on the others at the screen test later.”

Luckily, Aurora listened to these words. She replied with a nod, “You’re right. I just landed the roletoday.” She put down the cup and turned to face Cindy, “Do you know how much time has passedsince the last time I appeared on-screen? The part is small, and it makes very few appearances in thefilm, but I’m quite happy.” She took Cindy’s hand and held it in hers. “At last, someone has acceptedme, albeit reluctantly. This is an improvement.” She had always talked about her miserable life with asmile on her face, but she visibly choked up this time.

Cindy felt somewhat perturbed when she saw Aurora like this. She patted the back of Aurora’s handand comforted her by saying, “Things will get even better in the future, so let’s take a more positiveattitude. You mustn’t drink alcohol again in the future. You’ll be a performing artist from now on, so youmust pay heed to your image. Now go wash your face and get a good night’s sleep.”

“Uh-huh,” Aurora responded. “Yeah, you’re right. I have to pay heed to my image from now on.” Sheran her fingers through her hair. “I’m going to wash my face,” she said. Then, she stood up andstaggered toward the bathroom.

Ian hurriedly supported Aurora and helped her to the bathroom. Then, he looked back and said toCindy, “Just go to sleep first and leave the rest to me.” novelbin

However, Cindy was worried as well. After thinking for a moment, she turned around, opened the doorto Ian’s room, and entered the room to tidy it up.

Aurora said after getting washed, “You two don’t have to care about me. Just go to sleep.”

Neither Ian nor Cindy moved, though.

Aurora then headed toward Cindy’s room. “I’ll sleep in this room. Hurry up and go to sleep, you two. It’sgetting late.”

A startled Cindy hurriedly went over and stopped her. “How about you sleep in that room? This roomhas been unoccupied. I’ll tidy it up in a while.”

“Ah,” Aurora responded before thinking for a moment. “All right then. In that case, just tidy up the roomyourselves. I’m going to sleep; I can hardly keep my eyes open,” she said before turning around andgoing into Ian’s room.

Cindy immediately closed the door before turning to look at Ian. “How about you sleep in my room? I’llsleep on the sofa for another night.”

Ian waved his hand. “I’ll sleep on the sofa instead. I’m not sure if she’ll come out in the middle of thenight. Besides, it’s more appropriate for me to sleep on the sofa. Since she has gotten so drunk, I haveto check on her in the middle of the night. Just get inside and sleep.”

Cindy gave it some thought before going back to her room as Ian told her to.

Ian sat on the sofa and let out a sigh. After a while, he went back to his room and took out his quilt,which was covered with the new sunflower-patterned orange bedspread Cindy had previously bought.After spreading the quilt on the sofa, he switched off the lights and lay down on it. The sofa wasn’tsmall, but he felt uncomfortable lying on it. In fact, he turned over twice as he couldn’t fall asleep.

When he went to meet Hannah today, the latter had done him a favor by saying that she would look outfor suitable job opportunities for Aurora in the future. However, she had also told him her concerns.After all, Ian was born illegitimate, so Aurora’s return to show business was bound to have a certainimpact on him.

Naturally, Ian was aware of this, but he could do nothing about it. After all, one couldn’t have the best ofboth worlds. He couldn’t benefit Aurora without letting her affect himself, for this would be anunreasonable request.

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