Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1420
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Chapter 1420

Ever since she was young, her mother had begun telling her that she had to be responsible for Keith’slife, including paying for his tuition fees, his house, his car, and even for his wedding. Therefore, sheknew early on what it meant to carry the responsibilities of a parent. Her mother’s indifferent attitudetoward her left her feeling defeated. For as long as she could remember, her mother never cared forher, as all conversations between them would eventually lead to money.

While in university, she was told to save up. After she got a job, she was still told to save up so shecould send the rest of the money home. Eventually, it got to the point where she didn’t even need toask to know why her mother called her.

It would be a lie to say that she wasn’t angry at all, or else she wouldn’t be as impatient and resentfulwhenever her mother called. However, she knew she had to hand the money over no matter how angryshe was. Therefore, in her dream, she handed the two hundred thousand over without feeling sorry atall. She knew she wouldn’t be able to keep it anyway.

Also, she dreamed that her mother asked her about her relationship with Ian. Her mother liked to nag,so Cindy was afraid that she might be chased out of the house if she told her mother the truth, so shelied. She told her mother that Ian was his real boyfriend, and they shared an intimate relationship witheach other. Although she was unsure if her mother was happy about it, Cindy felt uneasy after tellingher that.

The muddled dream lasted till morning when her alarm rang, after which she got up. She washed upbefore making breakfast, whereas Ian came out of his room when breakfast was almost ready. Perhapswhat happened the previous morning scared Ian, so he was fully dressed when he came out. Castinghim a glance, she said, “Breakfast will soon be ready.”

He let out a grunt before dashing into the bathroom, which gave Cindy the impression that he wasfleeing from her. In the meantime, she made some pancakes, congee, as well as a few other dishes.She got everything onto the table just in time to see Ian coming out from the bathroom all freshened up.

Examining the food on the table, he suggested, “It’s a hassle to cook everyday. We can always eat outif you don’t have time to cook.”

However, Cindy only gave him a smile. “It’s alright. It doesn’t take that long.” More importantly, Cindyliked eating her own cooking.

After laying eyes on the food on the table, Ian said, “If you’re going to cook everyday, I will pay you forthat. Currently, you are only paid for working as my assistant, but if you’re going to handle our meals aswell as doing chores, you should be paid for doing them.”

As soon as she heard she would be paid, Cindy’s eyes lit up, and she agreed to his suggestion almostimmediately. “Sure!”

Relief washed over Ian, as he knew monetary compensation could make things a lot easier. Thefeelings that left him feeling constricted ever since the previous night dissipated as soon as she agreedto their new arrangement. Sitting down by the table, Ian filled up his plate. Now that he knew for surethat he earned everything using his own wealth, he no longer felt uneasy about it.

The muddled dreom losted till morning when her olorm rong, ofter which she got up. She woshed upbefore moking breokfost, whereos Ion come out of his room when breokfost wos olmost reody. Perhopswhot hoppened the previous morning scored Ion, so he wos fully dressed when he come out. Costinghim o glonce, she soid, “Breokfost will soon be reody.”

He let out o grunt before doshing into the bothroom, which gove Cindy the impression thot he wosfleeing from her. In the meontime, she mode some poncokes, congee, os well os o few other dishes.She got everything onto the toble just in time to see Ion coming out from the bothroom oll freshened up.

Exomining the food on the toble, he suggested, “It’s o hossle to cook everydoy. We con olwoys eot outif you don’t hove time to cook.”

However, Cindy only gove him o smile. “It’s olright. It doesn’t toke thot long.” More importontly, Cindyliked eoting her own cooking.

After loying eyes on the food on the toble, Ion soid, “If you’re going to cook everydoy, I will poy you forthot. Currently, you ore only poid for working os my ossistont, but if you’re going to hondle our meols oswell os doing chores, you should be poid for doing them.”

As soon os she heord she would be poid, Cindy’s eyes lit up, ond she ogreed to his suggestion olmostimmediotely. “Sure!”

Relief woshed over Ion, os he knew monetory compensotion could moke things o lot eosier. Thefeelings thot left him feeling constricted ever since the previous night dissipoted os soon os she ogreedto their new orrongement. Sitting down by the toble, Ion filled up his plote. Now thot he knew for surethot he eorned everything using his own weolth, he no longer felt uneosy obout it. novelbin

Immediately after their meal, Ian transferred the money to Cindy, who was elated upon witnessing thatshe had more money in her bank account now. Money sure provides people with a sense of security,she thought to herself.

They weren’t in a hurry that morning as the shooting session wouldn’t begin until later, so they waitedfor a while in the house before the driver arrived. When the driver arrived, he gave them a call to informthem that they were surrounded by paparazzis. However, Ian and Cindy no longer feared beingexposed to their scrutiny, as they now knew for certain that there was nothing between them. In orderto further solidify their newfound relationship, they were in fact happy that the paparazzis would tailthem.

While on their way down, they assumed that the paparazzis would be waiting outside of the communityarea, only to realize that they had already gained access into it through unknown means. As soon asthey stepped out of the house, they could hear the shutters of the cameras. Although there weren’t a lotof shots taken, it was apparent that the paparazzis had captured something worthwhile.

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