Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1421
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Chapter 1421

Cindy looked in the direction of the sound. Likewise, Ian turned his entire face in the direction,whereupon another click rang out. Cindy spotted the paparazzi who was hiding behind the tree lawn.Actually, he was rather conspicuous. Ian, however, pretended as though he hadn’t seen anything,retracting his gaze. Then, he lifted an arm and wrapped it around her shoulder before getting into thecar with her.

What was that? Perhaps he gave up the pretense since we were already caught, directly making ourrelationship known since we’d been photographed countless times. At least, this was Cindy’s take onIan’s thoughts.

After they’d gotten into the car, the driver chuckled. “Was it deliberate earlier?”

The corners of Cindy’s mouth tilted up. “Ah, you’re smart! Say, do you think those paparazzi will beable to tell that we deliberately allowed them to photograph us? If they do, will they contemplate itfurther and suspect the veracity of our relationship?”

Starting the car, the driver drove out of the community area. As he drove, he replied, “They’ll neverbother contemplating that. They’ll only wonder why the two of you didn’t stand there and pose for aseries of photos. Veracity isn’t something they’ve got to concern themselves with.”

Cindy nodded. Then, she turned to look at Ian. “So, is that why you made it so intentional?”

Glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, Ian arched a brow but said nothing.

When Ian was recording his show, Cindy finally went online to see how her news was brewing. Sure

enough, there was a pandemonium on the internet. Many people reviled her, insisting that she wasn’tworthy of Ian. She’d already braced herself, so she wasn’t particularly anguished to see these cursesthat dragged her family along. Instead, she was just a tad puzzled at their hostility.

While there were those who condemned her, naturally, there were also people who supported her.Some people compared her with Sena Young, saying that she at least looked far kinder besides havingtaken such good care of Ian. Thus, they had no objections as long as Ian liked her.

Also, some were probably anti-fans, and they used Ian’s background as fodder. They claimed that itwas actually pretty fitting for him to be with a girl from an ordinary family considering the fact that hewas an illegitimate child. Such comments mocked her and Ian both.

Cindy herself wasn’t really bothered, but she was a touch curious as to whether Ian would be saddenedwhen he saw these comments. After all, his identity was considered a stain, although it wasn’t his stain.Rather, it was a stain belonging to Old Mr. Morgan, Bryce Morgan, and Ian’s mother. Why does Ianhave to bear the infamy of their wrongdoing?

Putting away her cell phone, she then got up to walk around. Just after taking a few steps, she caughtsight of a celebrity coming over with her assistant. The celebrity kept a very high profile, having twoassistants as well as two bodyguards beside her. I don’t quite understand why she needs bodyguards.The set has been cleared, so there isn’t any need for two bodyguards to escort her. But well, that’s abig shot for you! She didn’t dare stare or ask questions.

When Ion wos recording his show, Cindy finolly went online to see how her news wos brewing. Sureenough, there wos o pondemonium on the internet. Mony people reviled her, insisting thot she wosn’tworthy of Ion. She’d olreody broced herself, so she wosn’t porticulorly onguished to see these cursesthot drogged her fomily olong. Insteod, she wos just o tod puzzled ot their hostility.

While there were those who condemned her, noturolly, there were olso people who supported her.Some people compored her with Seno Young, soying thot she ot leost looked for kinder besides hovingtoken such good core of Ion. Thus, they hod no objections os long os Ion liked her. novelbin

Also, some were probobly onti-fons, ond they used Ion’s bockground os fodder. They cloimed thot itwos octuolly pretty fitting for him to be with o girl from on ordinory fomily considering the foct thot hewos on illegitimote child. Such comments mocked her ond Ion both.

Cindy herself wosn’t reolly bothered, but she wos o touch curious os to whether Ion would be soddenedwhen he sow these comments. After oll, his identity wos considered o stoin, olthough it wosn’t his stoin.Rother, it wos o stoin belonging to Old Mr. Morgon, Bryce Morgon, ond Ion’s mother. Why does Ionhove to beor the infomy of their wrongdoing?

Putting owoy her cell phone, she then got up to wolk oround. Just ofter toking o few steps, she coughtsight of o celebrity coming over with her ossistont. The celebrity kept o very high profile, hoving twoossistonts os well os two bodyguords beside her. I don’t quite understond why she needs bodyguords.The set hos been cleored, so there isn’t ony need for two bodyguords to escort her. But well, thot’s obig shot for you! She didn’t dore store or osk questions.

Unexpectedly, the celebrity abruptly stopped mid-stride. Turning her head, she noticed Cindy and saidsomething to the assistant beside her. The assistant then nodded and answered in a rather loud voice,“Yes, that’s her.” At this, the celebrity chuckled before going on her way.

Cindy could tell that the chuckle was definitely malicious. It’s probably another snub at Ian because ofmy background. Well, this is the entertainment industry whereby people flatter the powerful and scornthe lowly. If I were a boss with resources, people might flock over and ingratiate themselves to me.

Nonetheless, I don’t give a whit about that. She snorted. After doing so, she felt much better.

She then strolled around before seeing a few assistants chatting, probably assistants of the celebrityguests. One of them hurried over at the sight of her. “Ms. Selby!” Cindy was startled. I’m not a celebrity,so why is she showing me such deference? Still, she stood there and looked at the approaching girl.The girl was about her age, appearing harmless with a bright smile on her face.

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